Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha

The Games We Play

by FarAwayEyes

A series of short Sess/Rin lemon one-shots. M/F PWP

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Romance - Characters: Rin, Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [X] - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2007-02-23 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 4855 words

  • The Lord's Secret Lover?

    by FarAwayEyes

    A series of short Sess/Rin lemon one-shots. M/F PWP

    Category: Inuyasha - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Romance - Characters: Rin, Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-02-23 - Updated: 2007-02-23 - 1818 words

  • Sesshomaru Loses Count

    by FarAwayEyes

    Rin and Sesshomaru play hide and seek. Is Sesshomaru up to the challenge? And what happens when he finally finds her?

    Category: Inuyasha - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Romance - Characters: Rin, Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-02-23 - Updated: 2007-02-23 - 3037 words

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