Categories > Original > Erotica

A Day With Wilbur Robinson

by Moriyuki_Sama

What if Wilbur Robinson had a girlfriend? What if Carl could grant wishes? Wilbur Robinson(Meet the Robinsons) fangirls, Read here for a great story!

Category: Erotica - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Erotica, Humor - Warnings: [!!!] [X] - Published: 2007-05-08 - Updated: 2007-05-08 - 1860 words - Complete

"So, you're going to grant me, any three wishes I want, right?" Wilbur asked Carl, his robot companion.

"Yeah...well, It's parta this new program your dad's tryin' on me. Thing is, I don't know how well it works, so... there's no money back guarantee."

Wilbur put his hand on his chin for a moment. Was it safe?

"It's worth a try..." He thought.

"Alright, alright." Wilbur said, coming to a decision. "Let's just give it a try, I'll make one wish, and if something goes wrong, we'll shut the program down, and toss it in the reject pile."

"Alrigggghhhht!!!" Carl called out. He loved trying out new programs. Carl closed his eyes until there was a loud click! Of the program turning on. He turned around to face Wilbur.

"Ready L'il Buddy! Wish away!" He called, grinning bolt to bolt. But he stopped, and looked around. "Wilbur?" Carl asked.

Wilbur was sitting on his bed, in deep thoughts.

"Wilbur? Come on' little buddy! Let's get wishing! I have a good feeling about this program!" Carl said to Wilbur. "Think about it! Anything you want, you've got it! Come on, dude!" Carl picked up Wilbur on his shoulders. Wilbur laughed.

"Alright, Alright, put me down!" Wilbur said. "I was just thinking about what... what I was going to wish for."

"And...." Carl said, putting Wilbur on his feet. "What do you think?"

Wilbur blushed and laughed nervously.

"Well," He started, not looking at Carl. "There's....this girl..." He said, blushing even deeper.

"Ah, ah, ah..." Carl said in a more serious tone. "You know I can't make anyone fall in love with anyone else, It's in the rules,"

"Aww but come on Carl, I mean, she's funny and nice and,"
"Beautiful?" Asked Carl, eyeing Wilbur suggestively.

"Beautiful!" Exclaimed Wilbur. "I don't even think the word does it justice, I mean, she's got this hair, and these eyes! Aw man, and her smile?" Wilbur sighed and fell back on his bed.

"Wilbur, you know I want to, but I can't,"

"Please Carl? Please?"

Carl sighed sadly and put his hand on Wilbur's shoulder.

"Sorry L'il Buddy, but no."

Carl turned around.

"I'll just shut the program off,"

"Wait," Wilbur interrupted. "You can't make her fall in love, but you can take me to her."

Carl stood, back still to Wilbur.


"Then let's do it!" Wilbur called out, grabbing Carl's wrist and turning him around.

"Alright, Alright," Carl said, laughing at the boys excitement. "Don't think you're so clever just because you found a loop hole."

Wilbur smiled at Carl before saying proudly,

"Carl, I wish for you to take me to the girl of my dreams!"

Wilbur opened his eyes. He felt like he had been sleeping for days. Looking around, he checked his surroundings.

He seemed to be in a shabby room. Old ripped fabric was hung over big holes in the walls and old dirty ceramic pots were hanging about the room. The floor was made of bricks, some smashed and crushed up, but the ceiling was made out of what looked like loose wood. It looked as though the house was ready to just cave in at any moment.
Wilbur stood up and looked around for anyone.

"Hello?" He said, quietly.

He turned around. He had heard rustling in the doorway behind him.

"Come on Nook...let's go home."

Quickly, Wilbur dashed behind a large pile of toppled over crates.

A girl moved in the room from the drape over the door opening. A gloomy expression played across her face, and her movements were slow and tired like. She was walking with a monkey on her shoulder. He seemed to be the one she was talking to.

"Riff raff," She mumbled. "Street Rat,"

"No, I don't buy that." The girl said louder than before. "If only they'd look closer,"

She moved into the light, and Wilbur got his first view of the girl. Her hair was long, and honey color. It seemed to shine perfectly in the moonlight. Her eyes were huge, ice blue, with dark long black eyelashes.

"Would they see a poor girl?" She asked herself, looking angrily at her hands.

"No siree." Nook, the monkey replied.

"They'd find out," The girl said softly. Moving over to a big hole in the side of one of the walls, She pulled back the drape that was hanging over the huge hole over looking the town.

"There's so much more," She continued. "To me." She finished, sighing. Looking out at what she thought to be heaven, she slumped against the window side.

"Someday Nook, where gonna get out of this place."

Nook snored loudly as he slept on his pillow bed next to the window.

"We'll live in a palace, be rich, and never have any problems at all."

Wilbur remained as still and quiet as he could be. Moving backwards, he stepped on a twig, which snapped loudly.

The girl came out of her dreamy sad state and snapped her head around.

"Who's there?" She asked, skwinting her eyes into the darkness.

Wilbur bit his lip and crawled out of his hiding place.

"What the-?!" She exclaimed, looking in fear at the boy. "Who the hell are you?"

Wilbur looked rather taken aback at her rudeness, but put his hand out for a shake anyways.

"The name's Wilbur."

The girl crossed her arms and pursed her lips, looking at the boy.

"Ahem, I mean, I am, uh, um, Prince! Prince Wilbur from, from a far away land. I have a magician who grants me any three wishes I request, and he has taken me to the girl of my dreams as my number one wish. Now, Princess, if you will please,"

"Oh shut up!" The girl interrupted him. "I'm not stupid! I know you're not a Prince!"

"You do?" Wilbur asked desperately. "I, Uh, I mean, Nonsense my Dear! Come with me to experience a land of riches, beauty and happiness!"

The girl picked up Wilbur by the back of his shirt.

"That's it kid, you're going down the kindle pit." She said, walking him over to the window looking out at the city. Getting ready to toss him out it, Wilbur yelped.

"No! Please! I'm sorry! I'm not a Prince, please, just let me live!"

"Oh don't worry, you won't die down there. Trust me, I've tossed tons of guards from the palace, and only 20 out of 22 have died."

Wilbur looked at her.

"You are one frikin' insane wicked witch of the west, now put me down!"

"I'm not from the west you idiot, I'm from the Middle East!"

"Just put me down and I'll give you anything you want!" Wilbur called out, loosing patience.

The girl stopped in mid toss. She put the boy back on his feet.

"Just leave." She said, closing her eyes and rubbing her face. "I've had enough boy's fake me out for one day."

Wilbur didn't leave. He looked at the girl. What did she mean, "fake me out"?

"Uhh, Are you,...ok?" Wilbur asked, moving gingerly towards her.

She didn't say anything.

"Princess?" He asked, after a minute.

"I'm not a princess!" She yelled at him, wiping her eyes. Her face was red, and angry, but sad.

Willbur was extreamly taken aback. He leaned against a pot, helping himself up.

"You're a princess in my eyes." Wilbur said to her. She stopped crying and looked up at him.

"You," She said, expressionless. "You're crazy! What are you talking about, Magician? What like a giene? Who do you think you are? Aladdin?"

Wilbur laughed nervously.

"No, no. He's actually a robot. Let me call him."

Wilbur snapped his fingers, and there was a loud CRACK! Where Carl had just appeared.

"You called?" The robot asked, looking at Wilbur.
The boy gestured towards the girl.

"See," He said. "I'm not crazy. This is Carl, he's my dad's robot."

The girl stood with her mouth open.

"And he can grant you anything you want. You name it."

The girl stared at Wilbur, then put her hand out.

"My name is Rachel," She said, "Start calling me by it."

Wilubr laughed.

"Alrighty then Rachel, you ready to get going?" He said.

"Get...going?" Rachel asked, looking at Wilbur with one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, get going, back to my house. You'll love it there, I promise. It's big, and comfortable, and there's everything you could ever want, you like music? Just wait till you meet my mom, you'll love her, and,"

"Wait," Rachel said, ""

"Yeah, you can call her Franny."

Rachel looked at the boy, and extended her arm.

"Take me." She said.

Wilbur smiled.

"Grab on tight." He said to the girl. She wrapped her arms around Wilbur's waist and pressed herself close to him.

She closed her eyes, and off they went.

Wilbur hopped off Carl's shoulders. He reached up and let Rachel fall into his arms. He carried her into the garage, where he and her would stay for the night.

"Mom and Dad are both out for the next couple of days." Wilbur said, looking at girl as he sat at the foot of her sleeping bag on the floor of the garage. "So you and I can stay down here. It's nice and comfy, and it's got a great view."

Wilbur looked back at Carl, who was leaned against the wall by the lighswitches. He switched one, and looking up, Rachel saw the ceilings curtains slide open, revieling a large dome window, looking straight out at the stars.

Rachel's mouth hung in awe.

"Wow..." She said. "Back home, I never see stars like this."

Wilbur smiled at seeing her so happy. Then, a thought came to his head.

"Wait right here." He said, as he scampered off into a nearby broom closet.

"What," Rachel asked, "Is that?"

"This, my dear is the vision scanner." Wilbur said, handing it to her. "It scans your memories for the one person you care most about, and brings them up on this screen."

"That's completely ridiculous!" The girl said.

"Yeah...Dad just invented it so that he could watch mom when he went away on business trips. I thought you could use it to look at your little friend back home, the little monkey named nook."

Rachel looked at the mirror in deep thought.

"You're so lucky you have a mother." She said. "Boy, if I had one, I wouldn't even mind living on the streets, Mom and I would have so much fun together, Aww Man, Just thinking about it gets me pumped up! I,"

Rachel blushed.

"But, this all must sound pretty stupid to you." She said, looking at the ground.

"No, not at all!" Wilbur exclaimed.

Rachel looked at him.

"Really?" She asked, her blush ebbing away.

"Really really." Wilbur replied, grinning at her.

Rachel smirked at him, and cuddled under his arm.

"Maybe," She said, closing her eyes. "You're not as bad as I thought you were."

Wilbur closed his eyes too, and let out a little sighing laugh.

He scooted her in closer and closed his eyes, falling asleep with her under the stars.
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