Categories > Books > Lord of the Rings

Damn this heat

by ann_arien

The intense heat of a particular midsummer eve gets to some Elven heads. Elrohir and Elladan decide to pay their former tutor a visit and, for once, authority is usurped.

Category: Lord of the Rings - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor - Characters: Other - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-02-14 - Updated: 2006-02-14 - 8040 words - Complete

Disclaimer: Tolkien, PJ and the pretty actors behind the Hot Elves own everything. All I have contributed with is my twisted imagination. And the only benefit I get from this is that it might please others.

A/N: I know it's not suppose to be THAT hot in Rivendell, but play along, will you? Actually, if you think of all the fine Elves in Rivendell, I'm surprised the place is not on fire every Valar forsaken day.

Oh, and for the sake of the story, let's just forget that episode of Legolas drinking like twenty men and feeling only slightly tipsy. Let's just pretend that some Elves ARE affected by alcohol. Trust me, as the story advances, you will have no problem with that.

Damn this heat

"I'll never be able to work because of this ridiculous heat! " Erestor grumbled to... well, to himself, for no other sane Elf was still indoors during the pleasant hour just after sunset. The hour had always been pleasant, of course, but the last few days had transformed it into a blessing of the Valar. On the other hand, it was the Valar who were punishing all living creatures in Middle-Earth with a heat wave worthy of Mordor.

One would think that the hidden valley of Imladris and its countless waterfalls, not to mention the proximity of the mountains, would be enough to keep the inhabitants protected from the torturing heat. Or that the Ring of Power, which everybody actually knew was in the possession of Lord Elrond would serve it's owner and at least maintain the temperature within bearable levels.

" But nooo... How convenient of Elrond to just leave now, of all times! " Erestor grumbled anew, running his left hand through his hair and cursing when he realized that he had braided it in one single braid to keep it from sticking to his face in sweaty strands. " Damn it, did he really need to see his mother-and father-in-law that bad? And did he have to take Vilya with him?! Galadriel already has a blasted ring to keep those already-frozen minions of hers nice and cool."

Knowing that it was uncharacteristic of him to mutter to himself like a lunatic, and realizing that he could not get any work done until night fall or early morning, when it was less of a torture, Erestor got up and simply left his desk. Without bothering to close the little bottle of ink, to place his papers well in order or to make a list of everything that still remained to be done. He put out the candles that were illuminating his study, closed the door and thought of it no more. Instead, the Noldo sped through the corridors and towards the kitchens, in search of something at least remotely cold to drink.

Pausing briefly, he thought to himself: "You old fool! The cellar! If there is any place that has not managed to melt yet, it must be the cellar." So he directed his steps towards the new destination, while a little voice at the back of his mind told him he would regret it later. But that very moment, a bottle of cold, crystal clear white wine sounded better than anything else his imagination could summon.


Outside, on a bench in the gardens, surrounded by flowers and artistically sculpted bushes, Elrohir and Elladan tried to focus on the papers they had brought with them from their father's study. And failed miserably, from the looks on their fair faces and the various sighs escaping their lovely, pouty lips. They had hoped that leaving the stuffed study and taking advantage of the remaining light to sort the day's correspondence would prove useful, but as it turned out, they were not getting anywhere.

"Does Ada really hate us THAT much ?" Elrohir voiced his frustration, while trying to cool himself by waving the parchments in his right hand. "Could he not have just asked Erestor to take over his duties and let us accompany him?"

"Dear brother, you forget that we are his heirs... we are mature enough to handle such a responsibility and we must not fail Ada's trust. " the slightly more serious of the twins reminded his brother, though there was an unmistakable hint of annoyance in his otherwise pleasant voice.

"Fine! Then you read and answer this bunch of letters, since you have to remind me of the wonderful position we are in! I'll just go and have a swim, though I doubt there is anymore room in the rivers and falls of this valley to do that." Elrohir muttered, looking up at his brother as if he were a messenger from Mordor. Or worse, form Mirkwood.

Unmoved, Elladan smiled, tilting his head and giving his brother the You are a silly, spoiled brat ! look. "My, my... If I didn't know better, I'd say my brother is loosing his temper..."

Of course, he knew that Elrohir had lost his patience and was starting to lose his temper as well, but teasing him was something Elladan never lost an opportunity to do. Both brothers were so similar that few could tell them apart in appearance, but, beneath the surface, they were different Elves. While Elrohir was of a more impulsive nature, taking after his tutor, Glorfindel, not just in terms of weaponry, Elladan had learned to be more subtle and subdued. After all, it was hard to live and study around Erestor if you weren't focused, patient and... quiet.

"I wonder where that old crow is hiding form this blasted heat?" Elladan voiced his thought out loud.

"Hmm?... " Elrohir raised an eyebrow, looking like a younger replica of his father, doing the Eyebrow of Doom thing that seemed to be a family trait.

"You mentioned Erestor earlier and I was just wondering where he is... and if he wouldn't mind taking care of all this business himself... "

"Aha! And you were giving me a lecture for wanting to dodge this boring stuff !"

"Well, as interesting as it may be to read about men and their harvesting techniques, not to mention how they need more fabric, and more iron and more this and more that..." Elladan waved his hand in a gesture of annoyance." I'm beginning to see things from your point of view. A cold bath, some dinner and... I don't know, if it's still hotter than Mordor inside, I might just bring a pillow and blanket with me and sleep right here on this bench."

"Why didn't we think of this sooner?... Elladan, you are truly inspired this evening. Come on! I'm not wasting another moment !"

As his brother jumped to his feet, dumping the parchments onto bench, Elladan gave him another 'old crow' like smile. That
all-knowing, indulgent expression, copied form his father's Chief Adviser , that got on everybody's nerves and only Glorfindel had the courage to complain about. But then, Glorfindel also called Erestor an old crow and other names that made the calm Adviser snap on more than one occasion.

Apparently, Elladan mastered this expression quite well, for Elrohir stopped and frowned.

"Whaaat? Why are you looking at me like that?!"

"I don't suppose you mean to leave all this behind and run off."

"Umm, no...You are coming with me, aren't you, Elladan?"

"Yes, but I don't think you want to search for Erestor looking like that." Elladan grinned, giving his brother a less than innocent glare.

"What is wrong with my appearance?" The young Elf looked at himself, realizing that he was wearing only a pair of loose leggings and a white shirt that was simply hanging from his shoulders, unbuttoned. "Oh... Hey, it IS a pretty sight, though..."

"Yes it is... You won't hear me complaining, but if you do not want a lecture, you should at least try and appear decent." Elladan knew that his brother was right, but he also knew that it was not the time to start that game. Not yet, anyway.

"Fine, fine. "

"And how do you propose to ask Erestor to take care of something that is, after all, our duty?... "

Elrohir was beginning to think that his brother had found some sick pleasure from treating him like an Elfling. But even he knew that it was not the time to play. He promised himself that he would have a little revenge later.

"Oh, I don't know, you think of something. You were always his pet student. And the Valar know, you've picked up all of his clever, double crossing speaking abilities."

"Figures...I thought you would dump this task on my shoulders. I will do it. But only under one condition." Standing up himself, and gathering all the papers, Elladan stopped for a moment to narrow his grey eyes towards his brother.

"I'm listening..." Despite his twin's rather unsettling look, Elrohir was ready to comply.

"You have to give me a full body massage after dinner."

Elrohir's fair face lit up instantly and he graced his brother's request with a wicked laugh. "You have a deal."

Both brothers then straightened their appearance and walked back to the main house, all the while laughing and practicing Erestor-persuading lines.

"Well, he's not here, 'Dan." Elrohir shrugged in his brother's direction, after they searched Erestor's study, their father's study and the entire library.

"I can see that."

"Hey, I told you, there is no need to get all snappy with me." Erlohir was beginning to have enough of his brother's attitude.

"I know... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. 'Ro, I don't know what's come over me. Must be the heat."

His brother's defensive voice was enough to wash away any trace of anger that might have arisen in him. Trialed and tested time and time again by his more mischievous twin, Elrohir never could stay angry with Elladan. And he had made a valid point, the heat was beginning to really get on everybody's nerves. Apparently, even Erestor had had too much and decided to abandon his work.

"Yea, it's probably the heat. Look, if we haven't found Erestor in any of the usual places, I'm not about to search for him in his quarters. None of the letters are THAT pressing." Elrohir resigned.

"You're right. By the way, did you notice how there is nobody around here? I don't think I have ever seen the library completely deserted. 'Ro, what if we're the only ones to still bother about business and everybody else is just looking for a better way to pass the time? "

"It looks pretty much that way... Come on, let's leave the letters on Ada's desk and we'll just wake up earlier tomorrow to look at them."

"Wait for me here. I'll drop them and then we should go to the kitchens to find something edible. I doubt that the cooks have dared light a fire these days." Elladan told his brother while disappearing through the frame of a massive door. For a few moments, Elrohir was left alone to lean against the stone wall and enjoy it's coolness.

"Why don't you go and find something to eat and I'll run to the cellar and see if I can find us a nice bottle of wine?" he suggested, when Elladan returned. Obviously pleased with the idea, Elladan grinned... a sign that he was up to something again.

"Are you trying to drink your way out of that massage you have promised me?" Elladan peered towards his brother in the dim light, narrowing his eyes in mock suspicion.

"If I recall correctly, dear brother, the deal was to give you a massage IF you convinced Erestor to finish our work. And I do not remember you fulfilling that particular part of the agreement..." Elrohir rose to the challenge, choosing an academic voice to annoy his sibling.

Elladan wrinkled his nose, and cast his brother a death glare, but agreed.

"However, " Elrohir continued in the same manner, "since I am such a generous and gentle spirit, I will carry out my part of the arrangement. 'Dan... I'd do it even if I have to wrestle you and tie you to the bedposts for it."

Elladan's eyes twinkled as the the mental image painted by his brother's words shot straight to his groin, but shook his head and chose to save such thoughts for later.

"I don't think you will have to... this time. And worry not, dear brother, your generosity will be rewarded. If you go to the cellar, pick up a bottle of father's favorite vintage."

"But 'Dan, he's not going to be happy to find too many of the bottles missing when he returns." Elrohir tried to reason, only half convinced himself.

"He will not be pleased, I know. But we will tell them that... the heat made us do it."

"Very smart..." "Ro muttered.

"It's true! Besides, if we sneak in a little compliment like saying that we have inherited his excellent taste for wine, he will forget he was ever cross with us in the first place."

"See, Elladan, this is why I love you."

"Now, now, I know you love me for many other reasons, also." Elladan purred, giving his twin an insinuating look.

"Mmmhmm... now to the kitchens with you! All this Adviser search has made me hungry."

To avoid another teasing reply, Elrohir gave chase through the hallway like he used to when Elladan and he were carefree Elflings. There was no one around to see him and remind him that it was not appropriate of an Elf of his age and status to speed through the corridors. And even if there were anyone, he would remind that person that HE was now in charge of Imladris and he would create a new law to allow running in the hallways just to spite those who didn't agree.

"Elrohir, listen to yourself thinking. You sound like a silly Elfling." he told himself, amused and annoyed at the same time. Just as he had slowed his pace down to a walk and was trying to recover his breath, the young Elf noticed a figure moving up the stairs that led to the main cellar doors. The shadow cast by the walls and the nearby oak made it impossible to recognize the figure. For a few moments, all Elrohir could tell was a person clad in black, or a dark colour, walking slowly. The tall figure carried a bottle in his right hand and surprised Elrond's son but taking quite a generous sip straight from it, before turning around at the top of the stairs, into the dim light.

"Erestor!" the young Elf breathed, before he could stop himself. He stilled his steps just a few paces away from the startled Adviser, wondering what to say and how to hide the surprise of seeing the dark Elf there.

"Elrohir?" the older Elf questioned, looking at him slightly fazed. "What are you doing here?"

"I... umm...I am doing... the same thing you are doing here." Elrohir sputtered, immediately resenting the fact that he had let the Adviser intimidate him.

"Yes, of course. What else would you be doing on your way to the cellar?... Well, carry on." Erestor dismissed him quickly, turning to leave.

Something did not sit right with the younger Elf. Something about the Adviser's appearance struck him as out of place. The raven-haired Elf was not wearing hid trademark robes, but that was no surprise. Not even the cold Noldo could torture himself that way. was his behaviour. Elrohir could not remember Erestor ever meeting someone, regardless of the circumstance, and not be polite, at least as far as a "Good evening, Elrohir. Have a good night, Elrohir." Not to mention that Erestor would at least raise an eyebrow to find his former student about to collect himself a drink.

No... this time Erestor just waved him off. It looked almost like the older Elf was trying to rush off an escape any further conversation.
And...was that bottle almost half empty?... A bottle of Ada's favourite vine as well?!

Faster than lightning, Elrohir's mind began to work. Erestor was hiding form the terrible heat in the cellar. Obviously, a smart choice for any Elf... but this particular Noldo. It was known by his friends, and not only by his friends, that the Adviser had a low tolerance to alcohol. Mainly because he chose almost never to drink, claiming that he preffered to have a clear mind at all times. So... as it goes with anything, lack of practice meant lack of resistance.

Erestor must have thought that he would not run into anybody during his escapade and he could just retreat to his quarters. And, in the morning, he would simply say that he decided to work in his chambers, while weathering the hangover.

"You see..., I have been around you long enough to know how you think. And you, my dear friend, are caught!" Elrohir snickered to himself, showing nothing but a casual smile on the surface.

"Master Erestor?"

Elrohir almost grinned upon seeing the elder tense, halt his rather hesitant steps and turn around slowly. The faltering light did not hinder his observation, as Elrohir noticed the charcoal eyes of the Adviser just a little blurred, and his usual pale complexion displaying a rather becoming blush. Something about the image in front of him made the young Elf shiver with anticipation, and the plan forming in his mind appeared even more becoming.

"Yes, Elrohir?"

That voice, however, still managed to be cold and even.

"I... I just wanted to wish you a good night."

To the untrained eye nothing might have appeared out of the ordinary, but Elrohir noticed a flash of relief sweeping over the fine, regular features of his former tutor.

"Thank you. I wish you the very same. We shall see each other tomorrow, in your father's study, as planned."

That was not a question.

"Not if I have a say in it..." Elrohir told himself, while nodding in the other's direction, then turning around and heading for his initial destination with a friendly wave. Following a well known path, he discovered, with much relief, that the deep rooms of the cellar remained almost untouched but the damned heat. He felt the urge to imitate Erestor and quench his thirst while still in the pleasant coolness, but he composed himself, remembering that he had more important things to see to.


"For the last time, I'm telling you to calm down." Elrohir scolded in a hushed voice, while he and his brother were silently walking through the halls, heading for Erestor's chambers.

The hour was late and, for the first time in several nights, the air was less suffocating. Perhaps the Valar had found pity in their blessed hearts and commanded pure, refreshing air to flow from the mountain tops and into the scorched valley. The entire house was still, silent and the only movement came in the form of two swift shadows passing quickly through the corridors.

"I am calm! But somebody has to think of these things. As brilliant and tempting as your idea sounds, this is no ordinary Elf we are trying to seduce. I'm not sure I want to face his wrath if your plan fails."

Despite his words, Elladan showed no intention of slowing down or turning around.

"Trust me, 'Dan. Whatever happens after this, it will be worth it."

"If you put it that way... Who, if not I, would know better?"

"Exactly. So stop worrying and just enjoy yourself. Remember, Erestor may be who he is, but we are hardly innocent Elflings. And there is two of us, my dear brother. Not even Erestor can match the persuasion of two."

Elrohir stopped, to look at his brother and admire those beautiful, beloved features. He reached out a steady hand, unlike his twin's shaking ones, and caressed Elladan's smooth cheek, all the while smiling lovingly and reassuringly.

"Erestor will not be angry. Not in the presence of such beauty. Not when we come with an offer he cannot refuse." Elrohir said, before pulling his brother close for a slow, tender kiss. He ran his thumb over Elladan's full lower lip, enjoying the way he looked and felt, captivated by his taste and scent.

"Not when he's drunk and will probably not remember anything in the morning, you mean." Elladan chuckled, putting some distance between himself and temptation.

"I was trying to emphasize our many qualities, but you cut me off, as usual."

"If he is indeed as affected by the liquor as you expect, then he won't put up much of a fight. Otherwise, you do realize that he is strong and skilled enough to overcome both of us, even bare-handed." Elladan persisted in reasoning and beginning to sound a little nagging.

"Which is exactly why we must take this opportunity. I would like to see that strength put to better use. I would like to see that straight back arch, that thick, dark mane spread all over white silk, those perfect lips around my..."

"Shut up, Elrohir! Shut up and start walking!"

One quick glance at his brother, tossing his long hair back and walking away in a determined pace, was enough for Elrohir to follow, laughing silently. Elladan was so easy to convince...


They knocked softly twice and heard no answer. Could Erestor not be in his chambers? True, the brothers were busy eating, bathing and making themselves pretty(er than their usual stunning selves) to spy on Erestor, in case the elder Elf had other plans. The effort was not going to pass unnoticed, as both twins looked wonderful, in their white shirts and black leggings, flowing silk that concealed and revealed at the same time. And their long, dark brown hair also flowed unbraided, still slightly damp and smelling like crushed wild flowers.

They looked at each other a little confused, suddenly feeling foolish.

"I don't think he's here. He would have heard you knocking. Come on, let's get out of here before anybody sees us." Elladan whispered, resuming his role as the voice of reason.

"Go ahead. I have come this far and I am not going back. He must be asleep. I am going in and I will wake him. MY way. If you have not the courage to follow, you will be missing out on a lot, any you know it. Now stop being a fuss!"

Gathering all his resolve, Elrohir slowly turned the door knob, trying to make as little noise as possible. The door was not locked. Elrohir had to fight a wave of anxiousness, while pushing the heavy, wooden door inch by inch, enough to peer inside. He almost expected to come face to face with the Adviser and be struck to the spot by a pair of impenetrable charcoal eyes. Instead, when he looked inside, there was nobody in the room. No candles were lit in the chamber that Erestor used both as a study and as a sitting room. A large desk, covered by neatly placed papers and writing instruments, stood closest to the open window that was the only source of dim light. Behind it, a darker spot indicated a piece of clothing laying discarded on the arm of a comfortable, leather dressed chair. Two of the chamber walls were completely covered by shelves containing many of the Adviser's favourite tomes. A small table and four intricately carved chairs were placed in a corner and a bowl of fruit decorated the elegant ensemble.

The twins were familiar with that room, often being instructed in history, mathematics and economics by a serious and patient Erestor there. They also learned not to ruin or misplace anything, for their father's Adviser and trusted friend had a reputation of being as neat and orderly about his belongings as he was about everything else.

But it was not the appearance of that room that caught the attention of the twins, as they advanced slowly, closing the study door behind them. Nay, they were drawn by the stream of light issuing form under the door to their left. Thought there was nothing to break the perfect silence save for their quickened breathing, it appeared that Erestor was not asleep after all.

The brothers straigntened up from their prevoius sneaking postures and walked across the room. Faced with another door and another choice, the two pondered on whether they should knock or just go in. If Erestor was indeed awake, he certainly couldn't miss the muffled noises in his private study and he was probably waiting for them, mentally preparing a reprimanding speech.

As the true leader of the daring adventure, Elrohir took it upon himself to open the second door, after listening intently and hearing no sound issuing from Erestor's bedroom. And his courage was rewarded with a sight that would have had the Valar in awe, had any of them been watching.

The large bedroom was illuminated by a few candles that were almost half consumed. The elegant pieces of furniture, the delicate sculptures and paintings that spoke of the Adviser's taste for fine art, did not catch the eyes of the twins. Nay, their attention was focused on the divine display on the bed. Between the intricately sculpted bed-posts, on top of burgundy velvet, Erestor lay sleeping.
Wearing nothing but a pair of loose, sleeping leggings, the color of mithril, Erestor had been caught in the sweet arms of slumber before he could seat himself comfortably between his silken sheets. Thus, he lay face down upon the cover, his dark mane pooling around his head and spilling over broad shoulders, contrasting with milky white skin. The deep pools of mystery and wisdom that were Erestor's eyes gazed into nothingness, unfocused, lost in reverie. His head was turned towards the bedroom door and the twins found themselves struck to the ground, their own eyes darkened by awe and newly awaken lust.

They held their breath, standing still, side by side, expecting and dreading the moment when Erestor would wake and the sound of his clear, stern voice would break the magic of the moment. Yet those full, chery lips did not move to form words, but remained slightly parted and Erestor's breath continued in an even rhythm. His sleep did not seem troubled by the sudden invasion of his privacy.

Elladan and Elrohir did not move for several minutes and only their eyes roamed unbidden over the lean frame of the sleeping Elf, taking in every detail that was concealed to them by heavy robes and cold attitude. Spending most of his time behind a desk did not take a toll on Erestor's appearance, for he had the strong build of a warrior and the twins remembered the ancient Noldo's past in a flash. Indeed, a new life of dedication to study and diplomacy did not soften the Adviser at all and his fighting skills had been put to the test more than once, in the service of Imladris. The image of sleeping Erestor spoke not of vulnerability, but strength and sensuality, in muscled arms and back, long legs spread comfortably across the bed.

Shaking himself out of the adoring stare, Elladan was the first to find it rather odd that the Adviser was not at all aware of their presence. When his eyes were drawn to the night-stand on the left of the impressive bed, he noticed a small tray with an empty glass and an equally empty bottle of what he assumed was the wine Elrohir had mentioned earlier. Nudging his bother, Elladan pointed in the direction of such clear evidence, and they both smiled identical, sweet smiles. Erestor had drunk too much and he was sleeping like an Elfling, completely unaware of what was going on just paces from his relaxed frame.

"This is better than I expected." Elrohir mouthed, turning to look at his brother. Elladan simply nodded and took a hesitant first step towards the enchantingly beautiful offering the Valar appeared to have displayed for them on such a perfect altar.

They both approached Erestor's bed in silence, positioning themselves on each side and exchanging a long, meaningful look. It spoke of love, trust and desire for each other, but also of lust and mischief regarding the sleeping, almost innocent looking Elf they had so often fantasized about.

Elrohir was the first to avert his gaze and return his attention to Erestor. He reached out a slightly shaking hand and ran it slowly across the Adviser's bare back, less then an inch above the smooth skin that radiated an inviting heat. Though he did not touch, the younger Elf could feel the smoothness of that flawless skin and each curve of well defined muscles.

Though his heart raced in his chest, Elladan fought his anxiousness and tangled the long fingers of one hand in Erestor's ebony hair, enjoying the feel of silky,cool texture against his skin. He smoothened away the strands that had fallen over Erestor's cheek, facing him with a reasuring, affectionate expression on his fair young face, expecting Erestor to wake and feel confused. But the Adviser did not stir.

An equal fascination with the Adviser's dark mane had Elrohir curling a lock of ebony silk around his fingers, then caressing one of Erestor's bare shoulders. He was filled with the urge to map all of Erestor's body with the tips of his fingers, to memorize every curve and valley. And Elrohir inwardly promised himself that he would not leave Erestor's side until the elder's body would hold no secrets to him any longer.

While Elladan was caressing Erestor's arm, Elrohir bent over the resting form to place butterfly kisses all over the sleeping Elf's shoulder blade, traveling slowly up the shoulder. Upon meeting his brother's hand, he licked the long digits, feeling the shiver that ran through Elladan. And it was then that Erestor purred and moved beneath them.


Erestor found himself pulled from the sweet arms of slumber by a sensation he could not quite pinpoint. It felt like he was being touched... like hand and lips were upon him. But his spinning head, his mind still clouded by the effects of all the liquor he had ingested, would not clear. He quickly decided that he was caught in a pleasant dream and refused to wake. However, the exquisite sensation persisted and caused him to voice his appreciation by a low purr. He turned his completely relaxed body to lay on his back and stretched languidly, closing his eyes.

The sudden reaction caused Elladan and Elrohir to freeze in awkward, bending positions, staring at the waking Adviser. They watched Erestor turning around gracefully and felt him tensing for a second, only to relax again and breathe deeply. His hair had fallen over his face and neck, partially concealing his fair, elegant features and the exotic eyes were hidden under heavy eyelids. As he had placed his arms at his sides, Erestor felt the touch of foreign fabric but dismissed it. And he still did not wake.

Watching the pale beauty still lost in reverie, the twins smiled at each other, any trace of anxiousness or shyness being chased away by desire. For the sight of a magnificent body, splayed before them in a silent invitation stirred them more than even they had expected. Everything about Erestor's appearance was tempting, urging them to touch, taste, feel, explore, posses.

Slow, deliberate caresses brought Erestor's arms away from his sides and half way above his head. Elrohir had begun the tactile exploration that he had promised himself. But it was the feather-light touch of Elladan's hand tracing the curves and valleys of his abdomen that caused Erestor to squirm and be abruptly snaked from reverie. He gasped and opened his eyes wide, confused and frightened upon realizing that he was not alone.

"'Dan..." Elrohir drew his brother's attention, and Elladan's eyes shot up to meet the startled gaze of the Elf he had been busy...tickling. For it was the tickling sensation that had brought Erestor back to his senses.

At first, Erestor was too shocked to move or speak. He just stared at the Elves at his sides, unable to understand why they were there and what they were doing. It dawned upon him that he had felt THEM touching him while he thought himself dreaming. His heart skipped a beat and began racing madly when he looked from one twin to the other and saw desire in their eyes.

Before Erestor could open his mouth to ask the many questions that flooded his spinning head, Elrohir had his hands pinned above his head and Elladan had mounted him. Swiftly, they had deprived him of any movement except writhing helplessly. The grip was strong but not bruising and the twins did not look threatening.

"Erestor...Ii is good to see you finally wake. We were beginning to fear en epic battle against your slumber." Elrohir spoke softly, amusement clear in his voice.

"Do not fret, we mean no harm... But I guess you have already realized that." Elladan responded, leaning forward to look Erestor in the eye, face hovering close, above the Adviser's flushed face. "There is no need to look so distressed, Erestor. Trust us and you will not be sorry."

Somehow, the sweet, reasuring words that reached his ears did not make sense to a confused Erestor, trapped beneath two Elves who had no business in his bedroom. Did they?

"Elladan?... What...why are you here?" he whispered, his voice sounding small, unsure.

"Well, we are here to please you, Erestor. We are here to delight ourselves with your heavenly body and take you to heights of pleasure you have not yet known, my dear friend." Elladan openly stated, an honest smile gracing his youthful features. "Surely you would not refuse such an offering..." he continued, while cupping Erestor's face in both hands and caressing his high cheek bones with his thumbs. That gentle hold had Erestor unable to avert his gaze form the chocolate eyes that peered inside him.

Elrond's sons were in his bedroom, restraining him under their lean bodies, expressing the intention to...what?... Could he? Could they?... Surely, this was wrong and he would have to put an end to it. He tried shaking his head only to find his eyes unfocusing and a sensation of floating taking over him. "The damned wine!" he remembered, feeling it's effects all to clearly. Then, his face was moved back to meet a playful glance.

"Now, now, Erestor. Easy on the sudden movements. I believe you are still under the influence of Ada's favourite vintage." Elladan reminded him. But Erestor was to lost in the confusion of the situation to search the implications of that statement. Perhaps he would have realized that he had fallen prey to the twins' premeditation. But the Adviser was only aware of the body pressed on top of him and the jolts of pleasure caused by the ministrations of a slick tongue upon his wrists. Elrohir was not sitting idly and had chosen some different means of persuasion.

Hearing Elladan mention his Ada nearly had the effect of a cold shower on Erestor. He instantly stiffened, staring at the young Peredhel in fear.

"Elladan... this is not right. should not be here."

"But we are. And we have no intention of leaving until we have our fantasies fulfilled." Elladan murmured, descending to capture the Adviser's wickedly desirable lips in a soft, delicate kiss. The protest came in a weak, muffled sound that allowed Elladan to slip his tongue inside the sweet mouth he had often desired to plunder. A trail of desire was being kissed and licked along the inside of his left arm and Erestor's body was reacting to the sensations evoked in him. Surely Elladan could feel his arousal beginning to press between their bodies...

No! He was not allowed to desire them! He couldn't allow them to...but even as the reasons rose, they were washed away by two eager mouths that appeared ready to drink his entire essence.

If he were honest with himself, Erestor would admit that he has always found Elrond's sons fascinating. Just like their father, they were intelligent, fair, brave and skilled, striving to excel at everything they attempted. Seduction included. He had wondered what it would be like to discover that side of them that was not subject to his instruction, but Erestor's duty towards them and towards their father had always determined him to consider such thoughts forbidden. And Elladan had just said that he and his brother wished to have their fantasies fulfilled?... He should have known.

The notion that the twin wonders of Imladris had desired him and had imagined sharing moments of intense pleasure with him sent a thrill through Erestor's body, causing him to moan in Elladan's mouth and open himself fully to the wet caresses, responding eagerly.

Only when he felt himself out of breath did Elladan free his delicious captive and he rose, looking into Erestor's fascinating eyes with admiration and desire. He gathered his legs under himself and sat on top of Erestor, covering his arousal with the heat of his firm buttocks. Instinctively, Erestor arched his back slightly, seeking even more of that contact.

But his mind still struggled with questions and reasons why everything had to stop before it was to late.

"Elrohir...Elrohir, stop." Erestor demanded, but his voice held none of the usual chill. Elrohir complied, releasing his arms and sitting himself on the bed, at his brother's side. Sensing the doubts that plagued the Adviser, the brothers silently agreed to cease their play if Erestor felt uncomfortable with anything. Though his body was clearly stating otherwise.

"All right. We have stopped. But it is not what we want and I can feel that it is not what you want either." Elladan said.

"You are so beautiful, Erestor... So tempting... For so long I could only imagine what you taste like, how it feels to have you this close...what your face would look like when you are lost to ecstasy. How unbearably pleasant it must be to have the heat of your body wrapped around my aching member and how sweet the sounds of your release would ring in my ears." Elrohir chanted, in a dreamy voice, his eyes never losing contact with Erestor's dark orbs, now sparkling with lust and disbelief.

"My brother speaks for me also. We need to be with you, Erestor. No one will know, if that is what troubles you. It will be our secret and we shall cherish it forever." As Elladan spoke, he slowly leaned froward, like a hunter over his cornered prey. But his appearance held nothing threatening. Only promise and plea.

Erestor found it hard to breathe, let alone voice an articulate answer. He felt his heart in his throat as both twins hovered above him. Hands caressed him once more and sweet voices chased all his arguments away.

"You can ask anything of us. We will pleasure you in any way you desire. All you have to do is say Yes." One of them murmured, kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Pleeeaseee..." the other whispered, slowly licking a hot trail along his chin. Coaxed like that, Erestor inhaled a gulp of air that seemed thick, full of desire, and breathed a helpelss "I do..."

After that, a maddening assault was launched upon his senses and he was soon writhing under exquisite caresses, voicing his passion loudly. And they left him not a single second to catch his ragged breath.


It was not long before Elladan and Elrohir were in complete control, judging by the state of their former tutor. Erestor no longer appeared to be the master of anything, least of all his own body. Light-headed and free of inhibition, the elder Elf had built so much anticipation in his trembling frame that the twin's attentions had nearly undone him, but for their care to prolong the moments of ecstasy as much as possible. Such an opportunity might not arise again and the two were poised to make the best of it.

Urging them with a strangled voice and needy cries of pent up desire, Erestor quivered violently, arching his body upwards to meet the warm hand that caressed him in such a maddening way. He was a sight to behold, the raven-haired beauty, with waves upon waves of dark, silky hair spread over the white sheets and muscles twitching under pale, flawless shin. The most intoxicating thing about the tempting sight was, of course, the sweet surrender of one so stern and cold. Two sets of lustful eyes drank in the beauty of the one who squirmed beneath them, then turned to each other. The brothers exchanged a satisfied grin. Anyone who could have seen their faces would have read pride all over their fair features. And they were proud indeed, nodding to each other and one of them whispered roughly: "We have only just begun..."

Elrohir's attempt to still the frantically moving Erestor, in order to allow his brother access to the part of the Adviser's body that he was seeking, were almost futile. Erestor held much more strength that his lithe form would have led to believe, and he was nearing a point where his need for release had entirely taken over him.

Elladan knew that their wonderful victim would not last much longer, as he fixed a fascinated gaze on the pulsating arousal in front of him. And putting in a mighty effort to ignore his own throbbing member, he tore his eyes from that vision and rummaged through his clothes for the small vial of scented oil he never parted from. His brother simply smiled, wondering which of them would have Erestor....first. They would not release the Adviser and give him his rest until both of them would ride him to his and their fulfillment. Several times...

At the sudden lack of attention payed to his pulsating need, Erestor opened his eyes, black pools of want, looking at the twins with a silent plea.

"Do not worry, my beautiful, " Elrohir purred, "we have merely stopped to admire you. And I must say...this is most becoming of an exotic beauty like yourself."

"Between the two of us...I would say we have done quite a good job, my dear brother. " Elladan murmured, wrapping an arm around his twin's naked form and pulling him close for a ravaging kiss.

Erestor lay there, panting, captured by the amazing sight in front of him. The beauty of Elrond's sons was always evident, but seeing them together, in such an intimate embrace, powerful, naked, aroused and lost in each other's embrace was more than even an ancient, seasoned Elf like himself could take. He moaned with them, craving for their mouths and their bodies.

And he screamed, as those how mouths descended upon him and began kissing, licking the sensitive skin around his weeping member. They smiled, locking eyes that twinkled with mischief, as their lips and tongues slowly traveled up Erestor's stiff flesh, meeting at the tip. One of them licked the pearly drops of fluid, taking his time and teasing the oversensitive spot with a talented tongue, before the brothers delighted each other with another kiss. Bent above their squirming victim, Elladan and Elrohir moaned, tasting Erestor's pleasure from each other's lips.

"Delicious... " Elrohir whispered, and both turned their flushed faces as Erestor called out to them.

"Please...Don't, don't make me beg!...Stop this torture..." He called, in a throaty voice. That alone nearly shattered their restraint and an urgent need pressed them both to answer Erestor's desire.

Not needing to exchange a word with his brother, Elrohir took the vial form where it lay discarded, opened it an poured a generous amount of oil on his right hand. He would wait for his turn. After all, Elladan, was the one to have endured the presence of such a desirable Elf during his instruction in the art of diplomacy... and he wanted to have Erestor more. He would not deprive his brother of that pleasure.

Though he found it almost impossible to stand, to suppress his cries or to hold back his release, in the hand that was stroking him, preparing him, Elladan still had the strength to look in his twin's deep, loving eyes, silently thanking him. Then he turned his attention to preparing Erestor as well, trying not to spill himself as Erestor's moans were louder and he was pushing himself onto the invading fingers.

Elrohir watched his brother, fascinated, as Elladan removed his scissoring fingers and took a firm hold of the Adviser's hips. Erestor's legs immediately wrapped around the younger Elf's waist as he braced himself, open and wanting.


He screamed and cried, shameless, abandoning himself to the havoc that was caused within him. He felt drained and then pleasure built in him anew. They hardly allowed Erestor to catch his breath. The twins did not run out of strength or out of ideas, when it came to tormenting their former tutor, bringing him to impossible heights, over and over again.

They both tasted the essence of his ecstasy with expert mouths, they both rode the waves of their own delight buried deep inside his quivering body. They shared their magnificent partner, filling him with their lust from both ends. And finally, when Erestor was so exhausted and fulfilled that he could only watch, Elrohir and Elladan offered him a display that brought him to one last exploding orgasm that he would never forget. The twins toyed with each other, slowly exploring each other's well known bodies, praising each other's many qualities, emphasizing just how desirable each of them was. And their former teacher learned what it was like to see the twin bodies and spirits finding a unique release, at his side, in each other's humming mouths.


The early dawn found them still barely awake, tangled in a tender embrace. All three were swimming in a sea of exhaustion and completion, bodies sated and minds drifting into much needed reverie. Erestor, caught between the twins, holding Elladan and being held by Elrohir, still had the awareness to remember the many tasks he had to perform come morning.

"I am so finished that I don't think I'll ever be able to get out of bed." he muttered, face buried in a cascade of dark brown hair.

"That was the idea." Elladan chuckled, adjusting his position to feel the Adviser even closer.

"You think you are so qualified that you can take care of all the business in Imladris yourselves?"

"Actually we are so little qualified that we were searching for you last night, to ask for help." Elrohir admitted and did not shy to continue: "But after I saw you coming out of the cellar, I had a better idea."

"Aha... So you did. Uf, never mind now. I'm to tired to say anything anymore. But you will pay for this..." Erestor managed to sound just a little threatening.

"Mmmmhmm... I'm sure we will. But until then, we are the Lords of Imladris and we are in charge around here." Elrohir tried to emphasize, but was cut short by a yawn. Fighting to stifle it, he kissed Erestor's shoulder and murmured in his ear: "Like I was saying, we are in charge and we relieve you of all other responsibilities except resting in this bed and recovering from nights of consuming passion like this one."

They expected Erestor to put them back in their place by a stinging retort, but the Adviser only moaned, snuggling between them.

"Ah... what can I do? If my Lords command me, I must comply..."

He would no longer answer, should any of them have any more challenges. Instead, Erestor drifted into reverie thinking just how much those two reminded him of their father. He smiled inwardly, wondering how they would feel if they knew just how much like their father they actually were. Yet Elrond was only one. Those two meant double the trouble.

And double the pleasure.

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