Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist


by Elfling

OT3, yes three. Inappropriate use of kitchen sink. Complete ignorance of Episode 25. "How did he get stuck doing the dishes, again?"

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Alex Louis Armstrong, Gracia Hughes, Maes Hughes, Roy Mustang - Warnings: [?] [X] - Published: 2007-02-27 - Updated: 2007-02-28 - 741 words - Complete

By the lovely Fireun "fic using an inappropriate use of a counter surface. a misplaced kitchen towel, and a poorly timed phone call."
Betaed also by the loving Fireun, who puts up with my craptastic pronouns ^-^; Don't own em, Arakawa sensei does, though I really like borrowing them.

How did he get stuck doing the dishes, again? Hughes had pulled through the office earlier telling him that Gracia wanted to invite him to dinner that night, and if he valued his life he'd show up. Somehow that demure woman could suddenly become more frightening than Hawkeye with the safety of her gun off. She had also conned him into doing the dishes while she and Maes supposedly went for a walk. Roy shook his head and rolled up his sleeves, starting in on the pots and pans.

He jumped as he felt an arm snake around his waist, hot breath at his ear. Roy shivered as words passed over his ear."Want some help?"

Roy sagged against the sink as Maes chuckled at him, backing away. Roy turned and threw a dishtowel at him, missing completely. Irritated, Roy turned back to the sink, trying to ignore Maes as he slid flush behind him, hands sliding over his into the soapy water. Maes took the sponge away as his lips traced down the back of Roy's neck. Roy sighed, leaning his head down to give Maes more skin to play with, though his hand closed over Maes's and he picked up the dish that he was trying to wash.

He could feel Maes smirk against his skin as he finished the plate and rinsed it, putting it in the drying rack. Roy shivered as Maes nipped at the skin just below his hairline. He did fine, mostly ignoring the soft touches and distracting nips until a second set of hands slid along his belt, unclasping it and his pants in a single fluid movement. Roy let the glass he had been washing slip back into the tepid water with a clink, his head arching back as one set of hands undid shirt buttons and slid over his chest as the other set slipped his pants down over his hips, fingertips ghosting over his rapidly expanding erection through his boxers. His eyes sank shut, a growling moan working itself softly from his throat.

Which turned into a yelp as the phone rang. Roy moved to pull away, but Gracia held him fast, fingers digging into his hips slightly as she licked his tip. His eyes widened as she pulled him free and into her mouth just as Maes turned, grinning wickedly at him.

"It's for you." Roy's eyes almost rolled back into his head as he tried to gently pull away from Gracia, who would have none of it. Roy cleared his throat, took the receiver from Maes, giving him a look that had more daggers in it than Hughes' uniform did.

"Yes? Colonel Mustang speaking." He was proud that he kept the huskiness from his voice, and then blushed furiously when he heard the other person. Armstrong. Why him now for gods' sake?

" I have the day off tomorrow...yes the office is closed...Yes, the report can wait until, the briefing isn't that we're finished..."He swallowed another moan as Maes returned to undressing him, finally flipping the last button on his shirt open, nuzzling at a nipple before licking it. He was only half listening to the phone conversation before Armstrong asked something that would be disastrous.

"No..Hughes said something about turning in, I'm just heading out..Yes, yes, see you Monday then. Goodbye." He let out a loud groan as he heard the dial tone click in again, turning and pulling Maes into a deep kiss, letting his frustration out in the kiss, and nipping on Maes' lower lip before soothing the bite with his tongue. Roy arched slightly, gasping as Gracia sucked tightly on his cock before standing and sharing kisses between Maes and Roy as she lead both of them out of the kitchen. Roy was a little surprised as he noticed his pants we missing. He glanced at Gracia as she laughed.

"Roy, what is a dishtowel doing hanging from the dining room fan?" He and Maes looked at each other before the joined in laughing, following Gracia the rest of the way to the bedroom.
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