Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Re-Ordered

And Padma Makes Four

by DrT

When would be one of the worst points in time for an over-powered Harry to return to his past? During the Trial before the Wizengamot! Time-travelling rework Year 5. In this chapter, Padma joins...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Romance - Characters: Harry, Hermione, Luna, Padma - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2007-01-16 - Updated: 2007-01-16 - 3364 words

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters, ideas, and situations created by JR Rowling and owned by her and her publishers. I own the original elements & characters. No money is being made by me, and no trademark or copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter XIV Sunday, October 1, 1995

Normally, Padma was an early riser, and that was true this Sunday as well. Still, as she stretched, reveling in the memories of the kissing and snuggling of the night before and especially in the promises for this day, she realized that she was alone in the wide bed.

Peeking out of the curtains, she saw that a nude Harry was doing Tai Chi, but no one else was in the room. Padma made her way quietly to the toilet and then returned to join Harry in his exercise.

"I didn't know anyone else at Hogwarts did this," Harry said as Padma matched his movements.

"Su Li does this every morning, and she taught me," Padma relied. "Parvati and I were trained in classical Indian dance and singing, of course, although we've fallen behind here at Hogwarts."

Although Harry's body and limbs kept up the perfect pace, his eyes glanced at the nude body beside him. "You are incredibly beautiful."

"Thank you, my lord," Padma replied. "May I say you are wonderfully put together yourself?"

"Thank you. Do you intend to stay the course with me? You may, if you and Hermione wish, form a couple outside a formal relationship with me."

Padma responded without breaking the motion. "Even though multiple wives are no longer considered proper in formal upper caste Hindu society, they are still very common in magical India. My father, who is nearly eighty, has three -- a bondmate and two consorts. His bondmate is from a long line of Indian wizards, nearly as old as the Patils, and we are a very old family. They had five children, all of them magical. The first consort is from a Muggle Brahman family, and they had six children, all magical. The second consort, my mother, is from an incredibly old magical family, but she was born a Squib, something which few people know. Parvati and I are her only two magical children. All of our magical half siblings were sent back to India to receive their magical education, and our seven Squib siblings had the choice. All but our full sister, two years older than us, went back to India, or in the case of our younger two brothers, will go back when they are fifteen. We were sent here, so that, if we could, we could find magical husbands." Harry merely nodded.

"If we are not in a formal relationship by the start of our Seventh year, Father will find us husbands from India, and we will have to marry them, for we are true children of our culture. Yes, I am in love with Hermione, but I am very attracted to you, Harry. If I were not, and if I did not believe you to be a man of great honor, I would not have pursued this, despite all the other reasons I might have to join my life with yours. Your wealth and fame and power are not incentives for me to marry you, but they do provide assurance that I am doing the right thing in these troubled times. Father hardly complained about my being the Second Consort to you and he agreed I could approach you. He will object even less to any arrangements once he learns you are the very wealthy magical heir of Merlin, whose name is honored even in Hindu magical circles. I will be consort to one of the few males I find physically attractive, one of the few people I find attractive for his moral character alone, and one whose personality and smile I think are very cute. In addition, I will be with the woman I love, and with a woman I have always found nearly as fascinating and whom I am learning to appreciate physically. From my view point, why would I want anything but what you have offered?"

"Put that way, I understand," Harry answered. He stopped his movements, and turned to smile at Padma.

Padma returned the gesture. "By the way, where are the lights of our lives?"

"I'm not sure," Harry admitted. "Hermione said they had an errand to run together about twenty-five minutes ago, and they said they would be back by now."

Fortunately, Hermione and Luna did return within a few more moments, and saw that Harry and Padma had resumed their Tai Chi.

"Lovely forms," Luna stated, the lust obvious.

"Thank you," Padma answered.

"What have you two been up to?" Harry inquired. "Or is it a secret?"

"No," Hermione answered. "I've been altering documents."

Harry frowned and stopped, and so did Padma. "Which documents?"

"The logs of the couple's room and the corner in Gryffindor," Hermione stated, "claiming we've already done the ceremony. I need to have your seed in my mouth soon, or I shall be foresworn. We just thought it would be nice to share with Padma."

"If you wish to start," Luna added to Padma.

"We do this every morning," Hermione said.

"Harry sleeps very little, and was wasting his precious potion every morning in the drain pipe," Luna continued. "Now we share him, and invite you."

"Wow," Padma said. "How connected are you two?"

"I was sucking Harry off at least twice a day for most of August," Hermione answered bluntly. "Between that, this, and Harry's power, I think I'm connecting about twenty hours a day." Since it wore off in her sleep, she wasn't certain.

"And my magic is particularly powerful in empathic magics," Luna said, "making me more susceptible than most, plus our Bond was somewhat jump-started by the Bond Harry had with me in his other lifetime. I am already up to nearly eighteen hours a day, which is why Harry could trace me so easily. As for Hermione and myself," Luna said, taking Hermione's hand, "when we take Harry together, we become connected for about two hours."

"We invite you to join with us," Hermione said.

"Then I am honored to be asked," Padma answered formally. "Have you decided upon the wedding date for you and our lord, my lady? And what would be the best dates for the consorts to sign the agreements?"

"Of course I have," Hermione replied.

"Whoa, wait just a minute," Harry broke in. Seeing the stunned and hurt looks, he added quickly, "Yes, I want to make this all official, but don't your parents have any say in this?"

"Legally," Hermione said distastefully at having to actually say it, "since my parents are Muggles, no, they have no say. We can work to change that later."

"As I told you, my father gave his permission," Padma said. "I merely need to write back, stating that we have agreed to a settlement."

"Whoops," Luna said, flushing slightly. "Daddy wrote me a note, saying that you were an honorable and powerful wizard, and that he would approve any arrangement I make with you, but that I should actually make them before I go as far as I've gone."

"I own a number of Muggle blocks of flats," Harry said promptly. "That would settle both the property requirements and the income requirements, unless they have to be magical."

"Just for me?" Luna asked.

"No," Harry answered, not being slow on the up-take. "That would be a settlement for each of you, and a dowry for Hermione."

"Is there enough for two more?" Hermione asked.

"Two more!"

"If it meets with your approval, Harry, Padma," Hermione carried on, "we were thinking of having the Muggle wedding the afternoon of Harry's eighteenth birthday."

"That's a Friday," Luna said helpfully.

"After a short reception, we four and any other consorts go to the Ministry and sign the magical contracts -- after all, we'll all be Bonded by then anyway -- and we're off on the honeymoon."

"Sounds good," Padma stated.

Harry was looking dumbfounded, but finally found his voice. "Leaving aside any other consorts for a few more seconds, Luna, would you really give up your last year of school?"

"Yes," she simply. Seeing the look on Harry's face, she went on, "Had we not come together, I would likely have wished to take the maximum number of N.E.W.T. classes allowed, which is seven, most likely Charms, Divination, Herbology, Muggle Studies, Potions, Runes, and Transfiguration. I will learn more about Muggles from you and Hermione than I ever would in class, so I will take six. I would not learn the advanced symbol sets I wish to learn even in the Seventh year, so I will arrange to learn those as part of an independent study. Do not fret about my education, Harry. I will have learned what I need to know. My greatest desire is to be with you, and with Hermione, Padma, and our children."

"Magical education is primarily vocational, I mean practical but general education," Hermione admitted. "All advanced training comes from apprenticeships for the most part."

"People won't think we're all too young?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Luna stated, "they will. And if we wait, they will criticize us for waiting. People will disapprove of just about anything."

"True," Harry had to agree. "Now, what's this about two more consorts?"

"I believe she said at least two more," Padma pointed out.

"Perhaps it would be good for you to have a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin. . . ."

"No," Harry stated flatly. "I will NOT be that calculating."

"But. . . ?" Hermione tried.

"No," Harry said firmly. "I won't."

"But. . . ?" Padma suggested.

"No," Harry said gently.

There was silence for a moment, and then the three looked at Luna.

"But," Luna said with a sigh.

"First of all, I don't know any of the Slytherins except those in our year, and Parkinson and Bulstrode are right out. What's their names, Rivers and Stinks?"

"Spinks," Padma supplied.

"Right. They are non-entities, like fillers an author makes up to hold places."

"I have to admit, they've never really said much in any class I've had with them," Padma agreed.

"Not even Potions," Hermione admitted. "Still, that leaves Greengrass and Davis."

"Based on looks alone, Greengrass is drop-dead sexy," Harry admitted. "She's also a tremendous snob who also has always struck me as terribly boring. I haven't heard her say much outside of class, but it's always been about fashion and society gossip."

"That pretty much sums Daphne up, so far as I know," Padma had to agree. "I think that's how she's managed to stay friends with Parvati and Lavender during vacations. However, her maternal great-uncle is on the Wizengamot and her family is at the top of European magical society." Harry wrinkled his nose and shrugged that off.

"What about Tracey Davis?" Hermione asked.

"Maybe I'm being unfair, or at least wrong, but while we've always joked about Bulstrode being the most macho person in Slytherin, and our entire year for that matter, I have seen Tracey looking at girls the same way Seamus does."

"Like a starving child outside a chocolate shop?" Padma suggested, to which Harry nodded. "That is true, but Harry darling, on the lesbian meter, Hermione's at least a third of the way over, Luna a bit more than half, and I'm between two-thirds and three-quarters. I really don't think Tracey is any more gay than I am."

Harry shrugged. "She just never caught my eye, except when she was giving girls the eye. I never saw her looking at any boy like that, certainly not me." He smiled. "She especially likes looking at you, Hermione, in Potions and History. She's the only Slytherin whose evil intentions toward you looked like they might at least be fun for both of you."

"Very amusing, Harry," Hermione retorted. Both she and Padma knew there had been at least two boys Tracey actually had eyed hungrily: Cedric and Harry.

"So, since there really are no Slytherins I would want to get involved with, I shouldn't get involved with any Hufflepuffs, as that would highlight my non-involvement with the Slytherins," Harry concluded.

"There must be something I, or we, can do about that, but I'll let it slide for now," Hermione said. Luna elbowed Hermione gently. "Oh, right," Hermione added. "We saw that Draco and Pansy had signed up for the couple's room today."

"I guess he couldn't stand the idea of my being the only Fifth year male in such a relationship," Harry mused.

"Or that he is quickly taking advantage of being the Head of his Family," Luna pointed out.

"Never mind Draco and Pansy," Padma said. "What about the four of us?"

"I have to do the public ritual every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday," Hermione answered. "Even though you can't officially participate, you two are now publically interested and accepted, so we'll do them all in the room instead of in Gryffindor. Luna. . . ."

"I shall set up the times for the two of you," Luna replied, still extremely pleased over her acceptance.

"Unless Harry objects, we can share him between the three of us Saturday mornings, and have him privately two other days before breakfast. I'll take Wednesdays, and either Monday or Friday, whichever is left."

"I'll take Mondays and Thursdays, leaving Padma with Sundays and Tuesdays," Luna said, claiming her proper place.

"Agreed. So, I get him this morning? Please?" Padma almost begged.

"Harry generally ejaculates at least five spurts, and then some dribble," Luna told her.

"I am right here," Harry muttered, embarrassed.

"So you are, my love," Luna agreed, and turned back to Padma and Hermione. "Perhaps we should allow Padma to get Harry off and swallow the first spurt, then jack most of the rest off on him for you and me, and take him inside of us, if he still can? And if he can't, we still have tonight."

"Very well, if bluntly, said," Hermione said drily. Luna beamed happily at what she took as a compliment. "Is that acceptable to you?"

"Of course . . . my lady," Padma replied, bowing respectfully.

"Harry, are these arrangements acceptable for now?"

"Yes, my love," Harry replied, although his bow seemed a bit more ironic than Padma's.

"Then why don't the two of you go ahead and lie on the bed and enjoy yourselves," Hermione said. "I'll take you in hand at the end."

Harry led the suddenly-shy Padma over to the bed. "I think she might even be more beautiful than Parvati," Hermione murmured. At just over five foot six, Padma was taller than Hermione or even Luna. She had the toned body of a dancer or tennis player, and actually she and Parvati played competitive badminton during the summer. Her frame was 36C-22-35, and her legs were proportionally long, helping her to be light on her slim feet. Her hair was nearly as long as Luna's, but even thicker than Hermione's, although Padma's was just slightly wavy and of course jet black.

Hermione put her arm around Luna's waist as they watched Harry and Padma kissing on the bed. "I can't wait to see you and Padma making love," Hermione stopped nuzzling Luna's neck and whispered in her ear. "You, all creams and yellows; Padma such a light café-au-lait and with that jet black hair, all intertwined. Look at how aroused she's getting. You can see the sexual flush, rosy under the dark skin. I can't wait to see her flushed, next to you in the same condition."

"I'll probably look like a boiled lobster," Luna murmured, aroused by the pair in front of her and by Hermione's touch and the sexy breath in her ear.

"You will look beautiful, as always," Hermione said, starting to stroke Luna from the top of her outer thigh up to the lower curve of her breast and back. "Thank you for sharing your love with me. Harry needs both of us, and I need the both of you." She pulled Luna into a deep kiss.

Padma was now on her back, whimpering in pleasure and anticipation, as Harry kissed around her breasts and stroked her lower belly and her hips, in both cases avoiding the areas she most wanted Harry to lick and stroke. She moaned as Harry finally took a meaty hard nipple into his mouth, and her moans grew louder and she arched her back as Harry finally stroked her outer labia.

Hermione and Luna stopped their own foreplay nearly two minutes later, when Harry's tongue began its languid path down Padma's stomach to her navel, drawn to Padma's growing moans. As Harry's tongue went further south, Hermione and Luna climbed on either side of the bed, kissed Padma gently, and then moved to take a nipple each into their mouths. The timing was coincidental but perfect, as the two witches started suckling at the same instant that Harry's tongue gave a quick flick to Padma's largish clit, now mostly poking out from under its hood, before moving down to lick her inner labia.

Padma writhed in the first orgasm she had ever had, other than from her own or Parvati's experimenting fingers. Less than two minutes later, Padma cried out her need, "My lord!"

Hermione moved and gently gave Harry a shove, which he followed, rolling from kneeling over Padma's right side onto his back. As Hermione took him in hand, Luna guided Padma until Padma, still partially unseeing from her passions, felt and smelled Harry's cock against her face. "Master," she said in satisfaction, ovaling her full lips and drawing Harry into her mouth with a sigh of fulfilled satisfaction.

Padma sucked the entire large head easily into her mouth and her tongue moved hungrily against the sensitive underside, while Hermione pumped her fingers at the base of the stalk and Luna's fingers sought out Padma's clit. Harry very much wanted to shoot, but also knew that Luna and Hermione, as much as they loved drinking him, preferred to wait for the ejaculation, loving to suck him and driving him wild. He therefore grabbed Luna, who squeaked as Harry lifted her hips and started licking and sucking on her exposed clit.

Despite Harry's best intentions, he came just before Luna. While Padma was dealing with the first large mouthful, the second one flooded her mouth. Hermione therefore had no trouble getting Padma off the end of Harry's cock, so she could claim some for herself. She did so, and was prepared to jerk the rest onto Harry's stomach for Luna to lick up later.

There was no need, as Luna blindly homed in on the subsistence she desired. Despite the two switch-offs, not one drop of Harry's 'precious potion' was lost, and Luna orgasmed with Harry's cock in her mouth -- her second favorite way so far.

The four adjusted themselves, and despite the early hour, drowsed for some time.

The quartet spent a little time on their homework (retrieved by Dobby), but more on the press releases, which Dobby took to The Prophet and The Quibbler mid-afternoon. Harry also started training Padma in Occlumency. Like Hermione, Padma's mind was very organized, and so soon recognized any attempts to direct her mind. Like Hermione, it would take more time to learn how to divert more direct attacks, but already practicing yoga meditation gave Padma an edge.

Luna, of course, needed no such training, as she would quickly give a splitting headache to anyone who tried to read her mind.

Harry also outlined how he planned to train those sworn to him. He would call it the DA, although of course only his three lovers knew the backstory of the Defense Association. It would meet for two hours every Sunday morning. They would practice shields and defensive magic for the rest of the autumn term, and move on to offensive magics in the spring.

That evening, the group went to dinner, planning on coming back for an evening of passionate fun.

Walking into the strangely silent great hall, the quartet saw that a grim-faced Cornelius Fudge was waiting for them, and he had brought ten aurors with him.

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