Review for Baby, Seasons Change But People Don't.

Baby, Seasons Change But People Don't.

(#) mooniexmisfit 2007-11-15

a response, to your response.
fuckville sucks, because everyone is fucked. being fucked, fucking sucks. it's like, who gives a flying fuck about a fuck that flys, let alone a fucking town where might I add, everyone is fucked. fuckedville, should go fuck it-self up it's fucking gynormous ass. ther person(s) that made you go on a trip to fucking fuckville, should fucking die.

did I just say fuck an astounding 23456789876543256789 fucking times?

one truly fucked,
caity =D

Author's response

This review, totally made 100% of my day. It was absolutely hilarious. Thanks oh-so fucking much. ;D
You're the best. =D