Categories > Celebrities > Dir en grey


by JediLeah

Kyo/Kaoru; Kaoru gets sick of his oppressive parents and takes refuge in Kyo. Well, Kyo's the one who's actually in someone. Nevermind.

Category: Dir en grey - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Kaoru, Kyo - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2005-10-18 - Updated: 2005-10-18 - 3557 words - Complete

Everyone lives in a cage, you know. Maybe it's a cage fashioned by your parents (like with Kaoru here). Maybe it's a cage you've built yourself, perhaps even unknowingly. But we all have cages and we're lucky if we don't spend our lives in them. angst


Even if the clock spins to the left, sins committed can't be changed.

It was getting late, Kaoru noted as he lit another cigarette and stuck it between his lips. His parents were not going to be happy.

"Ne, I'm bored. I'm going home," Kyo said suddenly, getting to his feet and throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

Kaoru sighed and stood as well. He knew Kyo would get bored of gazing up at the stars after awhile. If the smaller man didn't fall asleep he got completely lost in his thoughts and suddenly decided it was time for him to go home so he could pen some new poem or something. Kaoru loved the Kyo's uniqueness, but sometimes he wished the other could bear to stay with him for just five minutes longer...

Kyo snatched Kaoru's cigarette and took a long drag from it. "See ya tomorrow?"

If my parents don't kill me tonight, Kaoru thought to himself, but he mustered a small smile and a nod.

Kyo tucked the cigarette back between Kaoru's lips and then headed off, casually raising his hand in a wave and yelling "Ja," over his shoulder.

Kaoru sighed and situated his own backpack on his back. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was merely ten. But ten was after curfew for him. He cursed and kicked the sidewalk, grudgingly heading toward his house.

He reached it and went inside quietly, hoping deep within his heart that his parents wouldn't notice him.

"Shit," he whispered under his breath.

His dad was standing in the entryway, waiting for him. Niikura-san had his arms crossed over his chest and he looked pissed. "Kaoru, what have we told you about staying out past your curfew?"

"I don't know, what have you told me about it," Kaoru muttered, knowing he was just digging himself in deeper.

Kaoru's mom came around the corner then, her hands on her hips. "Where have you been, young man? Not out smoking with that Niimura Tooru again, I hope!"

Niikura-san came forward and sniffed the air around Kaoru, his nose immediately crinkling in disguist. "Oh, he's been smoking alright. What have we told you about smoking?"

"I don't fucking care what you've told me about anything!" Kaoru half-shouted.

"Don't raise your voice to your father!" Kaoru's mother snapped.

Niikura-san shook his head, sighing as he did so. "I really don't know what to do about you anymore, Kaoru. You're never home by nine. You always go out smoking. You continuously meet with that boy, although we've told you repeatedly not to have anything to do with his type!"

"You can't pick my friends for me!" Kaoru yelled.

"That may be true, but I am your father and I make the rules for this house. Your curfew is now seven." Kaoru gasped and began to argue, but Niikura-san went on. "If your mother or I smell smoke on you, you will shower and then clean the entire house. And I don't want you to meet with that...Niimura Tooru again. He's a bad influence on you. Look, he has you dressing like him now." He shook his head, eyeing Kaoru's wardrobe in disdain.

Kaoru seethed. He couldn't trust himself to speak because he knew he wouldn't be able to keep from screaming at his parents. He bit his lip so harshly that he drew blood. He enclosed a deathgrip around the strap of his backpack and began marching past his parents. Niikura-san grabbed his arm. "Wait, Kaoru, we didn't discuss your punishment for staying out late and smoking tonight."

Kaoru sighed heavily through his nose and turned to his father, glaring at him. He still didn't speak. Niikura-san looked at his wife and then back at Kaoru. "We've decided that until you can start following rules...we're holding onto your guitar and you won't be able to play it. We've already taken it out of your room."

Kaoru felt as though the world had dropped out beneath him. As if them telling him he couldn't see Kyo anymore was enough... He had been planning on venting by strumming on the precious instrument and they had taken it from him. They might as well have shot him in the face as far as he was concerned. "You can't take my guitar!" He burst, unable to stop himself. "That isn't fair! I need it! It's my world, my life!" He could feel the sting of tears behind his eyes, but he didn't care at the moment.

"I'm sorry, Kaoru. You'll thank us one day," Niikura-san apologized, though by the tone of his voice he wasn't really sorry.

Kaoru clenched his jaw tightly and frustratedly blinked back the tears that filled his eyes. "I'll never thank you for this, never!" He screamed.

He marched to his room and slammed the door shut so hard that he knocked a picture off of the wall in the hallway. He heard its glass shatter as it hit the floor, followed by the annoyed shriek of his mother. He quickly locked the door with a homemade lock he had constructed and dropped his bag on the floor, falling onto the bed. Tears freely flowed from his eyes and he could barely bit back the sobs that tried to escape from his throat. He spoke adamently to himself for awhile, the same words over and over again, "It's not could they do this to me?"

Finally, he could no longer stand living with himself in the foreboding silence of his dark room. He stood and stuffed a few pairs of clothes into his backpack, then opened the window and climbed out. At this point, he really didn't care if his parents discovered that he was missing. He just wanted to get as far away from them as possible. And he needed a companion badly. He was so depressed that he felt he would kill himself if he was alone for much longer.

So in a few minutes he found himself in front of Kyo's house, wondering if he should knock on the front door or Kyo's window. Finally he decided to use the door. It opened and a very short woman stood there. Kaoru knew immediately who she was. She shared Kyo's jaw and lips. He managed a smile for her. "H-hi. I'm sorry to bother you so late at night, Niimura-san, but--but I'm a friend of Kyo's and...ano, I was wondering if I could come in for a little bit..."

She smiled at him and motioned for him to enter. "Of course, of course, come in! Would you like some tea? Oh my goodness, your lip is damaged! Here, let me get some chapstick for you, ne?"

She shuffled off down a hallway, hollering for him to have a seat in the living room. He awkwardly sat down. Kyo's house was nothing like his. At his home, the living room was bright and spotless. The television was never on unless his dad was watching the news. And it smelled strongly of pine. Kyo's living room was a little cluttered, but not too badly. Only one lamp was on and the television was on, but it was muted so Kaoru could only guess what the people on it were saying. He could tell it was a show, though, and not the news. A man sat in a recliner, snoring softly. Kaoru assumed him to be Kyo's father. And the room smelt wonderfully of some kind of flower...ah, azaleas. Kaoru noticed a vase of them decorating the coffee table.


He was brought out of his pleasant musings by Kyo's familiar voice. He looked up to see him entering the living room and stood to greet him with a short bow. "Kyo...ano, I was wondering if I could talk to you..."

Kyo nodded. "Sure. Oi, Kaasan, Kaoru and I are going to my room," he said to his mom as she re-entered the room.

She smiled once more. "Alright. I'll put on some tea and get you when it's ready."

"Thanks, Kaasan," Kyo said over his shoulder as he began walking down a hallway. "Come on, Kao."

Kaoru followed him. The hallway was small and it led to a room just as small. Kaoru assumed it to be Kyo's room. He had to hold back a smile at how much it reminded him of his own room. Kyo even had the same X Japan poster as Kaoru, only his was on his closet door and one of the corners was drooping. Kyo shut the door and sat cross-legged on his bed. He was barefoot and wearing some flowy pants, but no shirt. Kaoru had never noticed how fit Kyo was and found himself blushing slightly as his gaze lingered on the smaller boy's abs.

"Oi, sit down. You want to stand up all night?" Kyo said, bringing him to focus.

He sat down beside Kyo on the bed, pulling one of his legs up under him. But he didn't say anything just yet. He was feeling a ton of different emotions all at once, and he felt that if he opened his mouth he would burst into tears.

Kyo raised an eyebrow. "Ah...this is some talk we're having..."

Kaoru sighed and looked down at his fingers, playing with them. "Ah...m-my parents..."

"Are assholes? So I've been told," Kyo said, leaning back on his hands. "Anything else?"

Kaoru looked back at Kyo. "They've changed my curfew to seven." Kyo raised his eyebrows. "A-and if they smell smoke on me from now on I'll have to clean the whole house. They also said...they forbid me to hang out with you."

Kyo grinned. "Yes! That means I'm everything I'm trying to be." He held up his hand for Kaoru to high-five it.

Kaoru just stared at Kyo. "But...but, Kyo, this isn't good! They took away my guitar and if I continue to hang out with you they'll never give it back! I can't live without it!" His voice broke and he quickly looked down, hoping Kyo wouldn't notice the gleaming tears that were once again pricking his eyes.

Kyo was quiet for a moment and then patted Kaoru's knee. "Man...that sucks."

"Oh, you're a lot of help!" Kaoru screeched, standing up. He paced the room. "Sometimes I hate them! How can they do this stuff to me? I like you, Kyo, but they don't care what I like! Playing the guitar makes me happy, but they apparently don't fucking want me happy! I can't live with them and their goddamn rules any longer! I want out!"

To Kaoru's dismay, he began to feel something warm and wet sliding down his cheeks. Loud wails were escaping his throat and he realized with a pang that he was crying--no sobbing uncontrollably. His legs gave out and he collapsed, crying ashamedly into his hands. He heard a knock on the door and Kyo's mom calling through...something about tea. Kyo replied, saying they would get it later. Then he felt a presence beside him. It was Kyo of course. He couldn't bring himself to look at his friend. He had always tried to play it tough and cool in front of Kyo, but now...he seriously couldn't control the strangled cries that were coming from him.

"Kaoru?" Kyo queeried.

Kaoru blindly pushed him away and stood, walking back over to the bed. "Don't look at me," he choked, sitting down on the bed and drawing his knees up to his chest.

He felt Kyo's weight on the bed, but he kept his face plastered to his knees. Then there was a soothing hand on his back. In another minute small arms had wrapped around him and a warmth that he hadn't known in a long time was enveloping him. He turned toward that warmth and found himself face-planting into Kyo's chest, crying like a little baby. Kyo's arms remained wrapped tightly around him and he felt the other stroking his hair. He never wanted to leave that position. Kyo's voice, whispering to him, was very soothing. Very soon he realized that he wasn't whispering, he was singing softly. He would have never thought Kyo the singing type, but the younger boy really had a nice voice and it made him cry all the harder. Kyo's chest smelled good, too. It was a mixture of smoke and teriyaki. Noting this, he unstuck himself from Kyo, embarrassedly sniffing. He kept his gaze downcast. "Did you have teriyaki for supper?" He asked meekly.

"Yeah..." Kyo said uncertainly, obviously wondering why Kaoru would suddenly ask him such a thing.

Kaoru nodded. "You smell like it. It's a good smell."

His chest heaved and he shuddered. Damn him for crying so much! It was that after-effect of having cried so much that he didn't have anymore tears to cry. His body was just trembling. Kyo pulled him in for a hug again. "Daijoubu ka?" He asked.

Kaoru sighed. "Hai...just worn down. And tired. I feel like I'm living in a cage or something...I can't handle it anymore. I hate myself and I want to die."

Suddenly Kyo released him and a hand came smartly across his cheek. His gaze finally connected with the smaller man's in shock. "What the f--"

His train of thought derailed when Kyo leaned forward and began to kiss every wet spot on his face. He could only sit there, half of his brain wondering what the hell Kyo was doing, and half of it sighing a fangirlish sigh of Oh this feels good! Finally he found his voice. "Kyo...what're you doing?" He murmured.

"Kissing. Your tears. Away," Kyo said in between pecks.

Kaoru's eyes filled once again and overflowed. "You're so damn nice to me," he choked out.

A horrible, tight pain was filling his chest. He wanted to cry. He wanted to fall into Kyo's arms and hold him tightly. He wasn't sure exactly what he was feeling, but...he didn't want to wipe away his tears and just have some tea with Kyo. He wanted...something more.

Kyo caught the new tears with his mouth and then pulled away to look Kaoru in the eye. They only looked at each other for a second, though, before their lips met for a long-desired kiss. Kaoru's eyes shut and he opened his mouth right away, welcoming Kyo's tongue into it. He was very aware of a voice telling him to stop before he ruined his friendship with Kyo, but he really didn't care anymore. Kyo's tongue slid erotically against his and then touched the roof of his mouth and his train of thought derailed. He wanted more of that delicious mouth. He leaned forward more, sucking on Kyo's bottom lip, flicking his tongue against Kyo's. Kyo was ready to deepen the kiss, too. He grabbed Kaoru's shirt, pulling the older man closer to himself. His tongue lapped at the walls of Kaoru's mouth and Kaoru couldn't stop a soft whimper from escaping him.

This encouraged Kyo to pin Kaoru to the soft sheets of the bed, and continue his exploration of Kaoru's mouth, while his hands snaked up Kaoru's shirt and found his nipples. Kaoru arched his back, half in pleasure and half in shock, gasping into Kyo's mouth. Kyo rolled the nubs of flesh between his thumb and index finger and smirked against Kaoru's lips when he heard the other man moan. He backed away and looked at Kaoru fondly. "You're very attractive, Kao. And we're pretty close. Is this okay?"

Kaoru was flushed and sweating already. He could feel Kyo's hardness pressing into his thigh. Right away, he knew that the only thing he wanted was Kyo--his one friend, the person who continually supported him. Why did he need his guitar when he had Kyo? He loved him. "Hai," he breathed, beginning to wiggle out of his shirt.

Kyo helped him yank it off, kissing him roughly at any chance he got. Pants and boxers were removed. Kaoru blushed heavily as Kyo stared briefly at his length. Kyo didn't seem embarrassed at all and immediately leaned forward, taking all of Kaoru into his mouth. He cried out and grabbed fistfulls of Kyo's hair. "Kyo! Onegai!" He exclaimed, no other words finding their way into his mind.

He tried to thrust out, but Kyo grabbed his hips and held them firmly in place. Kaoru moaned and whimpered for the next few minutes. Kyo didn't do anything, but move his tongue over his member. He didn't move or suck, just let his tongue flick all over and it was pure torture. Kaoru began to beg him, his voice coming out in short breaths. Finally he couldn't stand it any longer and he cried out for Kyo to please him. This seemed to be what Kyo was looking for. He let go of Kaoru's hips and the older boy began to thrust hard into Kyo's mouth, gasping and panting as pleasure filled him. He gave a startled squeak when he felt a finger probing his opening. Another hand was fondling his balls. Another finger entered him...a third... He was about to come and then Kyo moved away. He gave a frustrated growl. "Kyooooo!" He whined, trying to pull Kyo back onto him.

Kyo smacked Kaoru hard across the chest, causing him to release the smaller man's hair. "Sorry," he murmured.

"Me too," Kyo said, reaching over to his nightstand and grabbing some vaseline off of it, "but you were pulling my hair." He grinned mischievously.

"Well, you're...the one...who..." Kaoru lost his train of thought as he watched Kyo sliding his hands over his own member, eyes shut in bliss, deep "Mmmm"s rumbling in his throat. "" he managed to choke out when Kyo had finished and tossed the vaseline aside.

Kyo smirked. "Thanks. Now, this is gonna hurt."

Before Kaoru could even respond, Kyo had slid into him. He cried out and grabbed the smaller man's thighs, gripping them hard enough that his knuckles turned white. Kyo didn't even seem to notice. " tight..." he breathed.

He pulled out and then carefully slid back in, seemingly ignoring Kaoru's pain-induced whimpers. Once adjusted, he began moving more steadily, finding a pace that suited him. In a couple of minutes, Kaoru barely noticed the pain anymore. He started to say something, and then Kyo touched something deep inside of him and his words dissolved into a loud yelp. Stars burst before his eyes and butterflies seemed to flutter inside of him. "Kyo!" He cried.

Kyo began to go faster and deeper, hitting Kaoru's sweet spot almost every time. Kaoru couldn't keep silent and just moaned Kyo's name over and over. His brain nearly crashed when he felt Kyo's fingers wrap around his neglected erection. After that it was mere seconds before he came, screaming at a volume to shake the walls of the house. Kyo came right after, practically singing out Kaoru's name.

Kaoru's world was dark for a few minutes. When he came back to himself he felt Kyo slide out of him, and suddenly he felt so empty. They lay there for awhile, wrapped in each other's arms. Kyo kissed Kaoru deeply and then sat up, pulling his pants back on. "Kaasan's going to wonder why we aren't coming out to have tea."

Kaoru sat up and reached for his own clothes. "But...she will have heard us. Won't she know everything we've done in here?"

Kyo laughed. "Are you kidding me? I scream and yell for no reason all the time in my room. She'll just think I've gotten you into that hobby, too."

Kaoru laughed with him. They left his room and sat down for tea. As Kyo had said, his mother just told them the tea would sooth their throats and asked them to keep it down because Niimura-san was sleeping. Kyo winked at Kaoru and he smiled. The younger one cleared his throat. "Kaasan, would it be okay if Kaoru stayed for a few days?"

Kyo's mother smiled at Kaoru and then looked at Kyo. "Of course! You'll share your room with him of course, my sweet chibi Tooru-chan."

Kyo blushed to the roots of his hair and muttered a "Kaasaaaan" while Kaoru just laughed happily.

Kyo's mom smiled at Kaoru one more time and then left the kitchen. Kaoru looked at Kyo with a new admiration. "I think you have the key to my cage, chibi Tooru-chan."

Kyo's blush somehow deepened. "Yeah, call me that one more time and I'll lock you back in. I have a whip." He hissed.

Kaoru grinned. "Okay, chibi Tooru-chan."

~The End~

Author's Notes: The italicized bit at the beginning is from Dir en grey's "Cage." I think it's my life story and that's why it's in there. Well, and the fic is called /Cage/.

It might also be worth mentioning that I practically hated my parents when I wrote this.
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