Review for Down the road, not across the street

Down the road, not across the street

(#) can-you-feel-this 2007-07-21

OK, sorry about that. I just had to get over the initial shock. Alright, real review time. Well, first off, listening to "Bury Me" made this chapter soooo much more, I think real is the word I'm looking for. It gave the words a feeling, and emotion. And it's not weird that you listen to music to get inspiration, because I (and I'm sure many other people) do that too. The beginning with the funeral, HOLY CRAP you scared the shit out of me. I knew it had to miss the heart!! But, the crash... I cried, I'm sure anyone who's been following this story cried. And Amara flatlined exactly when Ryan crashed? It's almost as if there was some kind of ethereal force keeping their souls connected, but the crash broke the string. It's quite beautiful, and tragic, if you think about it. This story has made me feels so many emotions, it's hard to keep up! One second I'm laughing, the next I'm crying. But right now, it's the latter. And if they both died (if they must die, which I really hope not), I think I would rather have them die TOGETHER, than have one live while the other passes. Kind of like Romeo and Juliet in a way, star-crossed lovers and all. Alright, I'm done babbling. I'm going to find a box of Kleenex somewhere. An update soon, would be fantastic, and appreciated. "All good things must come to an end..."