Review for Auditions:D


(#) Tati 2012-01-18

Name: Tatiana Valentino
Nickname: Tati (Tay-dee)
Female or Male: Female
Age(16-20): 18
Looks: medium length black hair with a fringe that parts to the left. A few red and blonde peek-a-boo highlights mixed in. Naturally curly hair, but prefers it straight. 5'5. Hour glass frame. Dark brown eyes. Long lashes. Narrow lips.
Piercings/Tattoos: Cartilage pierced. Naval pierced. A geisha tattoo on right side, a cherry blossom tree on the left side. A heartagram tattoo on top of wrist bone. A panda eating bamboo in a forest on right shoulder blade.
Scars/Birthmarks/etc: faded scar underneath lip from an accident a few years back. Birthmark on ankle, wrist, left cheek, left ear. Also a scar on right shoulder from a hot iron that resembles the Star Trek symbol :P
Outfits:, just a general idea.
Personality: A little weird at first, but bubbly after getting in her zone. Then she's friendly, humorous, expressive, gooberish, loveable. A little stubborn, doesn't like to be wrong sometimes. Opinionated. Melodramatic. Trusts easily, which results in trust issues. Kind hearted. A self critic deep down. Caring about others. Good person to vent to. Optimistic about life and death. Religious, Christianity. Terrible flirt, but still wings it. Hopeless romantic.
Habits: Laughs when nervous, looks at feet when nervous. Nail biter. Lip biter. Tendency to day dream. Picks at things.
Likes: Outdoors, road trips, music, fans, animals, movies, rain, coffee, touring, Mexican and Japanese food.
Dislikes: Rude people, rude boys, being awkward, pressure, writer's block, dirt, clutter, racism, homophobia, misogynists, sexism, traffic, not being understood.
Fears: snakes, falling from high places, breaking a bone
Country of Origin(where you were born): United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Panic! guy you want: Jon
How you act around them: a little shy, friendly, sweet, innocent.
What is your relationship like: Open, usually laughing at every thing, childish, chill.
Did they like each other at first: Jon saw her as a 'sister' at first, but she always liked him.
When and how do they get together: Through a mutual friend, start texting each other before going on a date.(feel free to change this if necessary)
Heath problems: None.
What do you play?: Rhythm guitar, back up vocals.
Do you get along with your band mates: Awesome. Usually play fight over small things but never too serious. Knows everyone's flaws and how to deal with them accordingly.
How do they act towards my character: Friendly.
Do you wear anything special or diffrent for shows (if you do be specific): A silver locket from her mother on her 17th birthday, real protective of it. Usually a Japanese beaded bracelet.
How do you deal with fans: Friendly, accepting of them since maybe it's their first time meeting. Understanding.
How do you deal with the crazier fans: Understanding but guarded just in case. Act like nothing is wrong
Do you interact with your fans(if so how): ask them how they are doing, compliment their clothing or something, try to make small talk instead of being rude or quiet.
How do you act in interviews: Tends to ramble on, but usually out spoken. Gets lost in thought occasionally.*
What are you in the band (obnoxious and funny like Brendon, quiet like Ryan, etc.): Random like Jon, opinionated like Brendon.