Categories > Books > Harry Potter

Blackthorn: Ruler of Worlds

by xxsapphireravenxx

Harry stumbles upon the ability to travel to other worlds. He gets lost, and travels through dozens of worlds and learns and grows. He plays the roles of various people, hero, villain, wanderer, et...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [?] [Y] - Published: 2007-09-16 - Updated: 2007-09-16 - 2467 words

A/N: I would really like some more feedback. Please! If you read the entire chapter and arrive down at the bottom where those little menus are, Please take a minute or two out of you time and write a review. It can be a sentence, just a sentence, telling me what you thought of the chapter. Good or bad! A few words that'll take 1 maybe 2 minutes. That's all I ask, because reviews are my 'profits' for writing fanfiction, and well, I'm not getting enough profit for my work, and like any real author, that means I may not be able to continue writing. So please, everyone who reads to the end, just leave a little review, a sentence, good or bad, telling what you thought of the chapter. You've already taken a few minutes out of your time to read said chapters, what is one or two more minutes to say what you thought? It's not an unreasonable request. *oh and just so you know, this is the only part of the story, I think, that will have first person. I always write in third, but this first part is a journal entry, so it's written in first person. Most of the story will be in third person, unless there are more journal entries shown.

Chapter 1: Pilot

My name is Harry Potter. As I'm writing this now I have just turned 168 and I was only able to keep track of my real age by marking dates down in a small notebook I carry with me. I was born on July 31, 1980. My parents died on October 31 the next year. I was dropped on my aunt and uncle's doorstep the same night and that's where I stayed for the next eight years. My life was mostly ordinary until I turned nine. There were occasional odd occurrences, a teacher's hair changing color, my hair growing back after a bad haircut by my aunt, teleporting onto the school roof, but nothing compared to the happenings on my ninth birthday.

On my ninth birthday I decided to walk to the nearby park and escape the people I was loathed to call family. It was while I was at this park that I noticed an odd wavering space near a tree. I can only describe it as a window. If I looked at it from the back it was invisible, but if I looked from the right angle in front of it I could see through the wavering window. I was surprised to see what looked like dirt and rocks on the other side. It was very strange because there were no dirt or rocks anywhere around and the other side of this window looked like a dirt road of sorts. They say curiosity killed the cat. I had never heard that saying because I spent most of my life as a slave to my relatives. Had I known that saying I think I would've sent one of Mrs. Figg's cats through, I wouldn't mind them getting killed and the would've with the places I wound up. Unfortunately I had not heard this saying and was fueled by curiosity. I walked through the window and onto the dirt road on the other side.

It took a few days to fully realize what had happened. I was in another world entirely. One that seemed to be pulled out of the old American West. I wasn't able to find my way back, but I tried. I tried so hard to find my way back, but I was stuck. I spent the next several years in this world. I worked as a courier for a packaging business. Turns out I ended up near a city that was the center of a large network of cities on two sides of a mountain range. I was taught to ride a horse and I was given what I knew as a messenger bag that to this day I carry slung around my shoulders and hanging on my left hip. I'd take packages to clients and I'd get paid and I'd sleep in a small room in the local tavern. I also learned to shoot a revolver. I was able to make friends with a cowboy who took me under his wing after I got in a fight with some robbers about a year into my stay in that world. He was known as Black Thorn. He never explained why, but it was the name he went by. It was the name I went by years later in another world. It was shortly after Black Thorn's murder that I found my way to another world. Black Thorn was shot dead by a Deputy in a town I often delivered packages to. It sent me into a rage because he was shot in the back. I would've been sad had he died in a duel or a gun fight with a gang, and would've gotten over it given time, but he was shot in the back by a coward for a money reward. I lost my head and killed everyone in the police station with what I know now was uncontrolled magic. I was chased by angry residents of the small city until I noticed a familiar wavering window above a window on a home I was approaching while I was fleeing. I didn't think twice, I climbed my way up and went through the window to another world and the window closed behind me.

It was several more years in this world, which was much darker and filled with battles by very primitive humans that I learned I was the one making the windows. It was also this world that wound up making my body extremely tough and I learned to fight to win with my bare hands. It was after about four years I learned to open the world windows at will. I couldn't control where they lead to, but I could open them wherever and whenever I wanted. I spent the next five years traveling through dozens of worlds, never staying in one very long. I was trying to get back to my world. I noticed that when I turned twenty-three, I was able to keep track by marking dates in a book I had from the original western world I had been in, when I turned twenty-three I stopped physically aging.

I kept traveling through worlds until I was twenty-five and stumbled upon a beautiful fantasy world. It was in this world I learned of Sorcery, which is often confused with witchcraft and wizardry. Sorcery is very different. It is controlling the magic around you and in you and moving it to your will to do anything you want. There are no rituals, there are no spells and there are no fancy wands or staffs. It is magic and will power. I also learned here that one's true name can be used against them by a high sorcerer. It was in this world I began to go by the name Black Thorn. I stayed in this world until I was forty. I became a high sorcerer faster than anyone in that worlds history. There were schools I attended and eventually I trained as an apprentice to a powerful, but slightly insane high sorcerer. After I learned everything I could about sorcery I moved onto a new world. It was this new world, a world in it's middle stage of development that could be compared to the 1500's of the world you know, that I became known as Black Thorn, Ruler of worlds. It was the first world I conquered. I did it in two years and did it by force. I brought armies to their knees. They were defenseless against high sorcery. Their arrows could not get through my shields, their armies fell to my power and their beasts, who were trained to protect them, I turned against them. They bowed to me as a god. It was when I grew bored that I went to a new world and left the old one to fend for itself. It was through this process I became known as Black Thorn, Ruler of Worlds. I truly world many worlds. I discovered there were others like me, others who could travel between worlds. Entire races that could do the same, but in different methods. I had not met any who had taken advantage of it and learned things from other worlds. It is through them mostly that I was widely known as Black Thorn, Ruler of Worlds. It tickled me to be known. To see the fear and awe in the faces of other dimension travelers when they saw me. My attire stayed the same after a while. Black pants that hung loosely around my legs and wrinkled at my boot clad feet. A black metal mesh sleeveless shirt I crafted from sorcery. It was able to stop the impact of blades and bullets with ease. I also wore a sleeveless coat over that. Dark blue in color with bright green thread and trims. There was also a tattoo around my right bicep of a crown of thorns that circled my arm. I had black leather arm guards that went from elbow to knuckles, but had a hole in the side for my thumb to come through. I still had the messenger bag from the first world, but it had been modified and strengthened by sorcery. My hair had grown to my chin and the tips were various colors of neon green, purple, blue, red, and orange. My eyes were their normal vibrant green. Though my sorcery allowed my to change my appearance at will, I enjoyed being known on sight.

So I went through dozens of worlds conquering each one faster than the last. One world was devoid of magic, but filled with science. The world was like something out of science fiction. It was the funnest for my to conquerer. They couldn't explain my powers. They were weaker because I couldn't draw magic from the world around me, but I still had my personal reserves, and having nearly two decades of experience and constant use, my magic reserves were rather high. They couldn't stop me and I tore down their most significant structures and replaced them with black towers, which had become my symbol of rule in a world. Though after many years I grew tired of ruling worlds and sleeping with women who feared me. I decided to take an extreme 180. In the next world I went to, I became a hero.

There were only a few world where I became a hero and it was only a period of seven years that I ventured through these. It was fun, but quickly grew dull. Though in each one had found true love. I had learned to love more than one and I experienced what it was to be cared for. Melanthia, Elizavial, and Shiar'faed were my first three wives. They were the only ones I took with me through various worlds, up until their various deaths. They were the reason I never used force and murder and slaughter to rule a world again. I still killed and I still ruled worlds, but I killed the ones filled with darkness. I killed to protect. I ruled worlds through various methods. Making peace throughout worlds, uniting them through war, but not slaughter. In some worlds I was a nameless mercenary, in others I was a battle beaten general. In a few I was simple things such as a farmer, a merchant, or a librarian for a king's library. In one particularly fun world I spent ten years as an expert thief. I lost count of how many worlds I worked my way through, though I only ever had hand full of wives. The ones that made the biggest impact were my first three loves. Melanthia, Elizavial, and Shiar'faed. My goddesses. I miss them to this day and it has been nearly forty years since the last one died. I pray every day that when I do die, as I don't seem to age and have an unnatural healing rate, that I will be reunited with them, and I pray that wherever they are in the afterlife, that they are together, for we spent decades together as a family.

It was recently, during my 167th year that I found my way back to my own world. I was startled to realize that nearly no time had passed. It was the same day and year as it had been when I left. I realized I had an opportunity here. I had been through a few worlds similar to my own and encountered another version of myself so I knew I was a wizard and knew of Hogwarts and that I would go. I knew that I had to keep my secrets from Albus Dumbledore and I knew of the prophecy that led to the death of my parents. I thought back to my experiences and realized I had played many roles. I played the young courier boy in a western world, I played the studious student, the barbaric fighter, the evil villain, the dark emperor, the hero, the nameless mercenary, the honorable wanderer who protected the weak, and I played the gallant hero. I was known as Black Thorn, Ruler of Worlds. I learned how to use countless weapons, how to craft weapons, various forms of magic and science. But now I was back in my world. The place I was born and meant to be. I am home now. In my cupboard under the stairs at No. 4 Privet Drive. I had used sorcery to retake my image as a nine year old. I have been many people and played many roles, but now for the first time I'll be able to be myself and live the life I was born into. I'll go to Hogwarts and I'll live my life. I'll kill Tom Riddle for good and I'll see where life takes me.

In the cupboard under the stairs in No. 4 Privet Drive a 168 year old high sorcerer closed a small black book and stuck it in his ever present messenger bag. He was in a nine year old body and it was strange. He knew he'd have to keep many secrets, but if he found worthy friends he'd let them in on his true history, though he may skip the darker parts. He knew he'd have to use sorcery to keep his relatives in line and to be treated better, but that could wait for the morning. For now Harry Potter, widely known throughout dozens of worlds as Black Thorn, just wanted to lay back on his small mat and watch the spiders dance along the walls.
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