Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Witches' Secret

Chapter 24

by Selector11

The witches of the world have a secret, Harry is stuck in the middle

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Bellatrix, Cho, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Luna, Mandy Brocklehurst, Marietta Edgecombe, Narcissa, Padma, Pansy, Parvati, Professor McGonagall, Tonks - Warnings: [!!!] [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-06-22 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 15217 words - Complete

Harry Potter and the Witches' Secret
Chapter 24
13 Sept 1995 (Sidereal)

Harry woke in the morning after a very long night. The mates had apparently taken Molly's thoughts about grandchildren as a parental command, and they all wanted at least some practice. He padded into the bath and straight into the tub. For the first time he did not believe he could satisfy another one of his mates at the moment. They were massively satiated also. Harry ducked under the warm water quickly and then simply floated, exhausted.

At ten minutes to six he lowered his feet and swam to the edge of the gigantic tub and walked out into a completely destroyed master bedroom. Gowns and lacy underthings lay in piles and windrows.

The ladies' maid elves were looking at the piles and shaking their heads. Harry stepped into his dressing room and crawled into his PT gear.

He left the dressing room, wondering where the ladies were. In the bond, they were busy carrying on several conversations referring to female anatomy that he was desperately trying not to listen to.

He followed an elf to the hall they were using this Turning for classes and a gym. The elf led him to the crest under the main stairs and they faded away, rematerializing in a part of the castle that Harry had not been to yet. They proceeded down a broad hallway paved with flagstones. After a moment they came to a double set of doors. Harry pushed the doors open and entered a huge hall that had doors all around the sides.

The bonded were all present, sitting on the mats and doing their stretches. Harry smiled at them and sent them his love in the bond. They returned both at maximum volume and suddenly he was no longer tired or sore.

Harry stretched and began his routine, not noticing that there was a gallery above the hall in which the Queen, parents, and most of the courtiers sat, observing.

Elizabeth had asked her butler if such a facility existed, and he had asked Geoffrey. Geoffrey had said that it would be prepared and had the Potter elves steer the Queen, her court, the guests, and the parents there.

A few of the courtiers fancied themselves physically fit and asked to use the gym at the same time as the bonded. Geoffrey had asked Nym, and when she had approved he had those mostly male courtiers led to the hall itself.

The Queen entered the gallery and went to sit beside Molly, who had ensconced herself in the front row.

The gallery had been full of chatter until Harry started his routine. The female mates had come in and launched the gallery's discussion of their physical forms and clothing choices as if they were a herd of prize thoroughbred mares.

When Harry started his routine the chatter started dying away, and as he got deeper into it there were a number of noticeable little squeaks and pants from the gallery.

The courtiers could not even work out at the bonded adult witches' warm-up weights and were miles from Harry's level. They gamely stayed in, though.

"Lady Weasley, we must talk."

"Your Majesty?"

"Frankly, I suspect your change in allegiance last night, my dear."

"Ma'am, obviously you know I have always been probably the most die-hard supporter of Dumbledore. Some would say that I followed him blindly; I did nothing to dispel those notions. Dumbledore was to me the hope that my children would live, maybe not as well as I hoped, but they would live.

"They are all indelibly affiliated with the Light, for good or ill, Harry most of all. After losing all of my brothers in the first rise of He-Who...oh, bother that, the half-blood criminal Riddle, I have a physical need to keep my children safe. I know deep down that it can't be done, but I can't stop myself from using any means necessary to accomplish that goal.

"Dumbledore was a means. He has descended into dementia. Now the largest player on the field in support of the Light is before us. Not Harry, but this bond. Riddle can not win, and my daughters are bound to one of my sons. Morgana, that sounds bad; but I am the luckiest of women."

"And a credit to both the Prewett and Weasley lines." The Queen nodded at Molly and turned her attention back to the gym.

"I should like to know your opinion on an issue for the Duchy."

This conversation immediately drew the women courtiers, witches, and Emma.

Meanwhile, down in the hall, Dan had taken a break and Andrew approached and sat on the same bench.

"Your Highness?"

"Colonel, you seem to be in good shape. Quitting already?"

"Bah! I thought I was in good shape. Harry is astounding, and the women are amazing, too. I noticed Sarah out there and keeping up."

"It's the bond; the magic in it is maximizing the mates' physiques as well as their abilities."

"Yes, Hermione mentioned that last night. Wait a minute-the Duchess of York-your wife is mated to Harry Potter?"

Andrew laughed. "No-bonded, not mated, though I suspect she is peeking."

Dan's head was spinning again. "But Hermione said she would die if the bond was broken. She said she'd done something foolish that caused Harry to withdraw from her and she was dying until Nymphadora brought him back to her."

Andrew's face clouded. "Yes, that was ghastly. She wasn't the only one dying; it almost killed Harry, too."

"So how do you stand your wife having sex with another man?"

"You misunderstand, Colonel; Sarah is faithful to me, other than a little mental voyeurism that she thinks I don't know about. All bonds are different. Sarah, for some reason, is more closely matched to Harry and his magic than any other woman save Nym. They are both what is known as Alphas. Hermione, Hestia, Daphne, Susan, Ginny, Beatrice, and Eugenie are very closely matched to his magic and are what is known as Primary wives. All of these women except Sarah would in fact die if Harry died or if they were unbonded from him.

"For some unknown reason-I suspect it's because she's bonded to me and the children as well as Harry-Sarah does not appear to need as intimate contact as the rest of the bonded do. We believe Sarah would live, and between her and Nym they might be able to save the Primaries from death and the bonded wives from madness, were anything to happen to Harry."

"So all of this is true, not some elaborate excuse by my daughter to justify sex?"

Andrew laughed. "It's all true."

"And Harry, the poor sod, is bonded to all of these women and has their thoughts in his head?"

Andrew laughed again. "Yes, I believe that's an accurate assessment, from what I see through Sarah. I can tell you, sometimes I pity him. It's one giant hen-party at times. And the things women talk about!" Andrew blushed and shuddered.

Dan laughed this time. "I wonder how long it will last. I mean, this many women in the group-they're bound to fight."

"They are mated to each other, too."

Dan blushed as the full meaning of that hit him, and then he shrugged. "Well, that should help a little."

"It has. It probably saved Hermione already. They were able to sustain her until Nym, Hestia, and Rosmerta could get through to Harry."

"Does this happen often? These multiple bonds, I mean."

"Almost never. The only recorded instance was in this same line five hundred years ago. We believe Albus Dumbledore engineered this. Wizards can be taught to suppress their magic's mate-seeking. If he had taught or allowed Harry to be taught it probably would have limited this, errrh, harem to only the Alphas and Primaries. They're so tightly bound that they can use each other's knowledge and magic. We believe Dumbledore counted on this to equip Harry to kill Riddle, the current Dark Lord.

"I think after Harry had killed him Dumbledore intended to either get rid of Harry or bundle him off somewhere with the witches in order to maintain his, Dumbledore's preeminent place in the magical world."

Dan nodded "I would like to talk to Dumbledore at some point soon."

Andrew scowled "In hospital. I'm afraid the prognosis isn't good. He's descended into dementia, a rare occurrence in wizards. I suspect it has been ongoing for some time and it just now presented in a way that he couldn't control. Also, you'd have to get in line; he had Lord Black held for twelve years in a prison that makes the Black Hole of Calcutta look like a tea party."

Dan looked thoughtful. "You know, the one time I met him he seemed off. Didn't someone notice?"

"Powerful wizards are notoriously eccentric."

"So what can we expect from Harry, then?"

Just then Prince Phillip walked up, sweating. "Have you seen that dirty great hole in the garden, Colonel?"

"Your Highness, no, I haven't."

Phillip motioned him to follow and walked over to the wall and pointed. Dan and Andrew drew up beside him and silence reigned for a moment.

Dan finally said, "Well, it could be worse, I suppose."

Andrew rolled on the floor laughing. When he finally recovered he said, "It's the foundation and excavation for a school and five hundred-acre lake. What Father was trying to say was that Harry did it all yesterday while the ladies were preparing for the dinner party last night. I think that qualifies Harry as exceptionally single-minded."

Dan looked relieved, then horrified. Andrew collapsed in laughter again.

The ladies in the balcony heard the laughter and looked up. Emma and the Queen smiled.

"Andrew seems to have answered the Colonel's questions, Emma."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And you, Emma, have your questions been answered?"

"Sarah, Nym, and Hermione came and talked to me early this morning, ma'am. I'm happy that she's satisfied and happy. It was apparently rough going a few weeks ago but she assures me she's fine, and I've never seen her this happy, ma'am."

"It was ghastly, Emma. We almost lost them all over a girl's insecurity. She did very well in the crisis, though, and has fully given herself to her lord. She is a woman now."

The gathered women oohhed and ahhed.

"So this is not common in the wizarding world, ma'am?"

"This is the stuff of fairy tales and legends, Emma. It requires a witch of immense power and an even more powerful wizard who loves her above all else, including his own life. That our Duke has fully bonded all these women and they all have given themselves completely to him is unprecedented, even in myth."

Emma looked around at the nodding, misty-eyed circle of witches and oriented on Molly, the only one she really knew.

Molly nodded at her.

"And Sarah, ma'am, you don't mind that she's-" Emma realized what she was saying and blushed furiously.

"All bonds are different, Emma. Somehow Sarah does not need to have as intimate a contact with Harry. I know she is-peeking, shall we say-but she remains faithful to Andrew. Her relationship with Harry will stand her in good stead soon."

"Why, ma'am-if that is not too impertinent?"

"No. In order to cover the Princesses' bonding to Harry, we're going to have to provide a smokescreen and a reason to keep them from the press. The Prince of Wales will divorce; he and Diana unfortunately never bonded, and she is unfortunately unsuitable. We've tried everything, but they simply cannot be made to get along."

"Andrew and Sarah will divorce in the Mundane world, but they are bonded. The press will have a field day for a few years and we'll be able to hide the Princes somewhat and the Princesses completely under the guise of protecting them from attention."

"Eugenie is bound? That's-that's-and Beatrice?"

The witches and courtiers laughed.

Millicent Dobbs said, "Intent-bonded, Emma. They cannot have full sex with him, and right now they can only have non-sexual physical contact with him. As they mature sexually they'll be allowed to experiment with their intended under their Alpha's or a Primary's supervision, but they cannot fully bond-err, have penetrative sex-to his completion until they reach stability in their cycle, whenever that might be. Emma and Victoria were intent-bonded until last night; we gave Duchess Nymphadora permission for them to fully bond last night. Looking at them now, I would say they both did."

The group looked at the two exhausted, ecstatic girls.

"Oh my God, that is either the most excruciating form of torture ever devised or the most practical thing I've ever heard of."

The Queen laughed outright. "Both, I think. It is excruciating, but you learn so very much, too, much more than sneaking away to some dark corner."

The witches and Mundane female courtiers nodded. They had compared notes extensively and believed this way was better.

"But how do you know to do this?"

"Witches are trained, and just like Mundane girls they all jabber incessantly as teens. Normally they are not 'found' by a wizard's magic until their late teens, if at all. Multiple bondings are not unknown, just multiple full bondings on this scale and in this depth."

Emma thought about that for a moment and then giggled. "Poor Harry, the lone rooster in the henhouse."

Fortune added, "And such a very large flock."

Fortunately the male courtiers had withdrawn much earlier to go down to the hall and examine the equipment, because the conversation swiftly devolved after that.

The male courtiers, Tim, Dan, Andrew, and Phillip stayed far away from the door marked Cold Pool as the bonded proceeded inside.

Geoffrey announced, "Breakfast is served. If you would follow Cindy, please?"

Breakfast that morning was a very genial affair. The bonded continued to slay the Court, males and females. Harry added turning his farthers-in-law into his staunchest supporters to his growing repertoire.

After breakfast Geoffrey led them back to the hall and to a theater much like they had used before.

Nym took the stage after the clan and guests had been seated. The Queen sat front row center and motioned Harry into the seat on her left.

Nym opened the briefing. "Your Grace, Your Royal Highnesses, guests, welcome to the morning briefing of the Duke of Magic's own, the First Magical Regiment of Infantry. Today is 12 September 1995. The Regiment is currently involved in training, planning, intelligence gathering, and a campaign for financial dominance of the wizarding world. Susan will brief personnel."

Nym sat in a straight chair at a table to the side of the stage. Susan rose from the chair and nodded. A chart appeared on the screen.

Regimental Strength

Nymphadora Tonks Potter
Sarah of York

Primary Wives
Hermione Granger Potter Susan Bones Potter Hestia Jones Potter
Ginny Weasley Potter Daphne Greengrass Potter Beatrice of York (I)
Eugenie of York (I)

Wives (all now Potter)
Hannah Abbot Shelia Fawcett Megan Jones
Sally Anne Perks Mandy Brocklehurst Su Li
Padma Patil Cho Chang Marietta Edgecomb
Luna Montgomery Luna Lovegood Tracey Davis
Katie Bell Parvati Patil Janet Carruthers
Rita Skeeter Minerva McGonagall Aurora Sinistra
Septima Vector Bathsheba Babbling Madam Rosmerta
Ann Morley Anastasia Romanov Chu Li Ming
Marie Crouching Cougar Amanda Sherman Emmeline Vance
Amelia Bones Narcissa Black Anna Abbot
Marcia Braithwaite Krista Collins Krystal Champion
Victoria Frobisher Emma Dobbs Cynthia Carlisle (née Fudge)
Clarissa Fudge Hogwarts

In Compulsion (Probable [tentative])
Bellatrix Black Juliet Mulciber Katherine Nott
Alexis Rookwood Carina Yaxley Irina Dolohov
Margaret Zabini

97 House-elves
22 Nightmares
102 Guests

"Forty-seven women are bonded: two Alphas, seven Primary wives, two intent-bonded, and thirty-seven wives. Seven witches in compulsion have been identified and they are all under control of the Dark Lord, status unknown, but we know they are alive. All personnel are accounted for.

"No personnel are in hospital and none are on restricted duty for medical reasons.

"We have thirty prisoners, all alive and in reasonable health. Twenty-seven have yet to be interrogated.

"One prisoner has been tried, found guilty of supporting the Dark Lord, and executed.

"Subject to your questions, Your Grace, I will be followed by Daphne the G2."

Susan, faintly blushing again, sat and Daphne rose gracefully. She moved into position and another chart appeared. She briefed her chart as it appeared.

Intelligence Summary

"Weather: Normal; no impact to operations across the theater of operations.


"Dark Forces: The Dark Lord continues to add to his forces. We are seeing recruiting efforts among "Dark magical creatures", Acromantula and vampires as an example. There are also reports of recruiting among the Giants. In spite of this increased recruiting we are not seeing activity other than the continued attempts to get to the prophecy.

"Light Forces: The so-called Light forces continue to gather intelligence and counter the Dark forces' moves to obtain the prophecy. Dumbledore has been replaced as head of the Order bringing it into line as an ally, we believe.

"Ministry: The Ministry has had the wardstones installed and the Acting Minister continues working on a loyalty oath that will put the Ministry into a neutral status at worst and a supporting role at best.

"Estimate: We believe that in the near term Voldemort will continue to attempt to gain control over the prophecy.

"The snatch stones removing Death Eaters from Voldemort's control will assist us in both reducing his forces and increasing our available resources. Twenty-seven snatches were made from the Ministry yesterday.

"Subject to your questions, Your Grace, I will be followed by Hestia, the G3."

Daphne blushed and sat.

Hestia rose and approached the screen.

"Your Grace, the Regiment currently continues training and intelligence gathering operations.

"Also, the construction of the Royal Academy progresses at a rapid pace. Thanks to Harry doing the work of a Goblin battalion yesterday, it should be finished at the end of the month. We will then apply the wards and begin interviewing teachers. We should be ready to take on students after Christmas break. Chu has sent out the letters to all human students from the magical births register who are not already enrolled in Hogwarts, Durmstrang, or Beauxbatons. We need to acquire a representative among the vampires, Centaurs, Merfolk, and other sentient species.

"Planning has begun as a staff exercise for contingencies that Luna has foreseen. We will be prepared to rock-drill these plans and get your approval of them, Your Grace, in a fortnight.

"We are beginning to review the body of wizarding law per your instructions yesterday, Your Grace, with the intent of stripping it down to its simplest applicable terms.

"Subject to your questions, I will be followed by Ginny the G4, Your Grace."

Hestia and Hermione got the little blush. Ginny rose, smiling.

G4 Operations

"Your Grace, the Household and Regiment are currently supplied as necessary. We are still coordinating with vendors for supplies for the school.

"We believe the first formal event set up and executed by the House was a rousing success." She paused as she was drowned out by applause, first from the Queen and then from everyone.

"We have no current issues.

"Subject to your questions, I will be followed by Amelia the G5."

She blushed heavily and sat. Amelia rose and stepped up to a podium that had appeared. The screen disappeared.

"Your Grace, as briefed yesterday, the Regiment is currently in control of the top-level position in the Ministry and I'm moving to consolidate the position. Nym, Hestia, and Emmeline have mined the Ministry with the snatch stones.

"I'm continuing to work on a loyalty oath with Alastor and Emmeline for Ministry personnel that will have their loyalty tied to Her Majesty's appointed representative of the magical world and to the realm. We will we have the Ministry people swear to it. In the absence of the intent-based snatch stones we believe that this is the best we can do. The downside is that it will require the individual to attempt a disloyal act, and the oath will strip them of their magic and their life.

"We had a meeting of the Wizengamot and I believe I can safely say that you have a blocking vote and very firm support in the body." She was interrupted from applause by the Wizengamot members present. "We believe you should occupy your seat and appoint proxies for the seats you control at the next scheduled meeting. That would have you sitting in the Potter seat and proxies sitting in the following seats:


"Your vassal already controls Black, and I have executed his pardon. You have a blocking position with these seats, as it takes a two-thirds majority to pass measures in the Wizengamot, and with all the seats in your control you'll have one more than enough to prevent the majority.

"If Greengrass, Fawcett, Jones, Perks, Dobbs, Brocklehurst, Montgomery, Lovegood, Davis, Bell, Frobisher, Chang, Patil, and Li continue to follow you, you'll have your own majority.

"Subject to your questions, Your Grace, I will be followed by Narcissa, your G8."

"Amelia, did Lord Black discuss Bellatrix with you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, but I haven't yet discussed it with His Grace."

"Baron Fellowes?"

The Baron stood and approached the Queen with a scroll. He handed it to her and she unrolled it, reviewed it, and handed it to Harry. He reviewed it and handed it to Amelia.

"That is a Royal pardon for Lady Bellatrix. You will have her removed from Azkaban and brought here forthwith, Amelia. Harry, once she arrives and is cleaned up, you will escort me as I talk to her. Lord Black will also accompany us. You will then bond her. Then we will execute the Turning."

A small chorus of "Ma'am"s was heard and Alastor stumped forward and took the parchment from Amelia. He left immediately with Sirius and Remus.

Amelia said, "I will be followed by Narcissa, the G8."

Narcissa rose and moved to the podium. "Your Grace, as we have discussed, your resources are virtually unlimited. We have identified sources that we already own for all of the supplies and equipment needed for the Royal Academy and we are continuing to coordinate with Lord Black and Lady Abbot to seize control of the raw materials supplies for the wizarding world.

"There will be supplies in the system, but as those run out we will be in control of the total supply.

"We will coordinate with Chu and Minerva to generate a supplies and clothing list for the students, and we will then purchase those items and put them in storage here.

"I am prepared to give a full accounting of the Duchy at any time.

"This is the same briefing I gave yesterday, Your Grace, and there have been no changes as of yet.

"Subject to your questions, Your Grace, I will be followed by Chu."

Narcissa received the nod and quickly turned to her seat to hide her blush.

Chu rose and moved to the podium.

"Your Grace, great progress has been made on both the physical facility of the Royal Academy and on hiring instructors.

"We are, thanks to your efforts, weeks ahead of schedule on the facility.

"A notice was placed in all wizarding publications for all instructor positions. We hope to see CVs by the end of the week. We will then begin winnowing through them to send invitations for interviews, and once candidates are accepted they will render fealty oaths to you. All applicants interviewed will be subjected to deep Legilimency probes.

"Subject to your questions, I will be followed by the Executive Officer and Chief of Staff, Duchess Nymphadora."

Chu moved to her seat, receiving his thanks and blushing faintly as all her mates had yesterday and today.

Nym stood. "Subject to your questions and guidance, Your Grace, this concludes our morning briefing."

Harry stood and moved up onto the stage. "Thank you all, ladies. You have, I believe, captured the intent again. I look forward to our next briefing. Does anyone have any questions for me?"

Marquess Townshend rose from his seat. "Your Grace, I fear I must apologize to you, your bonded, especially Duchess Sally, and my wife. I also apologize to you, Your Majesty. In the heat of the moment last night I did lay a hand on the Duchess Sally Ann."

Harry, standing at the front of the room, pinned the aged Duke to the spot with his burning green eyes while his aura flared wildly out of control for a moment. He let it. The Castle shook. Harry reined his aura in and said mildly, "Apology accepted."

The Marquess would never touch a Potter woman again and would guard them the rest of his life, as would his successor. It would over the years become a point of honor amongst the line, eventually worked into their coat of arms as "Defender of the Duchess" in a scroll across the top of the arms of the House. Several times through the years this devotion would cause the succession of the House. It would also lead to a succession of marriages between the Houses.

The Potter ladies cleared the stage, and the House of Windsor prepared to brief. Baron Fellowes was nervous. The Regimental staff had set a very high bar; their briefing was short, detailed, and to the point. Of course, he had yet to see them do a decision brief. He would have to wait for the rock-drill, as they called it. Still, for their second-time-ever briefing, they were powerful.

He began the briefing. "Your Majesty, Your Grace, honored guests, welcome to the state briefing. We will start with the Minister of Interior's report." He stepped to the podium, where his aide had laid the report, and took them through the highlights.

He was amazed to see the entire Potter clan paying strict attention. He wished he could get this much cooperation from the Ministers.

He asked for questions before moving to the Minister of State's report. Several were asked and answered, showing that not only had they listened to him but they had read the report on the screen at the same time.

They finished the state briefing and moved back out into the hall.

The mats had been cleared.

"Ma'am, I must interrogate the prisoners. I'll call you when I'm done."

"We will observe, Your Grace."

Harry cringed. He knew these were bad people; they had been in positions in the Ministry and they had been Death Eaters.

He nodded tightly. The Queen withdrew to the balcony with the parents and the courtiers. Andrew and Phillip went with the Queen. Andrew sat next to Dan Granger, anticipating trouble.

Harry centered himself and turned to Nym. "Who first?"

"Alphabetical: William, Lord Avery."

Harry turned and raised his hand. William Avery faded into view, seated on the floor. He leapt to his feet and froze.

Harry turned to Nym and raised an eyebrow, then turned back to Avery. Suddenly Avery was bound in a chair, with a table beside him. Geoffrey faded into view with a stack of blank parchment and a certified court transcription quill. He faded away again.

"William Avery, you are charged with treason to the realm. How do you plead?"

"That's Lord Avery, whelp. You have no authority over me."

"I'm not going to go through this twenty-six more times," Harry declared.

He waved his hand and the twenty-six other prisoners appeared, bound to chairs. Another wave and twenty-seven wands flew to him; another, and fifty-six Portkeys flew past and into a bucket. With a last angry wave, all the prisoners were screaming as a vast assortment of magical items flew into another large bucket and their Dark Marks all tried to do the same thing.

"Oops, Finite Incantem."

Nym looked at Harry and arched a brow.

"Sorry. Forgot the Dark Mark is a magical item. Well, we know they're all Marked. Now, let's try this again."

"William Avery, how do you plead?"

"I told you once, whelp-that's Lord Avery."

"Hestia, if you please?"

Hestia stepped forward and jerked Avery's head back. She dripped in nine drops of Veritaserum.

Harry looked at Avery; when his eyes glazed over, Harry started asking questions.


"William, Lord Avery."

"Are you a Death Eater?"


"Are you now or have you ever been under the Imperius Curse?"


"List all your crimes, both Mundane and wizard."

The droning began.

As Harry stood apparently impartially observing, he was actually conversing in the bond.

Dan leaned toward Andrew. "What exactly is a Death Eater?"

"A supporter of the Dark Lord. A terrorist, for you. Avery there would be an inner circle terrorist; some of these others will just be foot soldiers."

"What is Harry going to do? And why is Avery freely admitting his crimes like that?"

"That potion they gave him is Veritaserum. It forces you to truthfully answer questions or respond to orders. Harry will either execute him in single combat momentarily and cast a spell called the Praedia Bellica, which will strip Avery of all rights, privileges, monies, property, and chattel, or he'll beat him into submission and then cast it. If he beats him into submission, Avery will then be executed in public at a later date calculated to have the maximum impact on cementing Harry's power."

"What-you can't be serious?"

The Queen turned her head. "Colonel Granger, the Duke is a feudal Duke. He is my vassal because he chooses to be. He is the ultimate power in the magical realm. His power derives from the Realm itself. I have vested him with High, Middle, and Low justice to placate men, but he does not need my authority. The magical realm is at war; he does not have the luxury of rehabilitating these terrorists."

Dan goggled. "He's a tyrant in the classical sense."

The Queen smiled at him. "Very quick, Colonel." She turned back to the drama unfolding below.

Avery had stopped talking.

"Name all Death Eaters or servants of the Dark Lord that you know."

"Very nice, Harry. That 'servants' thing should get us lots of names."

"Thanks, Hestia."

Suddenly Harry snapped to attention. Hogwarts students were being named.


"Hogwarts and I have it, Harry. I'm planting a snatch stone in the entrance and at the gate."

"Put one in the door to the Great Hall as well, Minerva."

"Yes, Hogwarts. Couldn't you just transport them to Potter Castle?"

"Yes, I could, but I'd rather have the backup."

"You're as bad as Alastor, Hogwarts."

"Why, thank you, Minerva!"

The bonded chuckled as Minerva grumbled about paranoid people. It never entered any of their minds that they were talking to and about a building.

Avery wound down again.

"List all your property, assets, and chattel."

Avery started talking and then wound down again.

"What are the Dark Lord's plans?"

"He intends to get the prophecy from the Department of Mysteries and then formulate his future plans from there. He believes he is controlling Harry Potter and he will soon have the prophecy."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Dead, if you don't let me go. You look like the Potter boy but he's a scrawny fifteen-year-old, I've seen him. Distant relative, probably. Look, boy, if you let me go, I can make it worth your while-money, witches, little wizards, whatever you like."

Harry released his aura. "William Avery, you have been found to be an agent of the Dark. Defend yourself."

Avery's wand flew into his hand and he flew across the hall, landing in an empty space. Harry strode toward him, casting a dueling shield behind himself. The mates stood passively watching.

A malevolent grin spread across Avery's face. "Single combat, eh? Fine. Avada Kedavra!"

Harry didn't even dodge; he raised his right hand and caught the unstoppable curse.

Avery smiled weakly and then pissed himself when Harry said, "Ouch."

Harry laughed at him and blew one of Avery's fingers off.

The gallery flinched; Andrew chuckled.

"How can you be laughing, sir? My son-in-law is in some kind of duel to the death!"

Emma smiled at the son-in-law comment. She noticed the Queen was smiling, too.

"Dan, that first bit of magic you saw was the Killing Curse. It is supposedly unstoppable and kills on contact. That same curse, when reflected for the only time ever in recorded history, dis-incorporated the Dark Lord and ended his first rise. Apparently our little Harry is immune to it. Oh, and he did this same thing to another of Riddle's lieutenants yesterday. He's going to force Avery into submission and publicly execute him later."

Avery had been steadily throwing the nastiest of Dark curses that he knew, and Harry was just letting them hit him, showing no ill effects.

The bonded were frantic after the Killing Curse but settled instantly when they felt Harry not die.

Their minds universally turned to figuring out what he was doing. Harry was splitting the magic up and holding the Dark parts while he absorbed the untainted raw magic. Without the Dark intent portion, the raw magic couldn't do anything. Every curse Avery threw at Harry made him and all the bonded that much stronger.

"I wish he'd let me have the next one. I want to try that."

"Don't you think you should practice first, Hermione?"

"He didn't, Cho."

"Well, no, but he is Harry."

"Good point."

They went back to watching as Avery, minus all his fingers but one and one thumb, and nine of his toes, finally collapsed.

Harry walked over to him and cast, "Praedia Bellica!" The light flashed and Avery was stripped of everything, including his magic.

Emmeline approached with one of the odd jars, and Harry held out his hand. An inky black cloud flowed from his hand into the jar.

Harry shuddered. "Yuck, that's nasty."

"Yuck? I'll give you yuck if you ever scare me like that again, Harry James Potter!"

"What, Nym? Oh, the Killing Curse. Sorry, should have said. I figured it out when I stripped Malfoy yesterday. Magic without intent is just magic, so I separate off the Dark intent and absorb the magic."

"'Sorry, should have said'? That's all you have to say to me? 'Sorry, should have said.'"

"I said sorry, Nym."

"Don't you Nym me."

The entire household and assembled guests watched as Harry pouted and Nym built up to a severe dressing-down.

The Queen had been just as scared as Nym but was more distant from the situation and could see the humor in it. Besides, this was getting the Duchess nowhere. She would have to have a quiet talk with Nym later about managing males. She leaned forward.

"Pardon me, Duchess Potter, but do you think we should be screeching like fishwives in front of the prisoners?"

Nobody dared to even snicker into the vast silence that fell.

"And, Your Grace," she said gently to Harry, "perhaps a little warning before we do the impossible next time? And really, could we get on with it? We do have other things to do today."

She received a two-person chorus of, "Yes, ma'am," from two very red-faced young nobles.

Harry and Nym set up a kind of assembly line, two bonded taking each prisoner through at least the questions Harry had asked the elder Avery, and as soon as the prisoners were through answering they were levitated into the dueling area and given their wands.

Harry beat them to pieces and cast the Praedia Bellica on them or, in the case of one Charles Saffire, he killed him out of hand and then cast the Praedia Bellica. The man had admitted to raping Mundane and magical children and killing them-for entertainment, he said.

Emma, who had listened to Saffire's sickening account of his crimes, had leaned over the rail of the gallery, after Harry had blasted his head into scattered atoms, and asked, "Can you do the child molesters slower, Harry? They deserve as much pain as they can get."

Her question got a round of applause, and the next child molester was set to slowly burning alive. Harry cast a silencing dome and a large bubble charm over him to keep the noise and smell down and watched as the man capered about for fully five minutes before he died, much as Salazar's statue had in the Chamber. Harry cast the Praedia Bellica when he fell down thrashing.

He looked at Emma and she nodded.

Hermione was appalled at the bloodthirstiness of her mother.

"You don't have a child yet, Hermione; hold your judgment until after you've held your child."

"Thank you for the perspective, Anna. I shall."

Geoffrey and the elves moved the prisoners to cell pits after Harry finished with them and returned with the prisoners from Hogwarts.

The production line ground to a halt when the first of these, a seventh year Ravenclaw, Eric Chambers, showed up in the chair in front of Cho for questioning.

Harry studied the young man and then raised his eyes He happened to meet the Queen's eyes.

"It must be done, Your Grace. I share your pain."

Harry looked at Cho. "Can you put him to the question?"

Cho looked at Harry with tears in her eyes and a will of iron. "Yes, my lord."

Cho and Marietta put the boy to the question under Veritaserum. He turned out to be a new recruit. He had only been on one raid and did not believe he personally had killed anyone, though people had been killed.

Harry sent Cho and Marietta his love and support as they questioned the boy.

Harry was in a quandary. The boy was not head of his family. He was a pureblood. He was an admitted supporter of the Dark.

He looked at the gallery. "I would take advice on sentencing from the Wizengamot."

"Oh, that's brilliant, Harry. With one sentence you've put them neatly in your pocket, I believe."

"Thank you, Narcissa."

As the members of the Wizengamot held a conference behind her, the Queen nodded slightly to Harry, acknowledging the brilliance of that move.

Augusta Longbottom spoke as the representative of the members present. "We are pleased that you would include us, Your Grace."

The Queen smiled broadly; they had accepted Harry's sovereignty over them.

"We believe that the prisoner has been proven to be a supporter of the Dark and therefore can depend on your mercy alone."

"Lady Longbottom, that does not help me much."

Augusta looked at him. "You must rule, Your Grace-we cannot. We do, however, recommend your mercy in this case."

Elizabeth was most pleased. They had accepted his sovereignty but were not hiding behind it; they were in fact recommending he be merciful. The next few moments would tell her whether the realm had chosen well.

"Eric Chambers, you have been judged to be a supporter of the Dark." There was a sharp intake of breath from the courtiers and some of the parents in the gallery, as Harry had made this same pronouncement this over every one of the prisoners he had destroyed so far.

"You will be confined in the dungeons of this Castle until your master has been destroyed. At that time you will be ransomed to pay restitution to your victims. Restitution shall be in the amount of one million Galleons for each victim, to be divided amongst all of those participating in the attack. If no ransom is forthcoming, I will pay restitution and you will be bound to my House as a servant until your ransom and upkeep are paid."

A great sigh went up with a smattering of applause from the gallery. Merciful indeed was the young Duke; it had looked dicey for a moment but-well, there it was.

Eric Chambers rose and bowed. Geoffrey popped him away to a proper cell with a window (illusioned) and all.

"Cho, please write up a letter for me to sign and send to his family. They will be allowed to visit once a week provided they are not in the Dark Lord's service."

Cho nodded.

Augusta looked at Harry, "Merciful indeed, Your Grace."

"Not yet, Lady Longbottom. I just delayed making him a slave."

"Feh, his family is pureblood. Once they get over the apoplexy this will give them, they'll bail him out once you kill Snake-Face."

Harry bowed to her and she dropped him a curtsy.

Harry turned around. The next student to appear was Draco Malfoy.

Narcissa moved up to the table. "I warned you, Draco. Now look what you've done."

"Mother, get me out of here. Pay what you have to."

Harry stepped up beside Narcissa.

"Draco Malfoy, you are wearing the Dark Mark."

"Why, yes I am, sir, and if you release me I'll put in a good word for you with my lord."

"I don't want your words, Malfoy."

"Money, then. I have money."

"I have more money than I can spend now."

"I'm sure you can work something out with my mother, then. She can be very accommodating." Draco winked and smirked nastily.

Harry was fast, but Nym and Hestia were faster. They had his arms before he could move and were smothering his aura with their own. Janet and Krystal moved up, but not before Narcissa had landed a ringing slap on Draco's face.

"You are no son of mine. I cast you from the House."

A light formed around Draco and left him, and entered Narcissa and Harry.

A look of horror appeared on Draco's face. "What have you done, slut? I'll kil-urrkk-aaaaaaaiiiiiiieeee!"

Harry's magic had grabbed Draco, and before their eyes it shredded him into thousands of pieces. Janet's shield kept the gore contained and away from them. Geoffrey and three elves appeared and Vanished the smear and puddle that, seconds ago, had been Draco Malfoy.

"Merlin! Please never let me make him mad." While the room turned to look at a normally reserved Henri Patil at the sound of this fervent prayer, Harry took Narcissa into his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Narcissa."

"Why, Harry? His father made him that way. My Draco was lost to us years ago. It was kinder that way, actually. He didn't suffer much at all. Too bad, really; he's dealt out so much pain."

Nym joined them in their embrace for a few moments.

Then Gregory Goyle, Junior, appeared.

Hermione put him to the question.

His answers indicated that he did whatever anyone he knew asked of him.

Chu stepped up and asked a few questions of her own.

"Harry, I believe this boy has a severe learning disability, and limited mental capacity. There are institutions in the United States that might be able to help him. They're secure facilities."

Harry nodded. Goyle was technically his ward, as he had cast the Praedia Bellica on his father an hour ago. "Let's send him there. Until then, Cho, another letter, please. Same conditions."

Crabbe was next; the sentence was the same, as the results of questioning were almost identical with Goyle's.

"I'll write the letter, Harry."

"Thanks, Cho."

Ted Nott was a different story. He reported many petty crimes, assaulting his mother, and then his initiation with Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy had included a revel for which they had captured Mundane children. He reported they had all enjoyed it and were planning one at Hogwarts.

Harry, having already killed Nott Senior for being a child molester, did the slow burn to Ted.

Blaise was next. His list of crimes included raping his mother twice. He received the same treatment, and the Praedia Bellica.

No more prisoners appeared, and Geoffrey reported that no new ones had appeared.

"Geoffrey, can you see to the magical creatures and beings, also the property, please? Narcissa, can you start consolidating the estates?"

"Yes, Your Grace."

"My lord."

"If you'll all excuse me, I need a shower."

The bonded left the hall.

In the gallery, comments flew back and forth. "The boy is very lenient, Elizabeth."

"I thought he did very well, Phillip. I was afraid judging his schoolmates would break his heart."

Augusta nodded. "Maybe the best thing that ever happened to the wizarding world, that Draco Malfoy pandering his own mother. Narcissa should have killed him herself, and poor Margaret Zabini and Katherine Nott done the same."

Griselda looked at the Queen. "How long do you want us to keep up the fiction?"

"Lady Marchbanks, whatever do you mean?"

"Don't you play coy with me, young lady. How long do you want us to pretend there is any other power in wizarding Britain besides the Duke? The Realm has chosen him. We can claim to be the Wizengamot or the Ministry all we want, but he is Magical Britain."

Elizabeth smiled at her and chuckled, remembering the assertive Madam Marchbanks, Transfiguration Mistress, who had instructed her in many subjects both before and since Hogwarts.

"Forgive me; I should have known better. As long as you are genuinely trying to help him, I think you'll be fine."

"Be aware that he hardly touched his own power to do what he did to young Malfoy, and that after an extremely hard day yesterday and what I would guess was a very long night. He did not tap the Realm or his bonded."

"Ma'am, Beatrice and Eugenie just witnessed that whole thing."

"Emma, they know what Death Eaters are and have seen Malfoy Senior's and other Death Eaters' memories in their mates' heads. I think they sleep better at night than we do. After all, their mate is the mightiest knight in life, as they say in the fairy tales.

"Besides which, in a pinch they would be able to draw on him and all the bonded plus the realm, and they know it. They could have easily done that to Malfoy themselves, and would have if Harry hadn't. I don't worry about them."

"Now, as with the Duke, dealing with those filthy people makes me feel dirty. I'm going to freshen up before lunch." She rose on Phillip's arm, and as they all bowed or curtsied, she left the gallery.

Henri Patil sat in contemplation.

"Henri, what has you so het up?"

"What have we loosed on the world, Augusta? He is a force of nature. The bonded are powerful beyond imagining."

"You intimate that we could control this?"

Henri nodded tightly. "Good point."

"Henri, what are you worried about?"

"What if he turns Dark? How do we stop him?"

Augusta answered, "I don't think the terms Light and Dark apply to them any more. They simply are. As with the feudal rulers of old, we pay allegiance to our liege, and through him, the Realm. We trust the Realm to guide him and in extremis deal with him."

"So you intend to offer fealty?"

"Yes, during this Turning, if possible. I've already sent a note to Minerva asking for Neville to attend the Duke."

"That's a good idea, Augusta. I wonder if there is an owlery here."


"Yes, there is, Lord Weasley. If you wish to send a letter, please just give it to the elf who is attending you; it will be sent."

"Thank you, Geoffrey."


"Well, if all that's settled, I believe I'll go prepare for lunch." Augusta rose and they all followed her out.


Great Hall

Angelina, swiftly becoming the student leader of Hogwarts despite not being Head Girl, sat at the Gryffindor table looking at the student population. They were very relaxed but now there were some missing male students too, mostly Slytherin.

Fred came in and sat down; he heaved a great sigh.

"All right there, Fred?"

"Yeah, sure. Alicia has George fully under control, Lav-Lav has fully established dominance over Ron, and the Neville and Romilda show continues."

Angelina looked at him speculatively, wondering what exactly she was going to have to hit him over the head with. She giggled as the image of her bonking Fred on the head with a breast came to mind. "Fred, why don't we go find someplace private to talk about it?"

Fred looked at her and blushed deeply, and Angelina chuckled deep in her throat.

"Sure, just let me eat something, Angelina. I have a feeling I'm going to need my strength."

Angelina, shocked that he had finally gotten one of her hints, grinned and scooted closer to him. Ron, Lavender, Neville, Romilda, and an arm-in-arm George and Alicia chose that moment to show up.

"Well, finally, Fred. I was starting to think you'd never get it."

Alicia beamed at Angelina, who blushed faintly.

The girls immediately fell to whispering and giggling. The boys discussed the current goings-on at school and, of course, Quidditch.

"Pranks just aren't as much fun as they used to be, and now with the evil gits in Slytherin apparently missing, it really takes the fun out of it."

Fred nodded. "I know, George, but I think we've just gotten something more interesting to do. And who knows-we could find some evil gits later."

"How do you feel after that practice last night, Romilda?"

"Actually, fine, Fred. I still can't believe I made the team."

Ron was just sitting there. "Oy, Ron, can't speak?"

"Just tired, I guess, Fred, and I can't figure out what's wrong with me. I thought I'd miss Hermione, Harry, and Ginny, but really I just wonder how it's going for them."

"Maybe something's finally going right with you, Ron."

"Could be, Neville. So how are you and Romilda doing, then?"

Neville blushed faintly and the twins began needling him mercilessly.

Suddenly a flock of eagle owls appeared, led by Hedwig. Hedwig flew straight to Minerva and dropped a pack of letters next to her plate. She flared and landed on Minerva's shoulder and gave her a head-butt and a nuzzle. Minerva chuckled, giving the demanding owl a scratch and a rasher of bacon, and opened the first of the letters.


I would like for George, Fred, and Ron to visit Harry at his Castle this evening. It is our intention to renew the fealty oaths of the House.

Thank you,
Arthur Weasley

She opened the other letters and found them to be variations on the theme. All the students who had sisters in the bond or were nobles were being summoned.

"It's fine, Minerva. We probably won't begin this Turn until tonight, so they won't miss anything. I'll send elves to pick them up or come myself. Just have them assembled in the entry hall at 5:30."

"Fine, Harry."

Meanwhile, the flock of eagle owls that had accompanied Hedwig dropped their missives in front of the addressees and waited.

Neville read his note and was stunned. "Cor, Potter Castle to give a fealty oath."

Romilda's head snapped up. "When, Neville?"

"Gran says tonight."

"Morgana! How can I get ready in time?"

"Eerrr, why have you got to get ready?"

"Because we're intent-bonded, Neville, or don't you remember last night?"

Neville's face flamed.

He wasn't alone. Ron was the same flaming red as his hair, and Lavender was beaming.

Alicia had a little smirk on her face and George a faint blush.

Angelina looked crestfallen for a moment, until Fred took her hand under the table. She smiled shyly.

Minerva, looking out over the crowd at the interactions going on, said faintly, "Oh, my."

Bathsheba burst out laughing. "Yes, that about covers it."


Remus, Alastor, and Sirius had left Potter Castle and Apparated to the Azkaban Apparation point. From there they walked to the ferry dock. They had spoken to the Aurors on duty and then been forced to wait for the boat.

Finally the boat arrived and they crossed to the island. Remus expected Sirius to have some problems upon revisiting the site of his former incarceration, but he saw no signs of any problem. Sirius did, however, have a very serious face on and showed no emotion at the sight of the island or when they encountered the first Dementor. He simply raised his hand and the beast had bowed from the waist and withdrawn.

They stopped in the Warder's office and gave him a copy of Bellatrix's pardon. Picking up an Auror as escort, they proceeded into the prison and reached the door of Bellatrix's cell. Sirius looked in and said, "For failure to keep you in a condition befitting the daughter of the House, Rodolphus LeStrange's marriage contract with the House is terminated. You will come with me, Bellatrix Black."

He nodded to the Auror, who unlocked the door. Bellatrix stood in a daze and left the cell.

Sirius turned and marched back down the corridor with Bellatrix following him. Alastor looked at Remus and then they jogged off to catch up with the head of House Black.

Bellatrix followed her Head of House, her mind a blank. Slowly she realized she was free.-not just free of Azkaban, but free of the abuser who had called himself her husband.

Finally, on the boat, she asked in a croaky voice, "My lord? Where will you take me?"

"To your sister, for now, Bellatrix."

"My lord .please just leave me. I'm marked; he'll use it to find me. They'll kill you and take me back. They'll put me under the Imperius again. Please just leave me-or better yet, kill me. Please don't let them take me again."

Bellatrix collapsed, weeping. Sirius tried to comfort her, but she was inconsolable. He held her and rocked her gently. On reaching the shore again he stood, carrying Bellatrix in his arms. He walked straight down the wharf and on reaching the edge of the Apparation ward he Apparated to the entry hall of Potter Castle. Luna was waiting there with Marcia and Anna.

Sirius immediately gave Bellatrix over to them and they hurried off with her.

Finally Sirius spoke, but it was more of a growl. "I'll kill Lestrange." He left, headed for the Master's Study and the bar there. Alastor and Remus followed.

Marcia and Anna worked as hard as they could on Bellatrix, but her condition was deteriorating. They had taken her into a bedroom in the bonded's wing. They were becoming desperate when Harry suddenly materialized, naked and dripping. He strode to Bellatrix, took her in his arms, and disappeared again.

Marcia and Anna cursed and ran to the master bath, stripping on the way. They ran straight into the tub, wands in hand, and as Harry held Bellatrix and poured raw magic into her, they performed the scans and the healing spells required.

Bellatrix woke in the arms of a god. "So this is it, then. I've died. I would have thought I'd end in the other place."

She snuggled her head into Harry's chest. "This is very nice, though."

She drifted off again as the bonded gently cleaned her. Eventually they took her away from Harry and moved her to the master suite.

"Harry, come. We have to go to lunch."

Harry just nodded at Nym. His greatest fear was upon him. Nym led him into the master suite, and Dobby helped Nym dress him.

Nym then led Harry to lunch. All the other ladies were seated when they arrived. Nym pushed Harry into his seat, and Andrew seated her.

"I take it Bellatrix has arrived?" the Queen inquired.

"Yes, ma'am," Sirius answered.

"Will she live, Lord Black?"

"Yes, ma'am," Marcia responded.

"Well, our afternoon is planned, then. Your Grace, you will attend me after lunch with your vassal, Lord Black."

After waiting a moment, Nym responded, "Yes, ma'am."

The Queen cast a tender eye upon Harry and smiled gently. Then she changed the subject.

"So are there any further reports on Dumbledore?"

Baron Fellowes answered, "Ma'am the Mundane physicians we asked to consult have rendered essentially the same diagnosis as the mediwizards. Their prognosis is even grimmer: advanced Alzheimer's. They've stated that they can't understand how he functions at all."

"Ma'am, I believe his magic is keeping him functioning. Hogwarts was augmenting him, but when she bonded with Harry and switched her wards to Minerva, he lost the portion of magic coming from her.

"Without this magic infusion, his body began deteriorating rapidly. His magic is not enough to sustain him. He won't last long."

The Queen looked at Marcia. "Is there any way to provide him another source of magic?"

"We could give him a runestone with a charging and a magic-collecting rune; it would transfer small amounts of magic to him."

Griselda nodded "We could, Hestia, but we can't turn back the clock. A hundred fifty-five years of bad habits can't be erased."

"Make the stone and give it to him, Hestia," Harry instructed

"Yes, Your Grace," Hestia murmured.

The Queen smiled warmly. "Glad to have you back, Your Grace."

"Thank you, ma'am, glad to be back." Harry looked around the table. "Now, my bonded tell me that several families have called their heirs here with the intention of giving their oaths."

Augusta answered for them all. "Yes, Your Grace. In conversation with Baron Fellowes we've discovered that we have been remiss in our obligations. It's time this was rectified."

"We will delay the Turning until after they have arrived, Your Grace." Elizabeth smiled at him.

Harry nodded. Conversation moved on to other topics and lunch turned out relaxed and genial.

Phillip started on the "dirty great hole" again and Harry, smiling to himself, had the plans brought in, immediately absorbing all of the males in the room.

"Children, all of them," Griselda said, shaking her head.

The bonded, their female parents, Augusta and Griselda, and the ladies of the court giggled or chuckled. They had all moved down the table when the discussions over the architecture of the Royal Academy had commenced and were now sitting watching the pontificating.

"Be glad you have them, ladies. It gets lonely when they're gone."

"Too true, Lady Marchbanks. I hate to ask this, but do you understand what's going on with Dumbledore?" Elizabeth asked.

"He lost his bonded and child to Grindlewald. He never re-bonded. He has lived a wastrel's life of bad food, bad drink, and the pursuit of power. I believe he originally had the best of intentions, but as they say, power corrupts. Without the grounding influence of a family and a powerful mate, he ran amuck in the end.

"I believe that the reason wizards' magic only finds certain witches is to balance their power against each other. I believe the Potter bond proves this theory. It takes all of them to match him and truly, he is not matched yet.

"Another proof is the Flamels. Nicholas is over six hundred fifty years old! Admittedly that is very old, but really, Philosopher's Stone, my hind end. If you review the cases of people said to possess them, they're all extremely powerful wizards bonded to extremely powerful witches. None of them were as wealthy as the Potters or Blacks. If they had a stone that could turn lead into gold and produce the supposed elixir of life, they should have bigger balances at Gringotts and their children shouldn't have normal life spans.

"Anyway, Dumbledore not taking care of himself and using vast amounts of magic since his bonded's death just kind of used him up. It takes some wizards that way, Elizabeth."

"Griselda, you're saying that with balance and exercise and a good diet, Dumbledore could have lived much longer?"

"Emma, I'm the head of the testing division of the Ministry of Magical Education. I actually tested Albus on his OWLs and NEWTs. I had already achieved my Transfiguration Mastery and worked an entire career; it was not my first year as a tester. I was bonded in...well, a long time ago. My Reginald passed on four years ago."

"So a bonded wizard who lives a decent life can expect to live, what, over two hundred years?"


"So how long can Harry and the bonded expect to live?"

"Until first the magic bonding them runs out, and then their own magic runs out. Since they are bonded so completely as to be able to draw on each other's magic, and Harry draws on the Realm, I believe only time will tell, Emma."

Hermione looked at her mother. "Theoretically, thousands of years, but nobody knows practically. The only other bond like this dropped out of site and disappeared after two hundred thirty years in the public-eerrr-domain, I guess. There's no evidence that any of them passed on. It was five hundred years ago."

Emma sat quietly in contemplation. Suddenly she blushed furiously. Augusta chuckled throatily.

"Until about a hundred twenty, Emma, although with these who knows?" Augusta said.

Molly took the opportunity to say something. "Speaking of which, Nymphadora, some of the bonded are...eerrr...well, mature women. Shouldn't we be seeing some babies soon?"

"Mother! Morgana!"

Everyone laughed except Ginny and Molly.

Nym said, "You know, Harry and I talked about this. It's not like we aren't-eerrr-well, trying, and none of the mates that are fully of age are using the potion."

Fortune nodded and said, "They can all stop until you're pregnant, I suspect, Your Grace. In a multiple bond like this, often the subordinate females are infertile until the Alpha female is pregnant."

"I would like to see your research, my lady." Marcia leaned forward eagerly.

Fortune blushed. "I have my breeding books at home, Your Grace."

"Fortune, are you thinking of Crup's?" Elizabeth chuckled.

"Yes, ma'am, but the behavior bears out in wolf packs, dolphin pods, and baboon and mandrel troops also. I believe by extension it would apply to this bond, as it is essentially a pack."

The wheels were turning in all the women's heads, and they all slowly oriented on Nym, who blushed until her hair turned that admirable shade of Weasley.

"What? I'm not using the potion either."

They all broke up laughing.

"Well, ladies, as informative as this has been, we have more work to do yet today. So if you'll pardon me?"

They all murmured their assent and Nym escorted the Queen to Harry.

"Your Grace, Lord Black, if you could accompany us, please?"

Harry and Sirius immediately turned, and while Harry offered Nym his arm, Sirius did the same for the Queen. Harry led them to where Bellatrix lay sleeping.


The Queen approached Bellatrix and laid her hand on the pale forehead. She called on the Realm and asked for its judgment. A soft golden glow leaked out around the edges of where Elizabeth's hand contacted Bellatrix's forehead.

The others watched in awe and waited.

The Queen lifted her hand and sighed, though she was smiling.

"It will be fine, Harry. You'll have to enslave her, but she's willing and ready. It will cure her. Your Alpha will instruct you in the method."

"Ma'am," Harry almost whispered.

"Harry, it will be fine." Harry nodded at the Queen.

"Lord Black, you are Bellatrix's Head of House. I ask your approval for this action."

"Your Majesty, I see no other course of action, and Bellatrix could have no better match. He'll be a fine master for her."

"Your Grace, we'll leave you, then."

Sirius offered his arm and led the Queen back to the study.


Harry looked at Nym and sighed. He climbed out of his clothes and lay down on the bed.

"So what do I have to do, Nym?"

"Make love to her, Harry, as you did us. As you climax you must cast Servus Secus wandlessly and with the intention of binding her to you forever."

"Mind, Harry, you have to be serious about it. If you can't, we need to wait. You'll probably have to overcome the bindings that Voldemort has cast on her."

"If I don't do it, Nym, what happens to her?"

"She continues to suffer, Harry. She gets worse and worse, then she either loses her mind or dies. You know this, Harry."

Harry sighed and scooted over next to Bellatrix. As soon as he touched her she rolled into him and opened her eyes. Harry, using all he had learned, slowly and carefully made love to Bellatrix. She was so frail looking and skinny. She was so very damaged. It took forever. She opened her eyes when Harry touched her, but she was unfocused. That changed when he entered her. Bellatrix smiled and began assisting him.

She was locked in the long bonding orgasm when he neared climax and Nym prompted him. He concentrated,and just as he came he cast with all of his being. At the same time the bonding hit.

The bindings Riddle had to Bellatrix weren't merely severed, they were blasted apart. It ripped into her, Rodolphus, and Riddle like a flamethrower.

Bellatrix, however, had the bond and access to all the magic it contained. Rodolphus and Riddle were alone.

Bellatrix's body used the magic and reveled in the bond; she also reveled in belonging utterly to Harry.

While still buried in Bellatrix, and in a white-hot burning rage at what had been done to her, Harry poured power into the bindings on her and then snapped them.

Bellatrix screamed, first Harry's name and then a long, joyous, incoherent feminine wail of conquest and submission.

On the receiving end, Riddle burst into flame for a moment until he was able to freeze it, and the raw magic ravened through his system, wreaking havoc. He would never be the same again. He knew pain and fear for the first time since he was a boy. He had been forced to take hold of Ravenclaw's wand in its hidden holster and spend the Horcrux in it simply to stay in the body he had acquired.

Rodolphus Lestrange screamed until his throat ruptured as the fire slowly burned him to ash from the inside out. Azkaban was used to screaming, however, and his horrifying death was not discovered until the next morning.

Bellatrix fell into the bond and ran through their minds, playing like a teenager. Harry pulled her close to his chest and fell into a light sleep with the Realm still called and directed to heal Bellatrix. Nym spooned into Harry's back and closed her eyes. She was in the bond immediately.


In the Study, the Queen smiled when the light flared. It was done. She looked at Luna. Luna's eyes were totally white and she had a beatific smile on her face.

Suddenly the future felt much better. "Phillip, I should like to see the Royal Academy."

"So would I, Elizabeth. I wonder how we get there?"


"If you would follow me, ma'am?"

"Geoffrey, thank you." The Queen took Phillip's arm and they and the courtiers, parents, and Wizengamot members left.

They wound through the Castle until they came to a crest in the floor.

"Please stand on the crest and think of where you want to be."

Elizabeth nodded and thought. She and Phillip faded out and reappeared on a slab of rock overlooking the site. They stepped off the slab onto a path going around the edge of the pit, and the others began appearing behind them.

Emma looked at Dan and they stepped onto the crest. They materialized on the slab and Emma was bouncing around like a cheerleader on speed, and using about the same vocabulary.

Esmeralda smiled. "I take it you like our son-in-law's travel arrangements, Emma."

"That's brilliant! How does it do that.?"

"Magic, Emma." She linked her arm with Emma's and led them over to join the Queen, who was speaking to Hookknife.

William and Dan watched their happy wives walking in front of them. "How are you with all of this, Dan?"

"Truth? I was wondering how I was going to kill Harry until Emma talked to Hermione, Sarah, and Nymphadora this morning while they thought I was asleep. Now my girl is happy and in what appears to be a very stable relationship with a man who worships the ground she walks on, and who is, oh by the way, apparently a feudal monarch with unlimited resources and power. I'm just hoping her insecurities don't get the better of her again."

"You seem to have an adequate grasp of the situation."

Dan laughed. "And you, William, how are you?"

"Fine, actually, now that Dumbledore is out of the picture."

Dan raised a brow.

"I've suspected him for years. His methods have been...odd, let's say. He had developed a tendency to sacrifice people for 'the greater good'. I realize that sometimes sacrifices have to be made, but you don't make them for the greater good of man. You make sacrifices for those you love. I expect you know even more about that than I do, though."

Dan blushed slightly. He hadn't thought he deserved any of his awards, much less the Victoria Cross. He had done what needed to be done to get his men and himself out of bad situations. At the time he had not been thinking about strategic objectives or national policy, much less what was good for mankind. He had been thinking they really needed to be out of the privy that they had fallen into.

Hookknife had looked up when he felt someone land on the newly placed transport stone. He was surprised to see the human Regent approaching. He checked himself and then approached her.

"Hookknife, Your Majesty, Chief Architect."

The Queen replied in Gobbledygook. "Ah, Warrior Leader Hookknife. A pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, ma'am. May I answer your questions?"

Phillip asked, "The building is very imposing, Hookknife, but it's supposed to be a school. How will you get light into the interior?"

Hookknife blinked. An educated audience! This could be a lot of fun.


Minerva stood when lunch came to an end. "May I please see all those students who have received notice to attend their liege? The rest of you, please proceed to your classes."

Minerva watched as the Weasleys, Neville, Reginald Perks, William Jones, and the others approached, followed by their intended or bonded witches.

"Ladies, I don't believe you received invitations."

Lavender defended their position. "We're intent-bonded, or found, Professor. We believe that would necessitate our inclusion."

Minerva nodded. "Please be in the entry hall at 5:30 this evening. Dress will be black tie."

The boys nodded dumbly, while furious whispering broke out amongst the girls. Lavender asked, "May we be excused from our last class today to prepare, Professor?"

"Yes, you ladies may. Gentlemen, you will be expected to attend all of your classes, as it takes you less time to prepare."

A chorus of, "Yes, Professor," met this statement.

The young wizards and witches turned and left the Hall. The bonded looked at each other and chuckled. They had all thought the same thing. "Molly will go spare."


At the Hollow, the visitors had completed their tour of the Royal Academy building site. In the Castle the bonded had settled, welcoming Bellatrix and adjusting to the horror that her life had been until now. Narcissa had ended up in bed with Harry, Nym, and Bellatrix. Their reunion in the bond was very touching. And Harry, as the centerpiece and tactile focus of a pile of women, lay lightly sleeping or perhaps barely awake as they explored each other's thoughts and memories.

Finally, at about 3:30, Harry got up and wandered to the bath. Bellatrix followed him and as he floated, Bellatrix stayed just in contact with him.

"Harry, you really need to stop that, you know."

"What, Bella?"

"Mmmm, yes, I like that. You need to stop obsessing about me being a slave. If I'm not enjoying it, I'll tell Nym and she'll beat you bloody. Now, come over here and master me again."

Bellatrix pulled Harry to her; she put her legs around his waist and bumped down on him.

"Hey, who's the master here, Bellllaaa...."

She sank down on him, grinning, and leaned forward. "You are, Master," she whispered huskily in his ear and then took the earlobe into her mouth for a gentle nip and a loving, soft suck. She took them both to release and then sat on the steps with his body floating and his head in her lap.

"Harry, remember you have to go get the bondeds' brothers and the others at 5:30, and Bella needs time to dress."

"I have it, Mistress. I will insure the Master is ready."

"Yourself too, Bella."

"Yes, Mistress. Harry, stop that, don't cringe every time I say Master or Mistress. You can feel how much it pleases me-it's my right."

"Merlin, not another one! Even the ones I bond as slaves push me around."

Bella smacked him gently on the chest.

Mirth filled the bond at Harry's mental grumbling.

The Royal party and visitors had by now come back to the Castle, and while some visited in the library the Queen sat in the Study, watching the Goblins working from the illusioned wall and talking to her court and council.

Hestia, Ann, Emmeline, Hermione, Cho, and Chu had started working on a theory involving Time-Turners and one mate controlling four sets of their hands.

Harry and Bellatrix finally appeared from the bath, and Dobby and Winky appeared and dressed them.

Harry escorted Bellatrix to the Study and seated her. As soon as he sat, she stood and moved beside his chair and knelt on a pillow that appeared beside him.

"Bella, what are you doing?"

"Taking my rightful place, Harry."


"I love you, too, Master."

Harry mumbled and groused in the bond. The bonded chuckled. "Your Grace, you aren't attempting to deny your slave her rightful place, are you?"

Harry just barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes. "Ma'am, I don't appreciate one of my bonded being seen as inferior to the others."

Elizabeth arched a brow. "Harry, come over here. Nym, sit where Harry was."

He was instantly on his feet and took three strides to where she was sitting. Nym gracefully seated herself.

"Harry, look at Nym and Bellatrix. Do you see anything that would lead you to believe that Bellatrix is any thing other than a massively powerful and content bonded woman?"

Harry looked at them and was amazed; Nym was, of course, gorgeous, and to him the obvious center of the universe. Bellatrix, however, looked positively regal kneeling beside her mistress. She looked back at Harry with clear, proud eyes. She was radiantly beautiful now, and Harry knew that would only improve. There was also no question of her power.

"Thank you, ma'am."

Elizabeth smiled at Harry. "Harry, just listen to your bonded. They will not let you go far wrong."

Harry nodded and moved back over to Nym and Bellatrix. He expanded the chair and sat between Nym and the arm, with Bellatrix kneeling at his left hand.

Molly Weasley looked at Bellatrix with a down-turned mouth and then froze. Ginny had come into her field of vision and she had Harry's eyes, as did Harry and Nym.

"I was just wondering how well Bellatrix is, Harry. Shouldn't she be resting?"

The bonded relaxed. The quintessential mother was simply looking after another of her daughters.

Bellatrix smiled warmly at Molly. "I'm fine, Molly, thank you. Harry, you have to go to pick up the vassals."

"Yes, Bella." Harry rose and handed her to her feet and seated her in his place. He then offered his arm to Nym and they disappeared.

Those left in the Study managed to not chuckle until he had faded away.

"I'm not sure Harry gets the Master/slave thing," Fortune commented to the amusement of all.

"But he will," Bellatrix purred and the chuckles became quiet laughter.

Sirius looked up from his lap full of godchildren. "Poor Harry." He got a violet death-glare and a delicate pink tongue for his trouble, and the laughter was no longer quiet.


The vassals had gathered in the Great Hall, and the young wizards of Hogwarts were stunned; the witches had pulled out all the stops. The entirety of Hogwarts' female population fourth year and above, minus the Slytherins, had skipped the last class of the afternoon. The intended and bonded were gorgeous. The other girls from their years had accompanied them and were hovering about, making last second adjustments.

The Hogwarts bonded appeared and stood observing the activities. They were laughing and talking in the bond.

"Better that Harry and the school-age mates withdraw, I think, Minerva. I mean, I don't see that this could ever have happened with him here."

"I think Septima is correct. We have intent-bonded couples forming all the way down to fourth year now, as normal. With Harry here, all the wizards' magic was drowned out."

"Really, Aurora? What other couples have formed?"

"Pomona told me several from Hufflepuff, Minerva, then there are the three for sure and one possible in your house, and I believe Slytherin is even sporting two couples. Then there are five known cross-House couples, like Reginald Perks from Hufflepuff and Lisa Turpin from Ravenclaw."

"There was a lot of pent-up frustration in those not found by Harry and in the wizards, Minerva. Have you noticed how things have calmed with them gone?"

"Yes, I had, Bathsheba. I think it's too early to let our guard down, though."

Aurora nodded. "Something is going on with Parkinson. I haven't been able to get the girl to tell me what it is, though."

"Here comes Harry, ladies."

Harry faded into view in the entry hall. He immediately heard the gasps of several female students and groans from the males. He and Nym had dispensed with morphing and appeared in their magically maximized natural forms.

Harry surveyed the slack-jawed male students lining the edges of the entry hall with that burning green gaze and they averted their eyes from the goddess that had appeared among them.

Nym gave the females the same treatment; there could be no question of approaching Harry without her consent after that laser-like gaze passed over you.

"Merlin, Harry what happened to you?"

Harry frowned. "Nothing, Ron, why?"

"You never looked like this four days ago."

"Oh. I'll explain later. Is everyone ready? Okay, let's go."

Harry raised his arms and all of those going to Potter Castle faded from view.

Pansy Parkinson stayed in the shadows of the suit of armor she had hidden behind, for all the good it did. The woman with Potter had not only seen her but had acknowledged her with an almost imperceptible nod. Even in her hiding place Pansy had felt the urge to kneel and offer her wrist to the woman as she had soaked herself. She had to write home. It was time to tell her mother-she had been found by Potter and the Alpha had seen her. Morgana, what was she going to do? All of their hard work with the glamors and letting people think what they would about her was wasted now. Worse, she would now have to overcome it. The glamors would be easy-just drop them and take off the runestone driver for them. The reputation would be another matter. She didn't care what these people thought, but she could not bring dishonor on the House. She cringed when she remembered how many times she had mistreated Potter at Malfoy's behest. This would be bad.


They faded back into existence in the entry hall. The receiving line had formed and their parents or guardians were there.

Harry and the bonded went to their places in the line. Bellatrix tried to stand behind Harry, but he pulled her to his side. She immediately backed up half a step and moved half a step behind him, pressing her hard-nippled breast to his shoulderblade. Harry groaned and left her where she wanted to be. She smiled a little Mona Lisa smile of triumph.

The parents had a chance to talk to their children; Molly suddenly found herself with one bonded and one intent-bonded son, and a third probably on the way. Bill and Charlie Weasley had shown up at their father's summons and were looking at their brothers' bonded. Bill sighed.

"What the hell are we doing wrong, Charley? I mean, even Percy has Penelope."

"Eerrr, Bill, Mum, Dad-I'd like to introduce you to Dana Petrescu, my-errrh-bonded."

Dana was a stunningly well-muscled, handsome witch with several burn scars, and her pale red hair was French-braided to the back of her head. She dropped a curtsy to Arthur "it's a pleasure to meet you, my lord," she said in slightly accented English.

Arthur beamed at her. "A very nice catch, Charlie."

"Not quite as nice as-"

"-Ginny's, of course-"

"-but she had better-"

"-bait to work with-"

"-after all."

The twins caught a simultaneous cuff in the head from their intendeds. Molly smiled at the girls. "Very nice, girls. We'll get along fine, I believe."

They smiled warmly back at her.

"And Lavender, how are you, dear? Much trouble with Ron?"

"Nothing I can't fix eventually, ma'am."

There were tears in Molly's eyes and she hugged each of the witches.

Neville had walked to his grandmother, holding Romilda's hand.

"Good evening, Grandmother. I'd like to introduce you to my intended, Romilda Vane."

"Very nice, Lord Longbottom. A very good family, and very pretty, too."

Romilda dropped a curtsy. "Lady Longbottom, it's an honor to meet you."

"Yes, she'll do very nicely, Neville. I believe the House should swear fealty to His Grace the Duke of Magic. I believe you know his Grace as Harry Potter."

"Of course, Grandmother. Harry has always been a great wizard and, I hope, my friend."

"I hope he'll accept your pledge of fealty as the Head of House, then. I'll continue in the Wizengamot until you are of age, but I believe it's time for you to start assuming your duties."

Neville did a fish impersonation. Romilda came to his rescue and said, "Yes, ma'am."

Augusta chuckled. Neville was in for an interesting time, it seemed.

She took Romilda by the arm and led her toward the head of the line, Neville following like a puppy.

Augusta introduced Neville and Romilda down the line. She could see the wheels turning in Romilda's head the whole time, but the girl firmly held her tongue. Augusta approved.

There was a tense moment when Neville was introduced to Bellatrix, who he believed had tortured his parents into insanity.

Bellatrix looked at the young wizard. "You may not believe me, Lord Longbottom, but I did not torture Frank and Alice. Rodolphus and Rastaban did. I'm sorry I couldn't stop them. I'm glad I got you into that closet, though."

Neville looked at her tightly for a moment and then sighed and nodded.

Neville following Augusta and, leading Romilda, passed on down the line.

When he was introduced to Chu, she asked, "Lord Longbottom, might I visit your parents? It's possible that something can be done for them."

"Are you a Healer, Your Grace?"

"I'm a Master of the Mind Arts, Lord Longbottom."

"Neville, please-and I'd be happy for you to visit them."

"Tomorrow, then, my lord."

Neville nodded and smiled, then passed on to the next mate.

"Your Grace, can you really help Lord and Lady Longbottom?"

"Possibly, Romilda. I'll know after I see them."

"I hope so. It pains my lord so to be unable to help them."

"You and he may very well be the keys, Romilda. We'll know more tomorrow."

"Thank you, Your Grace."

Romilda moved on to the next mate.

Meanwhile, back at the head of the line, Molly said a quick prayer of pleading to Morgana that the twins would behave and Arthur began introducing the boys to the Queen.

Bill was first, then in order Charlie, the twins, and Ron.

"Lady Weasley, where is your other son?"

Molly blushed but held her head up proudly. "Percy has become estranged from us, ma'am."

"Duke Potter?"


"Clan Weasley will attend me."


Harry waved his hand negligently and a stunned Percy appeared with Penelope Clearwater in his lap, suspended in mid-air. Penelope looked around and squeaked; she leapt out of Percy's lap.

Nym waved her hand and Penelope was instantly elegantly gowned and coiffed. Sarah gave a wave and Percy was in formal robes.

Penelope dropped a deep curtsy to the Queen and Percy bowed deeply from the shoulders.

The Queen studied Percy for a moment. "Percy Weasley, we are displeased with you. You have allowed your ambition to lead you astray. While you have realized your error, you have made no attempt to correct it."

"How does she do that?"

"It's some kind of magic peculiar to monarchs, I think, Ginny."

Harry blushed deeply, as did Nym. The Queen turned to them and winked broadly.

"Ohh, that's interesting!"

"Mandy, careful, baby, don't rummage around in my head so hard."

"Sorry, Harry."

The rest of the mates went rummaging gently in Harry and Nym's minds and found what they were looking for.

"It's peculiar to the Monarchs, Harry. You and Nym are connected to the Queen through this. You are, uhh, equals-eerrr, co-rulers, maybe?"

"We know, Parvati. It has something to do with the Realm. She's much better at using it than we are, though."

"I've had forty-three years of experience, Harry."


"Now, let's finish dealing with young Percy."

"Please don't hurt him, ma'am. He's been a git, but he's still my brother."

"It's entirely up to him, Ginevra-well, and maybe Penelope."

Harry felt the mirth in the bond.

"You will offer fealty to our Duke of Magic with your family or you will be exiled from the Realm. You will also follow directions from your Head of House, or you will be cast from the House and Realm."

Percy, to his credit, never hesitated and so avoided the consequences of the death-glare he was receiving from Penelope.

"Yes, ma'am."

Percy moved down the line, and Penelope moved in front of the Queen.

"How much longer were you planning on letting this idiocy continue, Lady Penelope?"

Penelope blushed crimson and her eyes darted to Percy. "Not much longer, ma'am." She placed her hand on her stomach in a gesture universally understood by women.

"SQEEEEEEEE! I'm going to be an aunt!"

Harry just managed not to grab his head. "Madre Dios, Ginny!"

"Sorry. I'm going to be an aunt, I'm going to be an aunt, I'm going to be an aunt!" Ginny was literally vibrating.

The Queen gave Penelope a broad smile, then she allowed her to move on down the line.

When they had all completed the line, Harry, Nym, and the Queen moved over to the Great Seal in the floor.

Neville stepped in front of Harry and knelt. Augusta stood behind him to his left, and Romilda stood to his right.

Neville stretched out his clasped hands and said, "The Ancient and Noble House of Longbottom offers fealty to the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter and to The Duke of Magic of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Defender of Magic and Magical Champion of the Crown and Realm, under no duress and without reservation."

Harry stepped forward and clasped Neville's outstretched hands. "I accept your fealty and offer you and your House the protection and support of House Potter."

A brilliant white light surrounded their hands, and a thick channel of magic connected Augusta and Romilda to Neville; two other lines connected Neville to something unseen, and Harry felt an enormous draw on his magic. He called on the Realm, and it responded with a blast of raw magic that could be measured in the terawatt second range.

As the assembled watched in awe, Alice and Frank Longbottom appeared, suspended and covered in sheets like some Vegas Muggle "magic" act, with the broad, bright white lines of magic connecting them to Neville and, through him, to Harry.

The lines faded. Marcia and Hannah moved up, levitating Frank and Alice. Harry raised his right hand, and a two-handed Dacian Falx appeared in it. Harry touched the flat point of the wickedly curved sword to Neville's left and then right shoulder and then, briefly, the top of his head.

"Rise, Baron Longbottom, vassal of the Duke of Magic and the Realm."

Harry handed Neville the sword as Augusta goggled. She knew it to be the sword of the Longbottoms, long thought to be lost. She had seen the description and drawings of it in the family book. When Neville took it, the sword glowed for a moment.

Neville looked at the gigantic sword in his hand and then looked about a little sheepishly. Harry held out his hand again and a belt and scabbard appeared. He handed the belt and scabbard to Romilda, who fastened them around her intended. She took the opportunity to kiss him on both cheeks and the lips. Neville, blushing furiously, stepped back and found himself sheathing the sword behind his back as Romilda had fastened the belt and scabbard on him across his chest with the scabbard diagonally across his back. He went immediately after his parents with Romilda on one arm and Augusta on the other.

Sirius approached Harry and knelt. Andromeda stood behind him. Harry went through the oath-taking, and when he put his hand out and called for the weapon, a hand-and-a-half bastard appeared in his hand with strange black flame literally dripping from the blade.

Harry rested it on Sirius's left and right shoulders briefly and then his head, as he said, "Rise, Baron Black, vassal of The Duke of Magic and the Realm."

Harry handed a marveling Sirius the Black Blade and a stunned Andromeda a well-used belt and scabbard. She fastened the belt around Sirius and he sheathed the sword and stepped back.

Harry went through the same procedure with all of the wizarding Houses present. Some of them were amazed that he could call ancestral weapons to him that they knew were reposing safely in their vaults. Others, like the Weasleys, were amazed to have their ancestral weapons appear, one for each male, since they had been lost long before living memory.

When there were no more supplicants who stepped onto the Great Seal, Harry led the way to the dining room.

When everyone was seated, Nym spoke. "Your Majesty, lords, ladies, and gentlemen, we will execute the Turning now. If you would prefer not to participate, please take your leave at this time."

No one moved.

Nym handed a chain to Geoffrey. He took it around the table to Ann at the mid-point of the table, who attached it to a Time-Turner and handed the chain from that Time-Turner back to him. Geoffrey took the chain to Hestia at the other end of the table, where she did the same, and then to Hermione at the mid-point on the other side of the table. Finally he brought the chain back to Nym. In the bond Nym took control of all of their hands and wound and then released the Time-Turners, as well as the one Hannah had put around the Longbottoms, in perfect sync.

It worked flawlessly and the whole group, over one hundred fifty people, moved back in time seventy-two hours.
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