Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) xxinSANExx 2009-01-07

I know that poem! It's like
" Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and I took the one less traveled by..."
Or something of that sort. I went over it in...the...fifth or sixth grade. I like how you incorperated(sp? Remember I'm a shit speller. Don't judge me!) the poem with the two paths as the two ways in Gerard's (17 Days)life. The drug addicted, alcohal(sp?) poisoned one and the clean one. I would have liked to read more about Kat's "el padre" though. But I'm glad I got to read some... less perverted literature today. Twelfth Night... is not a good play. Shakespere is a perv... in a literature class of fifteen guys and four girls(including me) I don't want to learn that a eunuch is a castrated boy... OKAY! On a plesant note, I don't think Mr. Frost will turn over in his grave. 17 Days is quite a good story that deserves to be published. Well, at least my twisted mind thinks so. The End!

Author's response

I won't judge you ... remember I said I'm a shit speller too. LOL

The poem is "The Road Less Traveled" =D

Shakespere ... yeah, he was pretty twisted I think. He was like the "rapper" of his time though ... ya know how like rappers today come up with like words that mean dirty things but aren't dirty words? HA

Thank you for saying this is a good story.
