Categories > Books > Harry Potter

the boyfriend

by elvenluvr

Harry and Cedric yaoi/ BL explains it all... or so it would seem

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] [X] [Y] - Published: 2007-11-16 - Updated: 2007-11-16 - 2306 words - Complete

The boyfriend

Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter. The characters are hers.

Anything I write is just for fun so please don’t sue me.

This story takes place in the alley just before the dementor attack.

“I heard you last night.” Dudley said breathlessly. “Talking in your sleep. Moaning.”

“What d’you mean?” Harry asked again, but there was a cold, plunging sensation in his stomach. He had revisited the graveyard last night in his dreams.

Dudley gave a harsh bark of laughter then adopted a high-pitched whimpering voice. “ ‘Don’t kill Cedric! Don’t kill Cedric!’ Who’s Cedric, your boyfriend?”

Harry felt as though his head was floating on the clouds as he remembered two years ago, when he was in his third year at Hogwarts. That was when he had begun to notice he was different. He knew that he should’ve been looking at girls, but he wasn’t. For some reason woman weren’t as attractive to him as men were.

Harry walked into the Great Hall for breakfast with Ron and Hermione. They sat down for a great breakfast of Salamander tails and pumpkin juice. “Mmm, this is delicious.” Said Hermione who looked into Ron’s eyes with a look that said they had a secret. Ron’s look just confirmed it.

“So, what are you guys doing today?” Harry asked them.

“Oh, um we’re just going to the library to get our star essay done.” Said Hermione quickly. Harry had to smile. There was no star essay. Hermione had lied, wow! What a surprise. No, Harry knew where they’d be going. They would be going to the empty classroom on the fourth floor. That’s where couples who want privacy go. But there must be somewhere else you can go too.

Cedric and Chang seemed to always disappear off to somewhere, but no one had ever seen them in the empty classroom, and they couldn’t be in the Ravenclaw Commons. Harry didn’t get it, where else could the go? As far as he knew there was nowhere else they could go to.

Harry looked up and realized that Hermione and Ron must’ve left. ‘Gee, I wonder where they went.’ Harry thought and he knew he sounded sarcastic even if he was just talking to himself. Harry picked up his salamander tail and continued eating.

Suddenly he realized Cedric, that beautiful toned body, probably from playing quidditch for three years. And that dreamy hair. And the beautiful caring eyes Harry had seen only once three days ago when he had dropped his stuff. Cedric was the only one who stopped to help him pick up his stuff. He heard him telling Cho that he was going to practice quidditch on the field tonight.

She whispered something to him, and she looked disappointed. He whispered something back to her and she seemed to get a little pissed. She hit the table and walked out of the hall. Surprisingly this seemed to please Cedric. But why would he want to get rid of Cho? ‘Maybe I’m just reading this wrong.’

Cedric sat there talking to some of the guys for about ten minutes before he heard Cedric say, “Yeah I’m going to meet with Cho tonight, so I’ll probably be out a bit late.”

It sounded weird to Harry to think that Cedric would lie, but who was he lying to, Cho or the guys? Of course he didn’t know, but he was going to find out.

Harry finished his breakfast and then walked up to the Gryffindor Commons. He wasn’t even surprised that Hermione and Ron weren’t there. He sat down and waited, but then a few hours had passed by and they still hadn’t come. Before Harry knew it he had fallen asleep.

When he had awaken it was seven O’ clock. A perfect time to see what Cedric was really up to. Harry walked down to the quiddich field. He saw Cedric and tried to look surprised. “Oh, hi Cedric. I didn’t know you were out here.”

Cedric came lower. “Hi Harry. How are you doing?”

Harry didn’t want to sound too desperate, so he just said. “Oh, I’m fine.”

Cedric looked at him strangely. “What are you doing out here without a broom?”

Harry felt like he could’ve smacked himself. How could he have forgotten his, well at least his replacement broom? Cedric smiled and lowered himself to the ground. “Maybe we should share the broom, or take turns using it.” Cedric suggested, but the way he said it Harry could tell he wasn’t talking about the broom.

Harry smiled. “Okay.”

Cedric smiled again showing his perfect white teeth. “Let’s meet tonight in the Ravenclaw commons and maybe have a coke or something.”

Harry didn’t understand. A coke, that is a muggle thing. Maybe it was a good idea. Maybe, if anything he’d learn that Cedric had muggle parents or something. How else could he know about a coke? “Okay.” Harry said in a flirtatious tone.

Cedric grinned. “I’ll see you about ten-thirty okay.”

Harry laughed. “Sure.”

Harry walked back to the Gryffindor commons. Ron and Hermione were finally back. He was proud of them. Proud of the fact that they could go at it for hours on end without stopping. At least that’s what Ron had told him about two weeks ago. Harry walked over and sat next to Ron. “So how was today?”

Ron smiled, “It was great. I-I can’t even think of another name for it. It was really great.”

Hermione walked over. “What are you two talking about?”

Ron looked over to Harry and then back to her. Harry knew that Ron couldn’t lie that well, and he definitely couldn’t tell her what they were talking about. So Harry said, “We were just talking about my leaving without telling you where I was going. I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you.”

Hermione looked confused. “Oh okay, sorry. I shouldn’t have interrupted you. Well, I’m going to go up to bed and sleep for a while. I’m exhausted. See you later Ron. Harry.” She said as she walked up the stairs and out of sight.

“What was that about?” Harry asked Ron who seemed to be daydreaming after seeing Hermione.

Ron seemed to come back to himself. “What was what about?”

Harry looked dumbfounded. “Hermione! What is she like a control freak now? You can’t even talk to me.”

Ron shook his head. “No, no. It’s not like that at all. She only wants me to be around her a lot of the time. She doesn’t want to lose me to anyone, especially a guy.” Harry looked into Ron’s eyes. Ron actually looked interested, in him! ‘Oh my god, no way. He can not like me that way.’

“Ron.” Harry said to Ron and Ron’s face grew red. “I’m sorry Ron, we can’t go out. I think of you like a friend or a brother. I don’t think I could ever like you like that. I wouldn’t feel right. And you already have a girlfriend anyways.”

“Yeah, a girlfriend. Right.” Ron said and he sounded a bit disappointed. Then he acted like he wasn’t interested anymore. “I guess you’re right.”

Ron got up and walked up the stairs and Harry knew he was going to go upstairs and talk to Hermione. Harry sat there. He felt bad. He hated making Ron sad. He cared for Ron, like he said as a friend or even brother. What was he going to do? Ron was sweet, but no he couldn’t think of him that way. Ron had Hermione for a girlfriend. No, he wouldn’t think of Ron that way anymore.

Harry went over to the boys rooms. He laid down on his bed to sleep.He realized that he hadn’t told Ron and Hermione that he was going out tonight. But they, or at least Hermione anyway wouldn’t want to know he was going out tonight anyway.

She was starting to get a bit religious. She didn’t swear. She didn’t drink. She didn’t like being around anyone different. Meaning Harry. Harry couldn’t wait until she found out about Ron. The funny thing is she didn’t care about having sex before marriage, isn’t that like one of the Ten Commandments?

He slept for a while, but he couldn’t sleep that well. So, he went over to his trunk. He wanted to find something to wear for tonight. He looked until it was almost time to meet Cedic. He finally decided on a nice black vest and some pants. He just wanted to look nice. Hermione looked at him as he was about to leave and said. “You look nice. Are you going out with someone special?”

“Yes I am. I’m going out with Cedric. Why do you have something to say? You hate me, right. And why, just because I’m different from you.” Harry yelled and she became wide-eyed.

“No. I’m sorry. You should be happy like everyone else. Ron talked to me and told me how bad I’ve been acting and how mean I’ve been treating you. Yeah, you’re different. So what. But I have one request to make. Please, please, please read the bible. How can I be interested in something you like if you can’t be interested in something I like?” Hermione said, sounding defensive.

“Maybe.” Harry said trying to get her off his back. “Maybe some day when I’m not busy.”

“Sure.” Hermione said and she looked pissed. “Someday when you’re not busy.” And Harry thought he saw her lip, ‘looking for guys.’

So that was it. She didn’t care. Her apology meant nothing. She was afraid of him because he was gay. Damn it, he thought they were friends. Maybe not, maybe they never were. Maybe he was just holding on to a hope, a dream. Could they ever be friends again? Maybe, after her religious trip was over.

He walked out as Hermione said something to him. He didn’t care anymore. The time he had wasted with Hermione was making him late. By the time he had finally gotten to the Ravenclaw commens it was almost eleven. He walked up to Cedric who was right outside the door.

“I’m so sorry I’m late Cedric. My friend stopped me before I left because she wanted to talk.” Harry tried to explain, but even to himself this explanation sounded lame.

“It’s okay.” Cedric said, but he didn’t sound that convinced. “Where were you all evening? I tried to find you, but I couldn’t.”

“Oh I was in the Gryffindor commons, but I had fallen asleep. Sorry” He looked into Cedric’s eyes to show his sincerity. “How about we have a coke, okay.”

“Sure.” Said Cedric with a sly grin.

Cedric went over and grabbed a coke which he had kindly put into a glass for Harry. Harry took a big gulp, drinking about half of it in the first sip. He noticed that his attitude seemed to be changing, and he seemed to be becoming more flirtatious. ‘Maybe I should drink coke more often.’ Harry thought to himself.

Harry heard Cedric mention something about quidditch. “Oh I love quidditch. I hope we play together sometime soon.”

Cedric laughed and said. “I thought we’d play it tonight, as long as each of us has the balls for it. And we can see who will catch the golden snitch and win the game.”

Harry laughed. “It’s dark out, we wouldn’t be able to see the snitch. And besides we don’t have the balls for it.” But then Harry realized what Cedric meant. “Oh yeah, I guess we do. I’d love to play quidditch.”

“Good. Let’s go play the roughest game of quidditch you’ve ever played.” Cedric said as he brought Harry out of the Ravenclaw Commons and down a hall Harry didn’t recognize. It seemed like a door appeared, but no, doors don’t just appear. Maybe the coke had alcohol or liquor in it, because now he was seeing things.

Harry walked in and was surprised to see there was a bed in it, and that everything in there was Gryffindor and Ravenclaw colors mixed, but how. Harry didn’t ponder the question too long, because soon Harry saw Cedric naked and he no longer cared about the room. Harry walked over to Cedric who lay on the bed. “I hope you like the top. I like the bottom.”

Harry didn’t object, he didn’t mind it either way. He walked over to the bed and got on top of Cedric. He looked into his bed which was full of enjoyment and life.

But then the face changed. It became the face of Cedric he had seen right after their fight in the graveyard. Then a coffin. Then he saw Dudley who had a sly grin on his face and was acting like he knew what Harry had seen.

“I-you’re lying-“ said Harry automatically. But his mouth had gone dry. He knew Dudley wasn’t lying-how else would he know about Cedric?

I hope you like my story. I had this under a different name, but that name wouldn’t let me in. The name finally let me in and I decided I’d rather move the story to this one. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is my Harry Cedric story. Hope you like it.
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