Review for I'll see you when I wake (PART 1)

I'll see you when I wake (PART 1)

(#) ArsenicAutumn 2013-09-28

I really enjoy this story and I'm glad that there will be another part.

The writing is quite clear and it's great to be able to get a feel for the stark contrast between the hospital and this "heaven".

Keep in mind that when I'm telling you what I think, it's a matter of opinion from a slightly demented mind. So, I sometimes look at things a little differently than others, sometimes not.

What I think is that this story is right on the line where tragedy meets beauty. It is incredibly sad that Gerard decided that he would end his life. It is even sadder that he survived to become a mind trapped in a useless body. But through this tragedy he meets the love of his life; that is beautiful.

Frank is a wonderful escape from hell on earth for Gerard. You are doing a really great job of illustrating why he needs it and how it's affecting the people in his life. The way he is withdrawing is hurting his loved ones, and irritating the people trying to help him.

The tale you're telling is great, I'm waiting with bated breath for the conclusion.

What I'm hoping will happen and predictions - Not necessary to read if you don't want to

At this point, I'm hoping that Frank is real and that Gerard will be with him in this heaven, but I'm a hopeless romantic.

I feel like a horrible person for saying this, but I hope that Gerard doesn't suffer much longer if he can't be fixed or find something fulfilling to spend his time on.

The thing that keeps popping up in my head is that Frank isn't real. That his subconscious is aware that he's in really bad shape and that he's lonely and is providing him with an illusion to stop him from completely going crazy.

Or that maybe his subconscious knows that his body isn't going to hold out and is preparing him for death. I really don't know if that's possible, but that's what my brain is popping out right now.

End (probably horribly offensive) hopes and predictions

Author's response

thanks so much for taking your time to write this, i really appreciate it :)you've understood exactly what Gerard is feeling and why he needs Frank so much, and im really glad you like it :D i hope the end will turn out how you want it to, everything will be clear soon! It might be quite painful for Gerard but I plan to write more in this verse after the main story is finished, so stick around