Review for Independence Day

Independence Day

(#) Alorkin 2007-01-02

Anotheer fine chapter. Harry is nicely furious with Dumbles and his machinations. I would haave thought that when Harry confronted him, ol' Albie would have had some kind of evasion or lie on hand to distract, rather than panicking and attempting to flee. He's usually a bit smoother than that.
Ginny is disappointed, but appears to be taking it much better than Ron.
Although Tonks is trying to settle the 'blood quill' issue through the law, one can only expect that with Fudge's involvement, Umbitch will go unpunished. Likely a better idea would be to have Harry give a series of statements to the newspapers. Not 'The Prophet', of course, as that rag is firmly under the minister's control, but mayhaps the Qubbler. Given it's surge in popularity following Harry's description of the events in Little Hangleton the previous year, word would spread before Fudge&Co. could interfere.
I was ratthr surprised thattDraky would have th intetinal forttitude to atacck Harry, himself. Normally he uses others to do his dirtywork. Of course, his newfound status as a death eater could account for that.
Harry's decision to rub the Dursleys'
noses in his wealth, is childish, but understandable.
I especially liked the classic line: "This pervert touched me up!" The broken fingers were a nice touch, too.
As always, I eagerly await the next page of 'Independence Day' Alorkin