Review for Be Apart Of My New Story!

Be Apart Of My New Story!

(#) Luckystarz812 2011-01-13

Sounds like it'll be a good story :D

Name: Julia
Nickname: Jay; JJ
Killjoy name: Fire Static
Age: 16
Date Of Birth: May 8th
Height: 5'3
Weight: 123lbs
Hair: Colour- "Pearl blonde", basically a close cream/white color. Straightened, falls a little over the shoulders. Parted to the side 
Style: A lot of grays, blacks and blues, and some red. Converse, skinny jeans, a tee shirt and sometimes a black hoodie
Eyes: A sea greenish color
A little about your character: She has a brother three years younger than her. Never was too close to her dad or mom. She got kicked out of the house recently, for coming clean and admitting she was bisexual. Been on the move, finding shelter where ever. She has built walls around her and it's very hard for someone to get to know her. 
A bit about your characters personallity: It depends. It differs from very serious to off the wall hyper. Can be pretty intelligent, thought won't show it unless it's needed. She has an excellent memory and can remember dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) and numbers easily. Can be a complete nerd at time. 
Anything else you feel like saying: um. Loves energy drinks. Favorite band member would definitely be Mikey(: