Categories > TV > House

Seeing Is Believing

by seldra

House/Chase/Wilson SLASH.

Category: House - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Characters: Gregory House,James Wilson,Robert Chase - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2007-12-31 - Updated: 2007-12-31 - 2987 words - Complete

Title: Seeing is Believing
Author: seldra
Fandom: House M.D.
Pairings: Wilson/Chase, House/Chase and implied past House/Wilson
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: explicit sex.
Disclaimer: not owned by me, still owned by David Shore and co.
Notes: SPOILERS for some important storylines in series 3, mostly 3x09 "Finding Judas." But no spoilers for the S3 finale. Written forwilson_fest on LJ.

Wilson was in the doctor’s lounge, trying to forget about his life falling apart, when Chase stormed in. He tried not to stare as the blond doctor stalked past him, grabbed a slice of bread off the counter, and almost snarled at the shortage of peanut butter.

There was only one person Wilson could think of who could have gotten under the normally stoic young doctor’s skin so badly.

And that person was House.

House, his stupid screwed-up friend who was responsible for getting him in trouble with the police, ruining his career and ruining his life.

He watched Chase attack the toast bread with his knife with more fervour than was strictly necessary, and wondered if he should really get involved with whatever problem House was responsible for this time.

Oh who are you kidding, James? Every time House has a problem you end up becoming involved sooner or later. Might as well bite the bullet now and get it over with.

“So, Chase, what’s new?” he said.

Chase was staring at the sandwich he’d made as though trying to make it burst into flames with his eyeballs. “House missed one.”

Tell me about it. “It’s happened before.”

“He almost maimed a little girl. Cut her right in half. He would have ruined her life.” Chase took a deep breath as though trying to get himself back under control. He was practically shaking with anger. “I got it right.”

“Oh,” Wilson shrugged amicably. “Good.”

“It didn’t matter.”

Oh, Wilson thought, so that’s what this is all about. Chase follows House around for three years like a sycophantic puppy and finally solves a case House doesn’t solve — can’t solve! — without so much as a pat on the back.

He thought he could understand that, but chose his next words carefully. “You helped a patient. You saved a little girl from a life time of suffering. House’s approval — ”

“It isn’t about House’s approval,” Chase said bitterly, reaching for the jelly.

“I – what?”

Now he hadn’t been expecting that.

Chase finished his sandwich and turned his head. Wilson couldn’t stop himself from gaping at the angry red bruise forming on his jaw.

“Chase, are you alright?”


“House hit you?”

“It’s not that, either.”

“What’s not?”


Wilson sighed. “God, it’s like trying to talk to /him/!”

Something in Chase’s eyes changed when he said that, a flash of confusion, then anger, then despair. All the life seemed to sap out of the young doctor at once, and he collapsed into a chair.

Wilson sat next to him.

“It’s just – I wanted to talk to him before. Not about Alice – the patient – about something else. He wouldn’t even hear me out. He couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as me.”

“He is House.”

Chase gave him an annoyed look. “I know /that/.”

“Sorry,” he shrugged. “You were saying?”

The blond doctor drummed his fingers against the table irritably. “Listen, I don’t think we should be having this conversation, Doctor Wilson.” He fidgeted slightly under Wilson’s gaze. He actually seemed nervous.

“Don’t worry about it. House has been getting on everyone’s nerves lately. Uh, more than normal, I mean. He told Cuddy – ”

“Look, I like him, okay?”

Wilson froze in mid sentence, nearly choking. He found himself startled by the raw honesty on Chase’s face. The wide blue eyes stared back into his without flinching.

“You…ah — ”

“I know, I know – House is a jerk, House is an arsehole, House is a lunatic – no one likes him. Not even Cameron, for all her talk, likes him. Not for who he /is/.”

“And…you…/like….him/?” Wilson asked slowly, still reeling and fumbling over the words. “For who he is? For being a jerk? For punching you?”

Chase sighed disparately. He seemed to have forgotten Wilson was there at all and stared off into the distance. Then he laughed, harshly. “It’s not like I even know what I was going to say to him. I mean, if he did listen! God, it’s House – and I –” he stopped suddenly, and his eyes focused on Wilson in a way he wasn’t sure he liked. “Wilson, you—”

Wilson wasn’t even aware he was shaking his head until he stopped himself. It didn’t stop Chase.

“You know him, right? I mean, the two of you are friends.”

“I guess, now’s not the best time, what with him ruining my life and all — ”

“And, I mean, the two of you have—” Chase made a flittering gesture with his hand, “right?”

“I – wait, what?” Wilson asked, feeling the colour rise to his cheeks. “We – me and House – you think we –”

Chase settled that clear frosted blue gaze on him and Wilson knew it would be pointless to deny it.

“Uh – once or twice, maybe — ” he muttered. “I mean not in a – I mean we were just – it was, well you know — ”

“You could help me,” Chase said.

Wilson looked at him helplessly through a fog of confusion and embarrassment. “Help you what?”

Chase was getting good, he realized, at the sardonic House-glare.

“What? Get in his pants? It’s /House/, Chase! He’s — it wouldn’t be all —”

Sunshine and puppies?” Chase asked, ruefully.


“Never mind,” the blond shook his head. “I know that – believe me!” He lowered his voice. “I like House, Doctor Wilson. Not just because he’s a good doctor, or because he’s handsome, or because he’s my boss, but because he’s House – and he’s honest. And he’s mean sometimes. But he isn’t cruel. And he’s —”

“House. Right. I heard you the first ten times.”

Wilson ran a hand over his forehead. He could only stare at the attractive blond doctor in disbelief.

“…he’s /handsome/?”

In the end, he didn’t do anything to intercede on the young doctor’s behalf. First of all, he wasn’t sure what he could do. And secondly, the mess with the police carried on for several weeks, straining the relationship between himself and House to near-breaking.

By the time it was finally over, and he and House were striking up their tentative friendship once again, he had almost forgotten the incident. Until one day, apropos of nothing, while sitting together for lunch (House stealing the bag of chips off his plate as usual) House said “Chase is a funny one, you know. I have a theory — ”

“What? He hasn’t – said anything to you, has he?” Wilson asked. He immediately bit his tongue and cursed silently as House broke off in mid sentence and turned his piercing blue eyes on him.

“Why…should he have?” he asked, his gaze so scrutinizing Wilson could almost feel his skin boiling. He repressed the urge to shiver and avoided eye-contact. He never could keep anything from House.

“Ah – no, no, nothing – ”

“I know when you’re lying to me, Jimmy. You’re exceptionally bad at it.”

“I can’t tell you.”

“Can and will,” House snorted taking a bite out of his sandwich.

“Okay – but not here,” Wilson said, looking around the cafeteria. It was actually fairly deserted, but he was still uneasy about what he was going to tell House.

“Oh-ho, so it’s something embarrassing, is it? Nice. Spill it. I want the details.”


“Come on, it’s only Chase. What do you care?”

Wilson gave him a sour gaze. “For your information I happen to think Chase is – well, Chase is – a very dedicated young doctor.”

“Great, now I know this is going to be good.”

Rolling his eyes, Wilson groaned and picked a little at his lunch. “Chase sort of said something to me,” he said. “Something you should probably hear.”

House piqued one eyebrow in interest. “What? That he’s madly in love with me and wishes it was me ravaging him in the janitor’s closet instead of Cameron?”

Wilson’s mouth fell open. He shut it. He opened it again, but couldn’t think of what to say.

“What?” House asked.

“Um — yeah,” Wilson said, shrugging in disbelief.

“Yeah? …Oh. Huh,” he looked genuinely amused.

“God only knows why,” Wilson muttered. If anything, this was giving House an ego-stroking he definitely did not need. “So are you going to do anything about it?”

“Do anything?” House asked. “Why, what would you suggest? Invite him to a tea-party? Nah, might cramp my style. But this will make for an interesting little non sequitur during our next differential.”

“House, no.”

“What? Weren’t you the one who was convinced I should fire him as recently as—”

“Three years ago!”

But House was already pushing himself away from the table and hobbling down the hospital lobby, mischief in his eyes. “I’m ignoring you, Wilson!” he shouted over his shoulder.

Wilson dropped his lunch back onto his plate and stared at it in utter dismay. “Shit.”

He found Chase later, in the doctor’s lounge. It was empty again, and Chase seemed to be doing his very best to pretend James Wilson did not exist.

“Listen, I’m sorry about what happened – whatever he said to you – you know he’s just being an ass.”

The look in Chase’s clear blue eyes did nothing to ease his guilt. When they turned to him they were filled with pain and betrayal. “I thought I could trust you” those eyes said.

“I never meant to say anything. You know how House is —”

“You never told me my own father was dying, but I tell you one stupid secret and you run to House. Of course.”

Wilson shook his head sadly, taking in the slender figure, graceful even half-curled in despair, the smooth ivory skin and far too-pretty face; the soft golden hair…

No, no, very bad James, remember that you’re supposed to like the ladies…

…but it did give him an idea. Chase wanted House to notice him. It had surprised Wilson at first, but now that he gave the matter some thought it was hard to deny that Chase was easily as gorgeous as Cameron, even to a relatively straight man like himself. All that remained was to show House how clearly fuckable Chase was and sometimes House, for all his genius at noticing the small things, needed to be beaten over the head about the blindingly obvious.

“Chase…” he began, tentatively. “I think I might have an idea…”

Several nights later, following the successful solving of House’s latest case and after Cameron and Foreman had called it a night, Wilson and Chase stood in House’s office. The small room was quiet (House wasn’t there) and dark as Wilson shut the blinds and carefully closed the door.

“Are you sure about this…?” Chase asked. He was leaning against House’s desk, but even in the near-dark Wilson could tell he was nervous. “I mean, he might not come here again tonight — ”

“The keys for his bike are in here, he isn’t going home without those.”

“It still might not work. It might just—”

“Make everything a lot worse for both of us,” Wilson sighed. “I know. But it might be just the wake-up call he needs.”

Chase was blushing softly. It made him even more attractive and Wilson licked his lips as he drew close to the young blond. He ran his hands around the slender waist and felt the smooth skin beneath his shirt. He was already hard, imaging what was to come as he covered Chase’s mouth with his own. Chase was breathing quickly, and trembling beneath his touch. He was easily as pretty as any of the women Wilson had ever known. He explored his mouth gently with his tongue and felt Chase’s body melt softly against his.

God, Chase…I was right. House doesn’t know what he’s missing.

Chase was overcoming his shyness quickly, his hands drawing Wilson’s pants open and teasing out his cock in a way that made Wilson realize he’d had experience doing this. He groaned appreciatively as Chase’s hands played over his erection.

“Oh God,” he growled into Chase’s ear, “want you so bad.”

“Isn’t that the point?” Golden eyebrows arched smugly. Teasingly.

Wilson pushed Chase gently against the desk, tugging the blond’s pants loose and dragging them down. He breathed deeply, beginning to hope House wouldn’t show up after all, that he would have all this to himself.

Of course, that was the moment he heard the footsteps outside. Chase didn’t seem to notice – he gasped as Wilson pressed his lube-coated fingers inside him. The little sounds he was making were driving Wilson wild. He stretched him and then entered him, pressing him hard against House’s desk. Chase screamed and one of his arms flailed for a second, knocking over a stack of paperwork House probably wouldn’t have looked at anyways. He was breathing in ragged gasps. Wilson groaned, rocking into him. He was so tight and warm. He grabbed the slender hips, guiding them as he slid out and thrust back inside Chase.

The door had opened and he heard the click of House’s cane against the floor. The door shut again, and this time he heard the lock slide into place. He could barely think. Chase was moving against him, making all kinds of sounds and House…those hard blue eyes, watching, somehow that made it all more intense. He knew he would come at any moment.

House didn’t say anything. He came across the room as calmly as if nothing were out of place and sat in one of the chairs. Wilson saw all this out of the corner of his eye. He reached down and stroked Chase.


He took him in his hands, gripping him tightly. They both came.

“Hm. So who’s cleaning that up?”

“House,” Wilson breathed shakily.

Chase looked like he could barely stand, he was gripping the corner of House’s desk so hard his knuckles were white. His face had an attractive blush, his long blond hair was damp with sweat and hanging in front of his eyes. It made him look shy, which maybe he was when it came to House.

“So this was your brilliant plan? Fuck the wombat on my desk and there’s no way I’ll be able to resist him? I think you just wanted all the fun for yourself, Jimmy. For shame,” he paused thoughtfully. “Entertaining show though. Even better than Cirque du Soleil.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing, House,” Wilson said, glancing again at Chase, who did look embarrassed, like a harsh word from House at the moment would make him shatter. He licked his lips.

House snorted, tapping his cane and allowing his eyes to slide past Wilson. “So if I’m the one you want, how come you aren’t over here?”

Chase looked up in surprise, with an expression on his face that said ‘who – me?’ He looked nervous. Wilson gave his arm a squeeze and yelped in surprise as House’s cane whacked his leg.

“Aren’t we forgetting whose party this is? You’ve had your fun, now hands off.”

Damn but House could switch from bemused disinterest to violent possessiveness quickly.

Wilson rubbed his leg and sat on the desk, watching the pretty blond walk through the shadows like he wasn’t so sure anymore this was a great idea. “Here,” House repeated. Like he was calling a dog, Wilson thought, but Chase was there, kneeling between his legs.

So subservient. His golden hair shone like a halo in the dark as he inclined his head to swallow House’s length. Wilson watched House’s eyes close in pleasure, his right hand crept onto Chase’s head, the calloused fingers working through the thick golden hair. Chase was licking and sucking for all he was worth. Wilson felt himself blushing. He shouldn’t be sitting here like this. He shouldn’t be watching. But he couldn’t look away.

“Oh yes…” House groaned.

Wilson couldn’t move. He watched as House came and Chase licked him clean and stared up at him almost like he was afraid, and he felt himself breathe a sigh of relief when House brushed the blond’s hair almost affectionately.

“That was good,” he said.

Chase seemed to light up from the inside.

Wilson swallowed as House looked over at him. “You can leave now, Jimmy, I think I can handle it from here.”

He felt a stab of loneliness and longing, watching the hands still tangled in Chase’s hair. He wanted to ask what House was going to do, if it was just going to be the sex, if he might actually consider an honest-to-God relationship with Chase. But it was clear now that was none of his business. He’d played his part and now it was time for him to take his cue and exit stage right.

He nodded mutely, zipping himself up and straightening his clothes as best he could. He walked to the door, and paused, looking back at them. House was regarding Chase with a look that gave him pause. It was almost warm. Almost tender.

He shook his head, none of his business now, and opened the door.

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