Review for Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.

Diary Of A Teenage Fangirl.

(#) upinflames 2013-03-23

honestly, not giving a shit isn't growing up. a lot of adults don't understand that. if you say "i don't care" then whatever you say does not matter. cos you don't care. i don't hate you. i just don't think you understand what that band used to mean for some people. and leaving your opinion with an "i don't care"? sloppy. you don't understand. it's not about you. it's about everyone else. there are kids out there who only had this fucking band and they are in pain right now, you are not fucking try and think of others instead of saying "it's time to move on, grow up" like it doesn't mean anything anymore. it fucking did. the music and the words mean something to me.
p.s. - yeah the people who just read what you just wrote are a little pissed. care to think about why that might be?