Review for Bet You Ten Bucks I Can Make You Regret Her

Bet You Ten Bucks I Can Make You Regret Her

(#) XxIceCreamHeadachexX 2008-04-27

Absolutely wonderful.
This was not a filler at all.
A chapter I adored? YES! Indeed, it was!

First thing--
"Slowly as if this were a live game of Minesweeper and there were explosive devices woven between the synthetic fibers of the fabric beneath my shoes."

My ABSOLUTE favorite quote. I hate that game, but still. That was just amazing and I had to say something about it. :]

You are a wonderful writer and I hope to read more soon. [hint, hint]

Update soon? :]

Author's response

awww thanks sweetie! I always luv wen u comment, u make me feel special!
grins with all teeth a la frank iero as long as u keep reviewing ill keep writin