Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH89 - Surprise Arrivals

by GuardianOfLight

The Rescue Team Are Not The Only People Breaking Into The Castle

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Arthur Weasley,Hermione,Ron,Tonks - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2008-03-16 - Updated: 2008-03-16 - 1122 words

Chapter 89 - Surprise Arrivals

Dimension: 563 - Earth
Date: 4th October 2001 AD
Country: Britain - England
Location: Dartmoor
Time: Morning

Hermione was first in, dropping the staff as she went; she was understandably surprised though when she heard a

splash as it hit the floor.

Looking down, what she saw terrified her.


The entire floor of the five meter square room was covered in a thin layer of blood.

Looking around the room she saw more horrific sites than anyone should ever have to see in their life times:

Fragments of black clothing were scattered around the room.

Dead skin floated across the bloodied floor, Hermione got the feeling that it was not dead when it was ripped from

the body; some of it appeared to be burned.

What she saw next made her want to be sick.


Severed fingers.

They had started to in decay.

"Oh Merlin!" exclaimed Tonks again.

She followed her line of sight and gasped.

In the middle of the room was a table tilted at an angle of about eighty degrees.

On the table hanging by one of his arms was Adam.

They ran to the table not bothering to step over the Death Eaters that had been blasted into the room.

The adults started attempting to get break the shackles while the students attempted to revive him.

"Adam....ADAM!!" Hermione shouted.

He looked worse than Ginny.

He looked like death.

All his clothes were ripped off except the part of his trousers that kept him decent.

His injuries were horrific.

There wasn't an inch of his skin (including his face and neck) that wasn't cut, burned, peeling off the flesh or

just gone.

What skin was left was either black from burning, red where the outer layer had been ripped off or almost

translucent where the blood had drained from his body

How much blood did he have left?....the entire floor was covered in it.

He also had huge gashes were his skin had been sliced as well as massive swellings and bruises were he had been


He had various weapons protruding from his chest as well as large holes (up to two inches in diameter) where

weapons had obviously been, some of the holes were deep enough to go straight through him into the table.

A mortal man would never have survived this torture, so thank God he wasn't and that some power must have been

keeping him alive.

Buffy, Ron, Draco, Fred and George started pulling out the weapons impaling him; they ranged from swords to stakes,

from arrows to crowbars, all the while trying their hardest to keep their last meal down.

His left hand was fingerless but he had no blood left to ooze from the stumps.

The sight made Hermione want to run but she knew she must stay.

Hermione examined the rest of him and noticed what all the other students already had.

The reason why he was only hanging from just his left arm....

Was that his right arm wasn't there.

Below his elbow his arm had been severed.

Bone fragments remained jutting out of the wound.

What looked almost as bad was the fact that some of his joints were backwards where the bone had been broken and

forced into other positions

"Oh GOD....Adam wake up!....Wake up!....You cannot be dead…YOU CAN NOT BE DEAD!!" Hermione screamed.

She lifted his head and looked at his closed eye.


His left eye was not in its socket and the socket itself was almost swollen shut.

There was a gash running down through his eye lid and through where his eye should have been.

"ADAM!!....ADAM!!" she was getting frantic now, Ginny had joined her at trying to shake him awake.

They probably would have tried slapping him if it were not for his injuries.

"Got it!" said Arthur triumphantly as the hand was released and Adam sagged and started to fall forward.

"Ok, careful." said Fred as he and George gently lowered him to the ground, careful to ensure his head did not fall

in the blood.

Hermione dropped to her knees immediately, the jeans she was wearing getting covered in his blood; Buffy dropped

down beside her as Hermione lifted his head into her lap and the adults started to do some emergency repairs to his


Remus lowered himself to Adam's side, pointing his wand at Adam.


Nothing happened.



"All together?" Buffy suggested.

Everyone except Hermione aimed wands at him.


Remus sighed and looked to her.

"Hermione you try it."

She looked up shocked.

"I....I'll hurt him!"

"He is hurt enough; if it's his magic it may have more effect!"

Hermione sighed and reached for the staff that she had dropped on the way in.

Picking it out of the blood, the liquid flowed off it as if it had never been staining its skin; no hint of it

remained upon it.

She took a deep breath.

"You can do it Mione." Ron encouraged, she didn't even notice the abbreviation of her name.

"Enner.." the staff cut her off by glowing brightly.

It wasn't a harsh light, rather soft and healing.

The light fell on Adam engulfing him.

"What's happening?" asked Buffy as the light dimmed.

Adam took in a gasp, making all of them jump.

"Adam....oh God Adam." Hermione exclaimed through her tears.

"Last time I checked." he replied weakly opening his eye.

Hermione moved around so she was looking at him the right way up as she engulfed him in a hug.

"ARRGH!!" he cried

"SORRY!!....sorry!!" she apologised jumping back.

For the first time she looked into his good eye.

She gasped.

His pupil was white, as was the iris.

"Oh God Adam....Your....Your blind." she said beginning to weep again, there were collective gasps at her

statement, the others obviously having not noticed either.

"I know that." he said as if it were a joke.

How can he think it's funny....he's blind....and he almost died.

Before she could continue he interrupted.

"Could someone pull that knife out of me?"

Looking down Hermione realised there was still one knife in his chest.

"Sorry!!" apologised Ron as he curled his hand round the knife and pulled.

Adam grunted at the extraction of the knife.

Before Ron could apologise again the far wall exploded in, showering them with dust, leaning over they all moved to

cover Adam from the blast.

When they looked up they saw two very pissed looking women in the door way, one blond, one brunette.

Ron couldn't believe what he was seeing, the brunette he didn't recognise, but the blond was very familiar.

The blond was....

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