Categories > Cartoons > X-Men: Evolution > Switched

Something's Wrong

by Prexistence 1 review

After a accident, Rogue wakes up in the Acolyte base, except she is in Gambit's body and he is in her's.

Category: X-Men: Evolution - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Gambit, Rogue - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-08-19 - Updated: 2005-08-19 - 889 words

Disclaimer: I own nothing


Everyone stood outside the medical lab waiting to see what Hank had to say. The only ones that were aloud in the room were Kurt, Wolverine, and Hank, being the doctor. "Is she going to be okay? She took a nasty hit back there." Kitty asked the Professor, who was sitting with the students.

"I believe she will be fine, I don't think Magneto's blast did anything, but knock her unconscious." The Professor replied to the young mutant girl.

"This is my fault, if I blasted the machine sooner, she wouldn't be in there." Scott began to blame himself. Jean placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It's not your fault, no one saw it coming." Jean tried to reassure him with a small smile. She then turned back to the Professor. "Do you know what the machine did, I remember Magneto saying he was going to be testing it out on the president." Jean told the Professor, recalling Magneto telling them as they fought against his Acolytes.

"I am afraid not. I will have to talk to her when she wakes up to make sure she is unphased." The Professor told everyone waiting in the room.

Inside the Med Lab

"Are you sure she vill be fine?" Kurt asked Hank for the hundredth time. He sat by her side, holding her gloved hand, awaiting when she would wake up.

"Her brain waves are normal, I have also run other tests and she is in good health. I believe she only suffers from a bump on the head." Hank said to Kurt as he picked up a clipboard and began looking over Rogue's history of what she was allergic to. It didn't help much that she had kept the in dark about most of her past and other things, which they accepted.

Logan leaned against the wall watching Rogue. Only a few short hours ago he had brought the unconscious girl into the mansion and straight to the medical lab. As soon as the blast from Magneto's machine hit her, he stopped fighting and ran to her. The others had been holding off fairly well and the Acolytes soon gave up and ran when a member of their team went unconscious as well.

"I think she is vaking up." Kurt said as he looked over at Logan, who started to walk forward. Kurt looked back at his adopted sister and watched as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Welcome back, stripes." Logan greeted her with a half smile. Rogue blinked a few times before she could see where she was. Her eyes went wide when she saw who was in front of her.

'Merde, what de hell is Gambit doin' 'ere?' Was the first thought in her mind, or well Gambit's mind.

Magneto's Base

As soon as they had returned back to the base they dropped Gambit off in his room for him to recover. "Are you sure he'll be fine, mate?" John asked Piotr, who shrugged.

"Magneto said there was no harm done and he should recover soon." The Russian told John. They were both in Gambit's room, and they were both worried about their friend.

"It's weird, I didn't even see anything or anyone hit him. He just fainted or something." John said as he looked down at Remy's unconscious body, which began to stir. Remy's hand went up to his head and began to run a hand through his hair. He stopped as soon as he felt that something was off and his eyes snapped open.

He looked around and saw John and Piotr standing above him, John with a smirk on his face. "Welcome back, mate, had us worried there for a sec." Pyro told him.

"Where the hell am Ah? Why am Ah here?" Remy began to say. 'They kidnaped meh.' Was the first thought that came to Rogue as she sat up in Remy's body, not noticing it wasn't her own.

"We were in battle and then you fell unconscious so we brought you back." Piotr told him. 'Must of been knocked out good.' He thought to himself as Rogue backed away to the headboard of the bed.

"Like Ah'm goin ta believe that, ya kidnaped meh." She accused them. John looked over at Piotr, who looked just as confused.

"Ugh, no, you see you joined a team called the Acolytes which consist of yourself, Piotr, bucket head, and the big stupid animal Sabertooth." John tried to explain, but from the look on Remy's face he wasn't buying it.

"Ah never joined your team, Ah'm with the X-Men." Rogue said as she looked down to find her hands had fingerless gloves. 'What happened ta mah gloves.' She thought to herself, she then looked down to find herself wearing Gambit's leather duster.

"No, you never joined the X-Men, unless there is something ya want to tell us Remy." John began to say then. "Although I see how you look at the one with the white stripes in her hair." He began to tease with a smirk across his face.

Rogue raised a eyebrow at him. 'Serious, why am Ah here and wearin Gambit's clothes.' She thought to herself as she then turned and saw her reflection in the mirror. Rogue's eyes went wide before she passed out.

End of Chapter 1
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