Categories > Movies > High School Musical

She Could Be

by TisdaleFanatic

He just got broken up with. She needed space. He is a player with a girlfriend. She's trying to find true love. She has home problems and He shares them with her. Graphic sex, partying, and language.

Category: High School Musical - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Chapters: 4 - Published: 2007-04-24 - Updated: 2007-08-24 - 5176 words

  • The beginning of the End

    by TisdaleFanatic

    He just got broken up with. She needed space. He is a player with a girlfriend. She's trying to find true love. She has home problems and He shares them with her. Graphic sex, partying, and language.

    Category: High School Musical - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-04-24 - Updated: 2007-04-24 - 1820 words

  • Remorse

    by TisdaleFanatic

    The end of the party

    Category: High School Musical - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-04-25 - Updated: 2007-04-26 - 668 words

  • Chapter 3: Rumors

    by TisdaleFanatic

    First day back at school.

    Category: High School Musical - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-04-25 - Updated: 2007-04-26 - 1016 words

  • Chapter 4: The next big hoorah!

    by TisdaleFanatic

    The next party.. and more to come!

    Category: High School Musical - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-08-23 - Updated: 2007-08-24 - 1672 words

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