Review for How To Bang Miley Cyrus by Gerard Way

How To Bang Miley Cyrus by Gerard Way

(#) Hoodiegirl86 2008-09-18

I don't have chem. but I'm happy :) It seems extremely boring and the chemistry teacher sucks.

Catholic school = vomit.

I went to a catholic preschool, but I'm an athiest. My parents are strong christians, but I told them if they put me in a catholic school I'd fail on purpose in every class. Hehe.

Author's response

Yay! I'll try to tupdate sooner xD
I'm kinda busy ow, sophomore school year now =\
If this was freshman year, then i would have no trouble updating at least 3 or 4 times a week hehe :D

Oh yeah, catholic school is not the best xD
I mean its ok, but ehhhh.... teachers arent so great -_-

Athiest? ooh, I almost was, now i just dont know. Agnostic i guess now, hehe.