Review for Nephilim's Power

Nephilim's Power

(#) Maverick512000 2008-01-05

First of all good story and I think it's progressing well.

Now as to why I don't like Ginny these are my reasons. Ginny seems to be this random character that JK decided would get together with Harry for no clear reason. I mean she is the sister of his best friend and when we are introduced to her as a character in book 2 she comes across as this star struck fangirl.

Truthfully nothing else is done with the character till book 5. At this point she has made an astounding change from a traumatized, star struck schoolgirl to a powerful, self confident witch that "would be perfect for Harry". JK didn't give any real details on how this change happened. The events in book 2 are not enough to explain them because if anything that should have made her worse because now she would see Harry as her owe personal white knight.

Jump now to book 6. In this one Ginny is now basically the head cheerleader. Every guy wants to date her and she is a living goddess. Throw in Harry's unexplained sudden interest in her, that whole "monster in his belly" shit still makes me cringe, and you can't help but feel you've missed something here. I thought for sure it would turn out to be a love potion or something used to explain this as there is no evidence in the books that supports a Harry/Ginny pairing, from Harry's point of view at least, until it's practically shoved down the reader's throat.

Indeed the whole reason behind her being Harry's love interested seems based around that she likes him and she's a red head like Lily. This seems to be a strange theme JK was going for as we are constantly reminded that Harry looks like James. She seemed to be very insitent that Harry and Ginny be seen as James and Lily 2.0

To sum it up for me it's not that I so much hate Ginny as it is she gets far to much credit and is used way to much when from books 1-5 there is no real evidence that supports a relationship. Hell Harry had more heart to heart moments with Luna than Ginny up until the clusterfuck known as Half Blood Prince that is.