Review for Eroninja


(#) Maincourse 2019-10-12

Wishing that this pc did not glitch out on me and trying to change my rating I am at but a saddening face. From reading up until this point I had done nothing but contemplate on the character's and their emotions as the story progressed enjoying the way the story has gone through and reading it way later into the year than when it had initially came out, I am glad to have found this work of a gem. though minor errors can be shown and or where areas could have a different form of speech implemented, this was still a great read that I will continue todo so. Not to mention that the humor has kept me on and off my seat while the suspense has killed me for how the story has played. Making me want to indulge more into the witty antics that our boy Naruto has got himself into while trying to figure out what might be in store for him later. Taking into account how the emotions of our females have been through shows just how much effort the author put into the making of this series and I dear say, you are an absolute mad lad and I thank ye for this.

Sincerely, MC