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The great invasion part 3

by 209cgrant

The battle for the defense platform has begun who will prevaile

Category: Warhammer 40k - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-07-09 - 269 words - Complete

"Open Fire" the marines of the 501st were moving towards the defense platform defence plaza firing upon the young and the elderly.

The traitor sisters of battle were trying to defend the citizens but to no avail. Suddenley up in the winter stormed skies one drop pod landed directley next to a small child who was weeping next to the dead body of his father.

Out of the pod stood a tall man in terminator armour he was dark skinned and had the darkest eyes like the pits of the warp, he was wielding a large hammer and shield and was ready to do the emperors bidding.

"Captain Yazurass" a marine saluting the captain was in terminator armour and was standing infront of three more terminators. "So far only three squads of ten have entered the main plaza and are forcing them into the south area of the platform". "Tell me marine do you fear death" the captain said in a bellowing voice. "We are the ultramarines we are made not to fear anything". The captain looked at him with favour. The firing had halted the skies were still clear despite the artillery fire from the ships in orbit, the morning sun was hidden behind a sheet of snow, the floor was littered with the bodies of innocent souls, the marines were awiting orders.

During that time several other squads were standing behind the captain awaiting orders. "501ST!" "HOO HA". The marines stormed into the main plaza with bolters at the ready.....from this point on they were known as the blood company of the Ultramarines.

To be continued.
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