Review for Cigarettes and sass

Cigarettes and sass

(#) andreajp 2012-08-21

Ahhhh.....getting back to reading about the men love that I love :D

When Elena was questioning Gerard about the circumstances of how him and his dream boy meet I was like oh shit oh shit Gerard keep lying, you're good at it you pathological liar you. I have to say I had this vision in my head of Elena being the one to ruin all the lying Gee did by them going to the Italian restaurant and Elena being like "Oh my Gerard! He's just like the boy of your dreams you told me about 3 month ago! I thought you haven't met him before." And Frank would have this epic bitch face and say "We haven't, we met 2 months ago...." And he'd know that Gerard is a lying lair. I don't care honestly what the hell actually happens, because you write in a manner that is WAY over the imagination then mine, I just get a boner for dramatics and irony. And you did a great job with irony with Frank feeling guilty about being a porn star and that is what made Gerard fall in love in the first place.

All in all a wonderful chapter and I can't wait for the next.

And I want lasagna like a motherfucker right now, don't have any ideas why that might be AhhhhHemmmm -_-

Author's response

Ahh yay you're back :D
Gerard is a lying liar XD And I know you love your drama ;P
I want lasagne too ;__;