Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Acts Of Betrayal

Almost a Rescue

by Clell65619

The last Cliffhanger resolved, Lucius sends a letter, Neville and Hannah get some news, and a new Cliffhanger...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres:  - Warnings: [X] [R] [?] - Published: 2007-11-29 - Updated: 2007-11-30 - 3383 words - Complete


A/N: I do not own Harry Potter. But you knew that.


This chapter contains adult themes, including a rape. If this would disturb you, wait for the next chapter, I'll recap then. It's here because it's part of the story. I put a lot of time and soul searching into this. It isn't graphic, but it is disturbing. Sometimes my sick imagination disturbs me.

Harry Potter and The Acts of Betrayal

Chapter Fourteen - Almost A Rescue

Hermione was walking from the library to her apartments reading one of her newly acquired library books, already researching her essay. She turned a corner into one of the darker hallways in the castle never hearing the whispered "Stupefy!" that caused her to slump to the ground like a puppet with it's strings cut.

Stepping from the shadows, Ginny Weasley looked at the girl on the floor with satisfaction. "Ron! Get out here." She pocketed her wand and picked up the books her former friend had dropped when she fell. Ron came out of the shadows and lifted Hermione's inert form to his shoulder, the entered the room of requirements.

Ron laid Hermione upon the bed the room had provided and growled at his sister "Get out."

"Not so fast, this is going to get us both what we want."Extracting a vial from a pocket the younger girl tipped Hermione's head back and poured the potion into her mouth. "You need to wait 5 minutes for the fertility potion to take effect." A second potion followed the first, in her haste, Ginny spilled most of it down Hermione's neck. "The lust potion should have her almost as enthusiastic as you. Wake her up after you get started."

Ginny exited the room as Ron began pulling Hermione's clothing off. This would work. It might take a while, but it would work. If Ron and Hermione were found in full rut, Harry would know. Hermione's denials would be shown to be lies by the recording crystals Ginny had planted. If they weren't found and Hermione never told Harry, he would know when the child was born. A red headed Weasley infant would be proof positive that Hermione was a slut not to be trusted. Then Harry would belong to her. He would beg her to join him. There was no way that Slytherin slut could give him what he needed. This would be perfect.


Harry looked up from his potions essay. 9:30.

"Hermione's late." Daphne noted.

"The Library is open for another half hour. You know how she gets with her research."

Daphne didn't seem convinced. "I don't know, she said she'd be right back."

"Let me find the map."

Daphne watched as he entered his room. Map? What map?


In the Ravenclaw common room Luna Lovegood was in one of the several study carrels accessing the Ravenclaw Information Matrix. She had just started a search on alternate brewing methods for a calming draught when she suddenly sat upright. Leaving all her things where they lay she grabbed her wand and ran for the door.

"Lovegood!" Su Li called. "Lovegood, where are you going? It's past curfew!"

Luna ignored her and exited the Ravenclaw common room at a dead run.


Hermione's clothing was finally off. Some of the more frustrating articles had required cutting with his wand, but now she was the way Ron wanted her. She would be his again. Despite being stunned, the lust potion was definitely affecting her, a flush spread across her face and chest, her nipples were erect, and her hips were beginning to rock. Ron pulled his own clothing off and entered her. She would have his child, the first of many. She would be his again. He pointed his wand at her head and whispered "Rennervate!"


Harry emerged from his room with the Marauders map, and opened it on the table. "I solemnly swear I am up to not good!" Daphne marveled as the map unfolded and drew the castle, then populated itself with tiny icons indicating the people within the castle walls.

"About everyone should be in their dorms, so..." he searched the map. "She's not in the Library."

"Ginny Weasley's heading for the Gryffindor Tower. Luna's running away from her dorm. Why would she be running?"

"There she is. " Daphne pointed to the dot labeled Hermione Granger, another dot labeled Ron Weasley was imposed on top of Hermione. She looked up in horror and realization. "Harry?"

A sudden flash of fear hit them both, followed by a sense of... self loathing.

"That son of a bitch!" Harry snatched up his wand and headed for the exit to the halls. He was three strides behind Daphne.


Ginny was surprised to see Luna running toward her. She was even more surprised when Luna spat "Stupefy!" as she passed, never breaking stride. Ginny wasn't surprised any longer as she slumped to the floor.


"Get off me you bastard!" Hermione screamed at him, furious at herself for how her body was betraying her. With only a partial dose of the lust potion, she had control of her mind, though her body was responding to him. She ground against him, inside her mind she screamed at herself to stop, to fight him.

"You know you want this." Ron pinned her to the bed and he thrust into her. "You're going to have my baby. There's no way Potter would keep you with my kid in your belly. You'll come live with us at the burrow."

"Harry's going to kill you. Get off me!"

Ron reared back and hit her, breaking her nose. "Watch your mouth. This is what you're good for. This is..."

"Expelliarmus!" Ron was hit in the chest and thrown off Hermione into the wall, his wand falling to the ground. Luna stood in the doorway panting slightly, her gray eyes focused on him, blazing in fury."Stupefy! Incarcerous!"

Daphne and Harry arrived at a full run, finding the door to the Room of Requirements still open, they entered to find Luna standing over Ron's naked bound body, kicking him in a fury, and a naked Hermione curled into the fetal position, bleeding profusely from her broken nose and sobbing. Minerva McGonagall followed them in, having spotted the pair running through the halls, she had followed to find out what they were up to.

Without a word Harry wrapped Hermione in her school robe, and lifted her, heading to the door.

"I'm taking Hermione to Madam Pomfrey."

"You'll find Ginny Weasley stunned in the hallway half way to the Gryffindor tower. She has a pair of potions vials in the pockets of her robes." Luna stopped kicking Ron and looked to the assistant Headmistress. "Her wand should be checked as well."

"Professor," Harry stopped at the door. "If you value their lives, they should be well away from the castle before I can find them." He made eye contact with the older woman. "I claim full Line Protection rights."

"I understand Mr. Potter. Get Hermione to Poppy right now."

The raven haired man turned and carried the sobbing bloody girl from the room. Daphne approached Luna.

"Thank you."

Luna shook her head, tears running down her cheeks. "I loved Ronald, loved him since I was 10 years old, and he became someone who could do this to a friend." She kicked Ron again.

"Well he won't be doing it again." Daphne drew her wand and pointed it at Ron's head. "Red..."

"Mrs. Black. Don't do it." Minerva took hold of her arm.

"After what he did?"

"Death is quick. Azkaban isn't."

"Besides." Luna kicked the unconscious man again. "Kicking the rapist bastard is so cathartic."


Walking as quickly as he could without jarring the sobbing woman in his arms, Harry made for the most direct route to the Hospital wing. Entering the ward, he gently laid Hermione on 'his' bed, then rushed to the door to Madam Pomfrey's chambers and knocked. He then returned to Hermione's side to await the school's Healer.

They didn't have to wait long, clad in a dressing gown, Madam Pomfrey found the Potters and immediately began her diagnostic scans.

"She was dosed with a potion, and he hit her. I think he broke her nose. She was raped."

Madam Pomfrey cast diagnostic charms, and frowned.

"Ms. Granger, your nose is broken. I'm finding evidence of a fertility potion, and something else. I need to research what it is, but from the way your body is reacting, I'm guessing some type of lust potion." The Healer lightly traced Hermione's nose with both a finger and her wand. Hermione gasped as her face numbed, and her tears ebbed, Pomfrey then cleaned the blood from her face. "I'm going to try and find something to counter the lust potion. I'm sorry; there is no counter for the fertility Potion."

"Did he... Am I..."

"I'm sorry Hermione, I've found semen in your vagina. We won't know if there is a child for five of six days." The Healer squeezed her hand. "I'm going to try and find a counter for the lust potion."

"Oh god."

Harry pulled a chair up to her bedside and took her hand. He raised it to his lips and kissed her palm. "Hey."

"I'm so sorry Harry!"

"Sorry? For what?"

"I should have fought harder, I should have..."

"Quit it Hermione."

"I should have..."

"You did nothing wrong. It wasn't you."

"It was the Weasleys." Daphne said as she entered the room, pulling up a chair on the other side of the bed, and taking her other hand. "Evidently Ginny was the mastermind, while Ron was just following his crotch around." She reached over and brushed hair out of Hermione's eyes. "The Aurors have been called. McGonagall has their wands, and found a couple of vials with potion residue in them in Ginny's robes."

"What if I'm pregnant?"

"Then you're pregnant." He smiled. "I'll spoil my kids rotten."

"Our kids" Daphne corrected him.

"But it might not be yours"

"Hermione, if a baby comes from you, he or she is mine."

"Any babies born to this family are going to have a loving father and a pair of strict but loving mothers." Daphne grinned, "McGonagall wouldn't let me kill him. Lovegood kicked him pretty good though."


Poppy looked out of her office to find her only patient changed into flannel pajamas curled up on her husband's lap sleeping in his arms. She quietly watched as Harry's other wife kissed him.

"See you in the morning. Keep her safe."

"Love you Daph."

"You too." She smiled at the look on his face. "No one is more surprised than me. Or Happier."

Poppy watched as the younger woman left for her apartments. She came out of her office.

"I can enlarge the bed Mr. Potter."

"Thank you Madam Pomfrey, Hermione's settled and sleeping. We'll be fine."


"Amelia, I'm sure that something can be worked out."

"Albus!" Minerva protested. "They perpetrated a premeditated rape of a classmate. Nothing can be worked out of that. Harry has proclaimed his Line Protection rights, he is completely within his rights to kill them both. If you leave them here, they are dead."

"I quite agree. Arthur a good man and a good friend, but his children have violated the law and must face the consequences. It will hurt him, but he would be the first to agree."

"I do agree Albus. Ron and Ginny must face the consequences of their actions. Further I suggest that you must as well." Arthur Weasley had just arrived via the flu. "You set this tragedy in motion with your grooming Harry to suit the old families."

"Arthur makes an excellent point Albus. Your involvement with all this will be examined quite thoroughly. I need to speak with the Potters."

"I've spoken with Poppy. Hermione had a broken nose, exposure to a lust potion and fertility potion. She is sleeping now, and Harry is with her. Poppy says she won't know if she is pregnant for five or six days." Minerva shook her head, unshed tears welling in her eyes. "I would suggest that you wait until tomorrow. Harry is a very angry young man and probably would not take well to someone bothering his wife any more tonight."

"Amelia, I do expect to be present when my Minor Daughter is questioned."

"Of course Arthur, I'm sorry it has come to this."

"So am I Amelia." Arthur fixed the Headmaster with a death glare. "So am I."

"Did Molly come with you?"

Arthur looked around the Headmaster's office. "I thought she followed me in here." He paled. "Oh she wouldn't."


Molly stormed into the Hospital wing, and spotted Harry and Hermione cuddled in the arm chair. Her eyes blazing she drew breath to rage at them, and found herself silenced. Harry lifted Hermione to the bed.

"Don't leave me." She murmured.

"Just for a sec Love. Need to use the Loo."


Harry gestured out the door. The still silenced Molly refused. Harry cast a silencing charm around Hermione's bed, and canceled the charm on Molly.

"Get out of here now. Your family has done enough to her tonight."

He followed her out into the hall.

"I am going to have my say. That little whore led poor Ron..."

"Mrs. Weasley, you have been the closest thing I've had for a mother, but if you call Hermione another name after what your kids did to her tonight I will hurt you so badly Madam Pomfrey will have to spend weeks putting you back together. You can say anything you want about me. You will NOT bother Hermione tonight. We need to be very clear on this. I have declared my Line Protection rights. I informed both Ron and Ginny of this Saturday morning. They were also told by Professor McGonagall. Tonight they stunned Hermione, dosed her with a fertility potion and a lust potion and your son RAPED her. The moron must have thought that I would reject her if she had a child by rape. The only reason Ron is still alive is I didn't want to hurt Mr. Weasley, and Professor McGonagall stopped the Lady Black for killing him outright. I will press charges, and if is ever so much as see him again I will kill him. If I find out that you supplied the potions I will be pressing charges on you. No one hurts my wife. Ever. Go away now, and do not come back. The Weasleys and The Potters are done with each other."

He turned leaving the sputtering woman in the hallway. He returned to his wife.

"Hey, "he whispered, "want to stay on the bed or on the chair?"

"Bed. Hold me."

Harry kicked off his shoes and lay next to her, spooning into her and holding her firmly as she drifted off to sleep.


The Black/Potters entered the Great Hall in the morning to silence. As usual the rumor factory guaranteed that everyone knew what had happened. As they passed the Slytherin table, Susan and Hannah came to Hermione before the trio could sit down and pulled her into a hug, murmuring to her. The trio was guided to the Hufflepuff table where they sat to break their fasts.

As food and drink was taken for his wives plates Harry cast detection charms, his own clean, Hermione's clean, Daphne's ... a slight indication. Picking up her plate, he cast it again. Nothing. He checked her goblet. Nothing. He lay the plate back on the table and cast again. A slight indication. Odd. The girls were watching him now. Daphne's plate was clean, her goblet was clean, but on the table, he got an indication of the slave potion. Hannah was sitting across from Daphne, he cast he detection charm on Hannah's plate. A full positive indication.

"Hannah, stop eating."

"What's wrong? What did you find?" she asked.

"You're being dosed with the same potion Hermione and I got last year. It's not in the food, it's on the plate."

Using a napkin, Hannah pushed the plate away.

"Excuse me for a second." Harry stood and crossed to the Gryffindor table.

"Neville, could I check something real quick?"

"What's up Harry?"

Harry cast the detection charm. Full positive. "Nev, your plate is contaminated with the same potions Hermione and I were dosed with last year."


"Lets go see Madam Pomfrey." Harry conjured a bag and carefully placed the plate in it. He and Neville went to the Hufflepuff table, and he repeated bagging Hannah's plate.

"I want to take Hannah and Neville to Madam Pomfrey. Hermione, Daphne, do you want to come or go to class?"

"I couldn't face the Hospital wing just now, I'll go to class." Hermione said

Daphne added "I'll keep her company and keep the gawkers away."

"Be safe. Hermione if the day is too much for you, take the day off."

Harry, Hannah, and Neville left the Great Hall. Daphne and Hermione finished their breakfasts and were idling over cups of tea when a majestic Eagle Owl alighted in front of them.

"That's the Malfoy Owl" Daphne said. "What do you want?"she asked the bird.

The Owl gave the impression that it was beneath it's dignity to be delivering mail to them, and slowly extended its leg with an envelope attached. Daphne removed the envelope and offered the Owl some bacon, which the bird pointedly refused, while remaining on the table.

"I think he's expecting a reply." Hermione offered.

Together they examined the letter. Addressed to Lady Black, it was on very expensive parchment.

/Lady Black:/

This letter is to request a meeting with our Lord Black. The purpose of this meeting will be to discuss profitable opportunities for our family.

Given Lord Blacks current disagreement with Albus Dumbledore a meeting at this time could be advantageous.

/Lucius Malfoy/

"How stupid does he think Harry is?"

"It's a pureblood thing Hermione, Lucius expects Harry to come running to the Dark Lord because he's on the outs with Dumbledore. By the family bylaws Harry can't refuse him, but I can rub his nose in his unworthiness." She hesitated. "Should I ask Harry first?"

"No. He trusts you, do what you think needs to be done, Harry might not like what you do, but he would never second guess your choices. You know this Ancient and Noble House stuff, we don't."

Daphne nodded, and pulled out a sheet of parchment and quill.

/Lucius Malfoy:/

My Lord Black is far too busy to listen to the complaints and schemes of a minor in-law. However in the event Cousin Narcissa Black-Malfoy wishs an audience with Lord Black; he will be at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade Friday evening at /7:30//. Should Cousin Narcissa desire she may bring along her husband. /

/Daphne Greengrass-Black/

/The Lady Black./

"That should get his knickers in a twist."

For a moment Hermione forgot her own pain. "You are one evil witch you know that? Remind me to never give you a reason to write a nasty letter to me."

"It's a gift" Daphne admitted as she tied the reply to the leg of the Malfoy's owl.


"Mr. Potter was correct." Madam Pomfrey shook her head in anger. "Both of you are showing signs of contamination by the Love slave potion, and the plates are the source. In both of you the contamination is extremely low level, no where near the level it would take to affect you."

"Probably going to do it slowly, to make it less noticeable." Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. A headache was coming on.

"Who would do this to us?" Hannah was clearly upset.

Neville on the other hand was furious. "Someone who tells the house elves what to do."

"Madam Pomfrey, could you check one more thing for Neville?"

"What do you have in mind Mr. Potter?"

"Could you check Neville to see if there are any blocks on his magic?"

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