Review for Switched


(#) IWCT 2006-01-01

Hilarious. I can see how this is going to uh -- interesting.

Is Gambit, being the sneaky sociopath he is, going to figure out what's gone wrong and actually try to act like Rogue until the first minute that he can get out of the X-Mansion? Or is he going to give himself away as easily as Rogue seems to be doing in his own body?

It's going to be really interesting to see what happens when they meet up again. Would Rogue really want her body back? I mean she can actually touch people in Gambit's body -- although there's always the danger of exploding someone, and the whole gender issue might be a little wierd.

But then again, would Gambit want to go back to the Acolytes? As Rogue he probably gets better food, better room and board, and Logan's probably a gentler task master than Magneto and Sabretooth.

Sad thing is, I can see both settling into each other's bodies. Well, I can see Gambit taking Rogue's body and making it start drinking burbon by the bucketful and smoking. I can also see Rogue coming up to him (in his own body) and yelling: "What th' Hell are yah doin' to mah body?!!!"

Anyway, brilliant, thanks. Continue, the dust bunnies of doom command you.