Review for Auditions:D


(#) bloodbunny15 2012-01-18

Name: Rosie Walton

Nickname: Rose

Female or Male: Female

Age(16-20): 17

Looks: straight, shoulder length brown hair with purple streaks, hazel eyes paleish skin, a little skinny, 5'5, thin pale lips and a button nose

Piercings/Tattoos: lip ring (black) and one tattoo on her left arm that is a dragon

Scars/Birthmarks/etc: scar on her right leg after a fight she gotten into 4 years ago

Outfits: black skinny jeans, converses or vans, band tees (black veil brides, green day and fall out boy preferably)

Personality: at first she's quiet and shy but she's really a jokester and very bubbly but it can be obnoxious at times but can be depressing at times

Habits: smokes, doodles on everything

Likes: music, singing, playing guitar, drawing

Dislikes: hypocrites, and kind of stereotype, politics, and bitchy people

Fears: being alone

Country of Origin(where you were born): England

Sexual Orientation: bi-curious

Panic! guy you want: brendon, ryan or spencer i'm not bothered

How you act around them: bubbly and funny

What is your relationship like: quite romantic but more sibling joking around

Did they like each other at first: yes

When and how do they get together: at a friend's house at a party playing 7 minutes in heaven and one thing lead to another and you know what happens next

Heath problems: none

What do you play?: sing, play guitar and writes lyrics

Do you get along with your band mates: yeah like siblings including the including the arguments over petty things

How do they act towards my character: kind and genorous but a jokester

Do you wear anything special or diffrent for shows (if you do be specific): her lucky purple checkered vans and a purple guitar necklace her dad gave her

How do you deal with fans: really nice like gives them autographs, poses for pictures etc.

How do you deal with the crazier fans: a tad bit more cautious but she knows she used to be like them and kinda still is

Do you interact with your fans(if so how): as i said poses for pics, gives autographs and loves meet and greets

How do you act in interviews: kinda chatty but knows when to shut up

What are you in the band (obnoxious and funny like Brendon, quiet like Ryan, etc): the funny yet occasionally sensible one