Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Heritage

Chapter 17

by wimvincken

This is a real harem story. Not the ones you can find everywhere about a bunch of kids having a go with Harry and Harry with them, but an official harem like the old Sultans from Turkey ages ago wi...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor, Parody - Characters: Bellatrix, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Draco, Dumbledore, Fleur, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Molly Weasley, Moody, Narcissa, Padma, Pansy, Parvati, Professor McGonagall, Tom Riddle, Tonks, Umbridge, Voldemort - Warnings: [?] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-04-18 - Updated: 2007-04-19 - 3925 words

Chapter 17

A/N: Editor: The Resident
Dear Andromeda,

I have considered your request to free Narcissa Black from her confinement, and I have decided to deny your request.

I sent Narcissa Black a letter with the question if she would behave her self when I let her loose. Her reply was only cursing and calling me bad names.

Therefore I decided not to grant you this request for the time being and try it at a later time.

With friendly greetings,

Lord Black

Harry looked at the letter from Narcissa Black and he smirked. You can say what ever you want about her, but she has balls.


You know what you can do with your bloody magic? You can stick it in your ass and I hope it will give you a long time indigestion.

Do you really think that I would sell out my position with the Dark Lord? When he will show up, and when he is finished with making pudding out of you, I will come and take my rightful position. My son will be Head of Family Black, and nobody else.

You are a half blood, and there is no place in the universe for the likes of you. That muggle of a mother of you would turn in her grave when she would see what you did to me and my sister.

Narcissa Black

Harry laughed again. He only had asked her to behave her self, and when she could swear him on her magic that she would, he would release her from the castle in Greenland. Obviously, she did not want to do that.

Harry made a copy of Narcissa's letter and attached it to the letter to Andromeda Tonks.


Gidi appeared with a soft plop in front of Harry.

"Yes Master?" Gidi asked.

"Can you seal this letter and owl it to Andromeda Tonks, please?" asked Harry.

"Yes Master," she said. She took the letter, and disappeared with a soft plop.

Harry stood up and walked to his foyer, opposite his bedroom. There he sat down and waited for the arrival of Hiphook and Nasar.

Harry felt sore, but not as bad as yesterday, because this time he got the massage from Su, together with the girls. And that massage helped indeed. And he had the feeling that he indeed learned a lot.

The day started at three-thirty by waking up, showering and dressing and walking at ease to the entrance of this huge castle. When he arrived, the girls were already waiting.

This time it was different. Su Li placed them all under a very strange charm. They started with the stretching exercises, Su Li had demonstrated yesterday. When they started to walk, Harry felt much more stable and was able to keep one tempo while running. It also helped that he was not harassed by the girls and the girls were not upset.

When they were finished with running, Su Li was teaching them a very strange combination of pushing and pulling on their own magic and doing exercises, like rolling, jumping and dropping your self on the ground and jumping up. At the end Harry was able to use his own magic to help him making a jump, with as result that he jumped two times further then he physically was able to.

Su was teaching them to use their magic with their exercises, and the results were spectacular. Instead of jumping three meters far, with the magic he was able to jump five meters far. Su Li was demonstrating the use of magic in jumping high, and she ran straight up into a tree without using her hands! Well, that was impressive.

When they came back to the castle, everyone felt that they broken every bone in their body, and then came the real magic into play. She chose Harry as first person to massage. When a smirking Harry lay down on the massage table, he could hear the girls protesting.

"Why should Potter go first?" protested Pansy loudly. "We are built much tenderer then he is."

Su Li had only smiled with her mysterious smile of hers. "Wait until I am finished with the Master and fiancée, then he is going to assist me with the massage. That stopped all protests and Su Li could continue.

At first, Harry felt enormously relaxed under the amazing strong strokes from Su Li's hands, until he felt energy flowing into his limbs where Su Li had massaged him. She taught him to use his magic while massaging as well and the results were spectacular.

Harry felt his magic flowing through his hands when he was massaging the legs of Susan, who was the first girl he tried to massage, while Su Li was massaging purring Pansy.

After Harry was finished with a disgruntled Susan, he tried his new found ability on Hannah. Her reaction was almost like Susan's, except not so intense. Su Li repeated her massage later with Susan and Hannah, because Harry screwed it up in a way with the two girls. But when he was massaging Hermione, he did not hear anything else then purring and moaning.

The Su Li took him aside, and explained that there were different uses and applications when massaging. She showed him to use a different set of emotions when massaging. And that he applied on Parvati. When he was finished with the Indian girl, he saw that he was successful, because she looked very flustered when he was finished.

Harry asked Su Li when they would start with the battle magic, and she answered him that they already had started. When Harry was looking confused at Su, she laughed. She asked him what he thought about the massage, and Harry grinned at that. She told him that the massage was the positive effect of the battle magic, and that the same gift could be used in a destructive way as well.

Chinese battle magic was nothing else than using your magic to help your body. Chinese battle magic was also a magic, which was a combination of physical battle, merged with magic, swords, knifes and other weapons and your wand. But the wand was never the primary weapon, which was always your body.

Now Harry was waiting for Hiphook and Nasar.

The doors from the foyer opened and Gidi entered followed with Hiphook and Nasar. Gidi bowed and disappeared, while Nasar marched and Hiphook walked to him. Harry stood up and greeted the two Goblins with respect. Both Goblins were grinning in anticipation and Harry became immediately suspicious. Grinning Goblins always means trouble.

"My Lord," began Nasar. "The security for all risk students is in place," he said.

"All of the families involved are notified, and they have received the Portkeys, which bring them to Hogwarts in case there are problems. All families are being monitored as we speak.

"Your guards are also in place and they guard you from this moment on," he said with a big smile.

Harry looked confusedly around himself and searched the foyer. "Where are they then?" asked Harry.

"They are invisible, my Lord."

"Are my guards Goblins?" Harry asked, still confused.

"It is better that you don't know, my Lord. "They are there, and you will never see them, I hope. And when you do, they are in battle to defend you against anything that is attacking you, my Lord."

Harry shrugged. What ever it is... it pleased the Goblin. He personally did not care if he was guarded, as long as he stayed out of trouble.

"We have also a collection of Portkeys, which are available at the Ministry and at Gringotts and are for the people themselves to pick up. We placed advertisements in all local newspapers in Brittan."

Harry nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Nasar."

Nasar nodded, saluted and marched out of the foyer.

Harry looked with his eyebrows raised at Hiphook, who was grinning in his chair.

"Master Hiphook?" Harry asked wary.

"Well, Lord-Baron, we made great discoveries yesterday late afternoon, and this morning we got confirmation. We have great news for you, my Lord," Hiphook said with satisfied smile on his face.

They heard the door of the bedroom open and the girls streamed out of the bedroom. They looked questionable at Harry, who only nodded tiredly. They joined the man and Goblin, took a chair and sat down. Nobody said a word.

"Yes?" asked Harry cautiously, looking at Hiphook.

"We learned that you are not a half-blood, Lord-Baron. Your mother was not a muggle-born. Your aunt, Petunia Evans, was adopted when she was a baby by your grandparents. Your grandparents were squibs, your mother obviously a witch. The Evans family is not an ancient family, but they were not poor either. "

Harry groaned and the girls gasped.

"Of course that is not all," grunted Harry contemptuously.

"No, my Lord, there is a heritage for you to take," said Hiphook carefully, eying the young man sitting in front of him.

Harry sighed.

"Give it to me, Master Hiphook," said Harry.

Hiphook smirked and took his papers.

"First of all, you become Head of the Evans family; we have a family binding contract no. 691-Z, we have an arranged marriage, contract no. 1889-I and you must take control of Vault 148901. That is all," he said, and looked expectantly at Harry.

But Harry did not explode this time, he was watching Hiphook calmly, and Hiphook looked almost disappointed. But there was much more to come, so the Lord-Baron's calmness would not survive long.

"What is the family binding contract?" Harry asked.

"The family binding contract number 691-Z, contains multiple breeches of contract by the Zabini family. After your grandfather married a squib, the Zabini family broke all business contracts with the Evans. They did not want to do anything with the family anymore, because they were squibs. "

"So what?" Harry asked.

"They need to give you their most precious property, my Lord. And that most precious property is their oldest daughter with the name Blaise Zabini," Hiphook said with a smile. "In this way you have an additional slave."

Harry raised his eyebrows, but said nothing.

"The Zabini and Evans families had a very good running import and export business, which specialized in ancient books and scrolls. Thanks to the experience of Alphorn Evans, they managed to import all the ancient Egyptian scrolls of Elemental Magic, but those scrolls were later destroyed during a tragic fire at the Ministry of Magic. Alphorn Evans died during that fire, while the ministry was busy rescuing their people and the contents of the ministry vaults. His brother, your grandfather took over the family business, but he was betrayed by the Zabini family. Five years later the business went bankrupt. Zabini managed to stay out of the public selling of properties and the Evans became a poor family. They were forced to sell all their property.

Because of that injustice, your grandfather managed to report at Gringotts that time that the Zabini family had betrayed them. It was too late to correct everything and, because he was a squib, he had no rights like a normal wizard has. So it was waiting for the rightful Head of Family to appear, and here you are, my Lord."

Harry grimaced. "And what about that arranged marriage contract?"

"Ah, that had to do with the business dealings at that time between Alphorn Evans and with the family Greengrass. They set up a marriage contract, that their first born son would marry the first born daughter. Alphorn Evans died, and from that moment there was no Head of Family from the Evans anymore, except now.

"That contract is still valid, so their first born daughter is now subject to that contract," ended Hiphook grinning.

"You mean Daphne Greengrass?" asked Pansy.

Hiphook nodded. "It is Ms. Daphne Greengrass, my Lord" confirmed Hiphook.

Harry sighed.

"Well, that could be worse," said an amused Hannah. "You have only one slave and one wife more. That's not so bad, isn't it?"

"Well," huffed Hiphook. "Thank to all the money, we have one file left," he said.

"And what file is that?" asked Harry.

"You have a fiancée with the name Ms. Luna Lovegood. She is the Heir of Ravenclaw, and they have not had a Head of Family for ages. She is marrying you, and that means that you become the Head of Family Ravenclaw," said Hiphook.

Everything went black, Harry fainted, and Hiphook was laughing his head off.

Slowly the world came into focus, and the first thing he saw a t-shirt, where a set of boobs were clearly obvious. Harry's eyebrows went straight up, and Harry was aware that not only his eyebrows went up, also something else. He grimaced, but it was a very nice way to wake up. To wake up? Did he fall asleep?

Suddenly everything came back to him, and he remembered that he passed out after Master Hiphook told him about the Ravenclaw. Oh shite.

He looked up and he saw Susan's face close to his.

"Harry, are you alright?" she asked, worried.

Harry nodded and smiled. "I'm more then alright now," he whispered, waggling his eyebrows. Susan giggled softly. "You are horny!" she whispered back, and looked excited. "I asked my aunt if it is possible to stay over for tonight, and maybe I can help you to relax, because you are going to need that!"

Harry smiled, thinking about the possibilities and how she is going to relax him. His smile became wider when he envisioned all the possibilities... now he beamed.

"Ahum" said Hiphook.

"Yes, Master Hiphook?" asked Harry.

"We were discussing the Ravenclaw heritage, my Lord. That is before you fainted because of the excitement," Hiphook grinned.

Harry smiled weakly. "Give me an overview, please, Master Hiphook."

"Well, here we go," Hiphook said.

"You become the Head of Family Ravenclaw, you own twenty-five percent of Hogwarts, and you have three seats at the Wizengamot, we have four family binding contracts number 5-Z, 1833-A, 1888-F and 1891-F, you have three Ravenclaw Mate charms, you need to take control of investments in magical world and take control of vaults 5, 5A and 5B. I think that is it," Hiphook said, and looked again in his papers.

Harry groaned.

"How many seats in the Wizengamot does Harry have?" asked Susan.

Hiphook looked up from his papers, looking bothered. "Ms. Bones, I'm busy here with the complicated process of presenting the heritage of the famous Ravenclaw family, and I don't appreciate that you disturb my efforts," Hiphook said irritated, then his expression on his face suddenly changed.

"Let's see, one seat for the Black family, one from the Potter's, one from the Gryffindor's, five from the Bone's, none from the Evans', three from the Ravenclaw's... that is totally eleven seats," Hiphook said fervently.

"Where were we? Ah, the heritage of the Family Ravenclaw. Do you want to start with the family binding contract no. 5-Z, Lord-Baron?" Hiphook asked innocently.

Harry frowned at the strange behavior of the Goblin.

"Yes please, get it over with," said Harry.

"Well... the family binding contract no. 5-Z," Hiphook said formally, "is an issue of a breech of contract. In 1805, the Zabini family took the Ravenclaw jewelry for an exposition they were organizing; they returned the jewelry to the Gringotts vaults, except for the Ravenclaw's necklace. They never returned the necklace, which is very important for the history of the magical world, and was part of the Gringotts wizard's museum. When they took the jewelry, their Head of House signed a magical contract, which stated that they are responsible for the state of the jewelry while in their possession.

The clearly breeched the contract, and Gringotts decided for proper punishment. Their most precious possession would be taken from them. But here the problems started. The Zabini were very powerful, and they had a lot of influence in the Ministry, and they managed to block Gringotts' efforts to implement the punishment. Their reasoning was that only the Ravenclaw heir could implement the punishment."

Hiphook was beaming.

"And guess what? Here is the heir of Ravenclaw with the Head of Family, and now we can implement the punishment. "

Hiphook was pausing and looked expectantly at Harry.

"Well, don't let us in suspense," Harry said contemptuous

"Their most precious possession is..." and Hiphook kept looking eagerly at Harry.

"Their bloody daughter," said Harry dryly.

Hiphook leaped excitedly from his chair and was almost hopping.

"At least, Lord-Baron," Hiphook said breathlessly. "The very least! They had insulted Gringotts, and they made a mockery out of us, and now Gringotts is going to get them back," he growled, all his yellow teeth visible.

"They mortgaged their family manor at that time in 1805, and Gringotts stopped receiving their payments. Gringotts never wanted to receive it, until the moment of revenge came... which is now," he said wildly laughing.

"You get their family manor in possession," said Hiphook, he sniffed... like he tasted the air and liked the smell. "You get also their import- and export business in animal hides." He was cracking a mad laughing sound and was jumping on his short legs. "And you get their oldest daughter, Blaise Zabini, as slave."

He was now roaring of laughter.

"And... and... " he hiccupped, "we cancelled Zabini's marriage, because we found out he was sleeping for years with the wife of Crabbe Senior, which results in canceling their marriage contract."

Hiphook calmed down and looked satisfied at Harry.

"You get the wife of Zabini as slave, too," he said satisfied.

Harry looked wide eyed at Hiphook. He misunderstood Hiphook for sure. He needed to sit down. Oh, he sat already, Harry felt sick in his abdomen and the start of a headache... a dull and pulsing pain straight between his eyes.

"And their daughter ,Thea Zabini, as slave," Hiphook growled.

Hiphook was howling of sadistically laughter, his mouth was wide open... Harry never realized that the color of the tongue of a Goblin was sea green. He felt sick... he wanted to vomit!

"And you get their farms and cattle, too," roared Hiphook, hopping in ecstasy around Harry's chair.

The girls did not know how to react. They were not sure what was more spectacular news, news about the seats in the Wizengamot, the news of the three new slaves, or the strange behavior of Master Hiphook or the horror what Gringotts had done with the Zabini family.

Harry was staring at the hopping Hiphook in a daze. Because of all that hopping and turning rounds around Harry, his headache became worse and he became dizzy as well.

"What must I do with Mrs. Zabini?" Harry asked stunned.

Hiphook stopped in the middle of a large hop and looked thoughtfully for a moment.

"Maybe she can cook?" he asked. "Or maybe she can clean or polish your shoes? Or maybe she can help you in bed... she is experienced after all," Hiphook said beaming.

Harry groaned and held his face in his hands. "You know, Master Hiphook," moaned Harry through his fingers," several days ago I was very happy with my life with the Dursley's. That is what I realized right now. The life was pleasant, and I look fondly back at the times that my uncle and his attractive son were hunting me and locking me up in their luxurious suite, which they called a cupboard. Oh, those happy times," whaled Harry.

"Ooooooooooooooooh, my dearest Lord-Baron. Gringotts loves you, because there is much more to come!" exclaimed Hiphook. "The revenge of Gringotts is only starting, because the Zabini's were not the only ones, who were guilty of mocking Gringotts!"

"Pray tell," whimpered Harry.

"That's the spirit, Lord-Baron," said a grinning Hiphook. He walked back to his chair, sat down and looked dramatically at his papers.

"We have the next family binding contract, contract number 1888-F and 1891-F. Those two binding contracts belong to each other," said Hiphook, "because we discovered that the necklace, which Zabini stole, was at Crabbe manor, twenty-six years ago," he growled, showing all his teeth.

"We demanded the necklace back, but Crabbe senior gave it away before Goblin warriors and Aurors could retrieve it. For this stupidity, you are going to get their two most precious possessions the Crabbe owns." He looked up from his papers and stared expectantly at Harry - who did not react at all - he was only glaring at Hiphook. Harry looked definitely green in the face.

"You are going to get Theresa and Virgina Crabbe as slave, Lord-Baron," Hiphook said happily.

Harry groaned... more bloody slaves. If Hiphook continues like this, he would curse him.

Everyone in the foyer sighed.

"But" Hiphook roared, "we found out where that necklace went to!" Everyone winced at the roaring of Hiphook.

"He gave it to the Greengrass Head of Family!" exclaimed Hiphook, he jumped from his chair again, and started to march through the foyer with large steps, his hands behind his back.

"And do you know what he did with the necklace?" Hiphook roared again.

Nobody said a word, because everyone was too shocked. They were all staring at the enraged Hiphook.

"He threw it into a small hole in the dungeons of Hogwarts, which leads to the deep forbidden and hidden room, which can't be reached by anyone other than the Heir of Slytherin," howled Hiphook, continuing marching through the foyer.

"For this, Greengrass is paying dearly," Hiphook said harshly. He turned suddenly to Harry and smiled a feral smile. "You, Lord-Baron, will receive all his daughters as slave." He walked to the table, looked at his papers. "Those daughters are Daphne, Esther and Petunia Greengrass," he said, looked at Harry and smiled. "Isn't that great, Lord-Baron?"

Harry did not know how to feel. He felt... nothing, and was secretly glad that he did not feel any emotion at the moment. He would expect that he would become mad at the Goblin, but he realized that the Goblin's were extremely powerful, because they destroyed three ancient wizarding families only because of a necklace!

"Yes, Master Hiphook," said Harry.

"And then... we have the rest of the heritage, control of investments in magical world and the control of Vault five, five-A and five-B. This concludes the heritage reading for the family Ravenclaw. Congratulations, Lord-Baron."

"But Harry, Hiphook means the Chamber of Secrets!" Ginny exclaimed.

Everyone looked surprised at the red haired girl.

"Greengrass threw the necklace into the Chamber of Secrets, and you are the only one who can open the Chamber of Secrets," said Ginny with her eyes wide.

Hiphook looked up and stared intently at Harry.

"Is that true, Lord-Baron? Are you able to open that hidden and forbidden room? Are you the one who can open the room of Slytherin? Are you maybe the heir of Slytherin as well?"

Harry nodded unhappily.

"He opened the Chamber of Secrets already in my first year!" exclaimed Ginny, happy that she could help.

Harry was groaning.

A very excited Hiphook jumped again from his chair. "I need to go to Gringotts, this is the best news Gringotts had received in years. Lord-Baron, we are going to investigate if you are the heir of Slytherin. You will hear from us very soon," he said happily and excitedly.

Hiphook ran to the door of the foyer, his mouth open and his tongue was slipping out of his mouth, opened the door and stormed out, slamming the door close with a loud boom.

"Oh Merlin," moaned Harry.

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