Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Witches' Secret

Chapter 34

by Selector11

The Witches of the world have a Secret, of course poor Harry is stuck in the middle. Post Goblet of Fire.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Erotica - Characters: Bellatrix, Cho, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Narcissa, Padma, Pansy, Parvati, Tonks, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-07-19 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 1983 words - Complete

Harry Potter and the Witches' Secret
Chapter 34
11-15 Oct 1995 (Sidereal)
9-15 Oct 1995 (Off Sidereal)

Crawley Manor

Lawrence entered the guest room and did not know whether to be happy or terrified as he looked into the red eyes of the Master.


Lawrence hit his knees. "Yes, Master."

"Where am I?"

"Crawley Manor, Master."

"How did I come here?"

"We had heard nothing from the inner circle, but felt your call. Finally I went to the manor and found you recovering from your injuries. I brought you here to facilitate the process, Master."

Ah yes, the pain. Whatever had destroyed Bellatrix and that Auror slut had fed back on him somehow. Well, thanks to his foresight he had survived. Bellatrix and the slut didn't have his resources, though, so they were dead.

"Where is Malfoy?"

"Master, we have not heard from the inner circle-any of them. I have assembled the second tier and under my direction we have begun gathering the resources to put this House under the Fidelius to keep you hidden as you recover. No one besides myself knows you were injured, Master.

"I called a meeting in your name yesterday, Master. Only thirty-two showed up. The inner circle was not there."

Lord Voldemort would not admit it, but this second-tier minion had done well. But he had to keep him in his place.

"Good. Keep it that way. Find the inner circle, but be cautious. You have pleased me. You may live, for now."


Potter Castle

Teanni rolled her eyes as she monitored the repeaters attached to the devices she had installed in Crawley Manor. This Riddle had to be a queen. If he wasn't, he was the worst actor in history. Next thing you knew he'd be doing live bestiality shows in London, or 1960s-style sexploitation movies. What an attention whore. Really, all he needed was a long, thin black mustache he could twirl to be Dr. Evil or somebody else from the Saturday morning cartoons.


Harry rolled over and smiled. Chantal wriggled delightedly under him. Daphne waited until exactly the right moment and then slapped Harry on his naked backside, hard, just as he peaked.

Chantal screamed as Harry drove into her hard, flooded her with come, and the surprise of the slap caused him to release his control on his compulsion. She lost consciousness. Harry was barely conscious.

"Oh Morgana, Harry, I'm sorry. Merlin, we killed her!"

Marcia looked up and waved her wand. "Nope, just give her a minute. She's ruined for the day, though. Whatever possessed you, Daphne?"

"I read about it in Cosmo. The pain is supposed to give Harry a huge orgasm."

"Mission accomplished! Wow, don't do that often, though-I think I pulled something. How is Chantal?"

Marcia, while scanning Harry, said, "She's fine, baby, you just knocked her out. Gabrielle, what the hell is wrong with you?"

Gabrielle had come over and looked closely at Chantal. She started laughing almost immediately. "Harry will never be rid of the Veela after this. He's shagged three Veela Matriarchs in a row into unconsciousness, and Chantal will be a full-on slave, I think."

Harry groaned and closed his eyes.

The mates chuckled.

They were on an uptime schedule this day until bedtime, so they bathed and dressed. Harry was slightly delayed by a tomboyish Glynis. She took her turn on Harry's dressing room floor. Then they dressed each other and skidded, laughing, into the dining room in the now normal manner.

Billhook and Falcata chuckled with the rest.

"Billhook, what's so funny this morning?"

"You, Your Grace, you. Thank you for the amusement before Tracey and Amelia rip Chantal and me figuratively limb from limb."

Harry smirked. "Ach, get on wi' ye', you old curmudgeon. They'll only be allowing you to fulfill your hopes." He winked broadly at Falcata, who blushed a deep deep bronze.

Grindaknívur rolled her eyes.

Billhook smiled again. "Harry, on a serious note, we've been asked to put Crawley Manor under the Fidelius."

Harry smiled viciously. "I believe all Fidelius charms shall, in the interest of the public good, automatically exclude members of the European Joint Magical Corps from their effect. I'm sure Rowena and Roxanne can help you with that when you go to install the Charm, Grindaknívur."

The humans present shuddered at the display of teeth on hand.

Harry ate and played both in and out of the bond. As he finished, Alice took all the formerly non-magical mates away with Hermione and the Ravenclaws. Susan, Hanna, and the Hufflepuffs innocently sidled up to Harry and before he could speak they faded away with him.

Clan Potter went about their various tasks in a happy mood.

Chantal slowly recovered as Melissa checked on her through the morning.

As they went through their mornings they would find Harry faded in to be with them, after the Hufflepuffs took up a couple of hours of his time in the roof garden.

Lunch came and the happy, shopping-bag-laden mates came in in pairs and groups.

Harry announced that they would be touring the Royal Academy and he would appreciate the mates' help with the decorations and selection of furnishings. Ginny would be in charge of outfitting the spaces as the Goblin Regiment finished them.

Grindaknívur, Rowena, and Roxanne told the story of warding the Crawley Manor and placing it under the Fidelius. The ritual they had used subtly altered the Fidelius so that all Fidelius were useless against members of the Joint Magical Corps.

Roxanne had volunteered to be the secret keeper for an additional fee, and as this was normal and she had changed her form to that of a Goblin, Lawrence Crawley agreed.

While the mates laughed at their humorous retelling of the tale, Harry could not help but wonder at the level of arrogance displayed on Crawley's part, that he would willingly consign his fate to a Goblin based on his opinion that the Goblin must serve the superior species.

After lunch Harry transported everyone to the Royal Academy, and after a tour he, Grindaknívur, Rowena, and Roxanne went to work on the Heart Chamber. They carved runes and cast enormously powerful wards. A set of wardstones were brought in and settled into the bedrock floor of the chamber in the Aegishjalmur. In the center of the Aegishjalmur Grindaknívur carved a Life-Linking rune.

Before leaving, Grindaknívur very firmly instructed Harry to make love to Roxanne. Roxanne cradled the football-sized diamond to Susan's belly and the others watched as she and Harry made love. Harry gave his most gentle, very best. Roxanne was crying in joy as they reached their peak. Grindaknívur carved a rune in the floor and, reaching between them while murmuring her apologies, she smeared their mixed secretions on the rune.

The Heart Chamber glowed from the fiery runes suddenly crawling over the walls, floor, and ceiling.

As they lay in the afterglow, Grindaknívur smiled contentedly as she read the strings. They were a psalm of love, devotion, and protection for all the bonded and their potential progeny as well as those given into their care from Harry, Roxanne, Rowena, Lilith, and the bonded. The Royal Academy would be inviolate, safe even from the gods; here only Harry's will would be done. Wait-Lilith? Who was Lilith?

Rowena looked at her and smiled. Somehow the smile conveyed that Lilith's identity would become apparent soon.

Grindaknívur then had the group transported directly to the Heart Chamber of Hogwarts, and after inspecting the Chamber she had Harry make love to Rowena in the same manner as he had Roxanne. She carved the same Life-Linking and coupling rune on the floor, not finding it in the sets. Rowena had blushed furiously at their discovery of her "virginity" and Harry's awe at being so gifted not once but twice.

The same thing happened in Rowena's Heart Chamber and they all ended on the floor afterwards, relaxing and resting.

Grindaknívur had them leave the stones in the chambers and then Harry transported them straight to the bath.


Bellatrix, Allison, and Marta had spent the day in the library reading every source of information possible on the enslavement curses.

It apparently came down to intent, much to Amelia Fastida's chagrin in the bond. They knew, as Amelia did, that Harry would never make them purely sex slaves.

"Oh, Amelia, honey, you know he needs you and will do whatever you ask him to."

"I know, Nym, but it's been so long. I just want to let go for a while. I want someone else to be in charge."

"Amelia, you have that now. It's not like he'll ever let you go, nor be subordinate."

Amelia Fastida's happy humming was extremely disconcerting for all the non-bonded who saw her the rest of the day. That, and her unsuppressed compulsion and fangs-she had gone full vampire and could not control herself.


Dinner was splendid, even though the Hogwarts bonded were not physically present.


Over the next week during the four sidereal and twelve off sidereal days, Voldemort and Dumbledore continued to recover. The bonded focused their classes on NEWT prep. Harry was only having to judge one or two prisoners per sidereal day, and sometimes no new prisoners showed up in the cells. They interrogated the Death Eaters, and all but the two pedophiles were sent back after being heavily Obliviated. The monitoring network was expanded and intelligence gathering accelerated.

The agreement with the Goblins and Veela was reached and Falcata, as Divisional Goblin Surgeon and senior Shield Maiden, was the first Shield Maiden to spend an evening attempting to get a child from her Commander. She was successful.

Harry had had long conversations with Billhook before this and knew that at least part of his reason for allowing it was that he only had the one daughter. Billhook suspected his extremely advanced age was responsible.

The bonded had been impressed, but Harry had hardly had to make an effort. Every time he touched Falcata she exploded into orgasm, and she had not been nearly the warrior Grindaknívur was. She was happily destroyed.

The Veela Regimental selection began. It was a hard-fought selection and only the best five hundred twenty Veela would be joining the regiment.

The Clan agreed on breeding rights with the vassal Houses and Bakul, being in her most fertile phase, took advantage, or maybe was taken advantage of. She was smiling the whole day and a half she slept afterward. The twins got their wish.

CVs for human teachers were being evaluated and Harry noticed something odd. The mates only accepted females.

He asked Chu about this and they giggled, then informed him they were taking care of him. At Harry's gaping expression they laughed, and Nym explained it to him. "Harry, we don't think you'll tolerate non-vassal males in such close proximity to us, and we're all going to be teaching. Remember the reaction you had to Amanda's charge de affairs?"

Harry nodded and blushed. "I'm getting better, though, Nym."

"Yes, you are, Harry, but you'll never be that good. As it is we're going to have to get fealty oaths from all the male teachers."

Sarah, Beatrice, and Eugenie developed the habit of finding Harry about every three days in Warg form and running with him. He covered them all repeatedly.

Griselda managed to impose on masters of all the NEWT subjects to augment her testers. She had to agree that if the bonded were capable, they would be tested for Masteries at the same time as the NEWTs.

The Duke might not be best pleased. The OWL results would soften the blow, at least O/O across the board; it was unprecedented. All the magic-trained bonded receiving O-level citations in all subjects put it completely out of reach of any group or individual ever tested.
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