Review for Casting call, my dears. (Also known as auditions.)

Casting call, my dears. (Also known as auditions.)

(#) mynerdyromance 2012-08-21

This sounds awesome, man. I'll read it for sure.
Name: Natalia Glinka
Age: Does 30 work? change it if it doesn't.
Part: The dance trainer
Hair colour and style: Dark brown, shoulder length. Worn in finger waves if she's going somewhere or it's a special occasion, doesn't do anything to it if she's just at home or is working with the performers.
Eyes: Brown.
Height/Weight: 5'6", 115 pounds.
Clothes: Once again, if she's going out, she wears outfits like this one;

If she's working with the performers or at home, she just wears comfortable slacks and a blouse of some sort. Doesn't like to wear shoes when she doesn't have to.

Personality: Fiery, snappy, doesn't take shit from people, is sort of a perfectionist. Doesn't get attached to people easily, but is very caring towards those she is attached to. Acts like a mother figure to the performers, despite not being that much older than most of them.

Backstory: Was born in Russia, and had been formally trained in ballet. When she was thirteen, she was asked to join a famous dance company and traveled the world with said company. She was with them for almost ten years before she quit. She left Russia in 1922 because she didn't want to live under the Soviet Union. She'd heard that the owner of the club was looking for a dance instructor, and she jumped on the chance.
Anything else: Not that I can think of.
Hope you like it!