Categories > Movies > Van Helsing

Missing him...

by Racoona

Dracula and Van Helsing find each oter again (Dracula\Van Helsing slash)

Category: Van Helsing - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Dracula, Van Helsing - Published: 2005-10-13 - Updated: 2005-10-13 - 1010 words - Complete

Name: Missing him...
Rating: a soft R
Warnings: Slash, don't like don't read!
Author: Racoona
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters used in this fic, I never will. I am not making any money what so ever for this work, no money made, no money will be made.


A dark shadow stood facing the moon, the cemetery completing the picture of mystique and unchained feelings. The white mist seeping through the forest surrounding it, swirling around each and every tomb stone, making the grey stones fade, fade to noting. The sounds of the night; surrounding the man: Gabriel Van Helsing.

Gabriel's black cloak billowed in the wind, his shoulder length dark brown hair blowing into his face, covering those exotic brown eyes before he raised a hand covered in a black leather glove to brush it behind the left ear. He was listening, waiting, for him, Vladislaus.

He remembered the nimble fingers, the way they scratched up and down his back while he made love to Vladi for the first time, he remembered the crystal blue eyes burning with passion and love, the small whimpers the vampire emitted every time he stroked Vladi's member in tune with his own thrusts into the tight heat. He could clearly hear the moans from his mate in his head, how the luscious pink lips was slightly O shaped, the small gasps that sent shivers up his spine, and encouraged him to go faster, every thing he remembered, he could feel it, hear it, he missed it, and he missed Vladi...

Gabriel wanted it all back, but the Van Helsing in him screamed no...


A pale figure stood in a ball room, walls white, spattered with dry blood, the scarlet curtains draped heavily on large windows to block the dangerous sun. The Vladislaus inside of him wanted to throw himself in front of the rays of the burning sun, letting the heat burn his un-dead form to the ashes, what he should have been centuries ago, wanting to let his heart ache end once and for all. But the vicious count Dracula wanted something else...

Dracula had forgotten Gabriel, and was now in battle with Van Helsing, while Gabriel and Vladislaus were still in love. Vladi missed Gabriel, and Gabriel missed Vladi, but their imprints and their teachings set by God and Lucifer haunted them, set them against each other, and tore them apart...

Vladislaus remembered, he remembered how Gabriel's fingers would run through his long, black hair when in a deep passionate embrace in the shadows where they would not be seen. Dracula remembered the dagger Van Helsing had staked inside his stomach a decade ago. Two lovers, two fighters, soul mates forced apart by beliefs of wrong and right, light and dark.

Vladi could still feel his beloved inside of him, and his hot breath on his cold skin while they made love under the stars, he remembered lips swollen of arousal kissing, worshipping his body, nimble fingers mapping out his body inch by beautiful inch. He could still hear the sweet voice in his ear, speaking naughty obscenities of passion and lust...

Vladislaus the hopeless romantic, Dracula the cold killer, one wanted Gabriel in his arms, the other wanted Van Helsing begging to live at his feet...


Days turned to years, years to decades, and decades to centuries, the more time they spent apart, the stronger Vladi and Gabriel became, they were aching, needing their soul mate, the reason for them to live on.

Years of travelling, picking up rumours at taverns, chasing, and not even knowing one end from another; only feeling, knowing their own needs.


It was a Friday, September the 13th 1784 to be exact, the blizzards of Romania were howling at the doors, making windows clatter and house roofs sway by the weight of snow, trees bare as the heart of two searching lovers. A dark 'man' made his way through the biting blizzard and in to a warm tavern to rest, he felt something but he didn't know what, it was good...

Shadows in a dark corner, watched the man, his Galadriel, make his swift way through the crowded room to the tavern's owner and got a key. The vampire narrowed in his sight and read the number on the piece of letter attached to the iron key, before swiftly making his way to the room with his vampyric speed, and silently closing the mahogany door before hiding behind the black curtains the rather large window was draped with.

Gabriel slowly walked up the stairs, feeling something unknown, good, but unknown, it was closer. He walked through a gloomy hallway, reaching a door numbered with thirteen in steel.
He pushed the door open and entered the freshly made room, wanting to rest before continuing the search for his beloved, Vladislaus Dracula, the vampire he wanted to spend the rest of his immortal life with.

Vladislaus could sense the deep feelings within the immortal, the loneliness clutching his heart, his everlasting crave for his lover, his own Vladi.

"Search no more..." A sweet low voice spoke as the vampire emerged from behind the black drapes. Gabriel stood shocked, but smiling looking at the lean body of his long time missed lover, his gaze travelling up to meet clear crystal blue eyes pouring over with longing, lust, and love for the man standing in front of him.

Vladislaus needed to feel the soft lips of his lover once again; he needed to claim them as his own, to renew the vows spoken before Gabriel entered him for the first time, vows of true love, immortal love.

The brown haired man closed the distance between himself and the vampire, while grabbing him and pulling him into a burning kiss, teeth nipping, tongues battling for dominance. Hands roaming, pulling at unneeded garments, once loose letting them drop to the wooden floor, feeling the love they shared, the bond they forged, everything renewed in one simple kiss, a kiss made for reunited lovers, a kiss made by missing him...
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