Review for Fml


(#) ClickClickBoom 2010-06-28

Hey. I'm going to be totally honest right now and give you everything that is on my mind when I read your fanfiction. It is illiterate. Your commas and period’s are all messed up and it makes your sentences and your stories all-together look really unintelligent. Plus, if you have trouble spelling you should type your chapters up on a Microsoft document first so that the computer can sort out your spelling errors.

I’m sorry if this is harsh to you and I hope you don’t take it to heart, but I know that it really bugs some people (me included) when there are grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. I know call me the “Literature police,” but if you want to make your stories more formal you should really take my advice.


Author's response

okay i know my spelling and punctuation sucks. I'm doing this all on ficwad because my computer is a different format than ficwad and changes all my punctuation into codes. I'm trying to improve it and if it will make you happy, review my chapters at a different location and repost them.

Also, If you're not trying to sound too harsh, then you shouldn't call someones story unintelligent.
