Categories > Original > Fantasy > A Kingdom Divided

The Great Escape

by sabeybaby 0 reviews

An invasion, an escape, a kidnapping and midnight hunger.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-06-15 - Updated: 2008-06-16 - 3053 words

For hours the group slaved away on a treaty that would be satisfactory for both kingdoms. Belle and Laurel were the main contributors to the ideas, but Jo Lunn, Mikhail and Sabriel had their moments when they offered excellent ideas. Now, with dawn on the horizon, the group headed to their quarters for some long awaited sleep. Laurel remained in her regal poise as she stalked to her room, avoiding the looks of her servants as they noticed the weariness in her eyes. Belle on the other hand, felt no inhibitation about showing her exhaustion and walked through the halls in a slump.

The two friends departed eachother's company as a Queen and her servant would, but inside, they shared a farewell made from years of companionship. Belle watched carefully as her friend entered her room, always keep her safety highest in her mind. Then, when she was sure the Queen was well on her way to the land of sleep. The young brunette entered her own room. Stepping up to her wardrobe, she quickly changed into an ivory nightgown. She loved the way the silk felt on her skin. Sitting down on her bed, Belle went over the peace treaty one more time. Feeling that everything was complete and covered every topic known to vampire and werewolf kind, she laid the treaty into it's envelope and let it sit on her bedside table. Relaxing into her bed, she drifted off into a world where only dreams mattered.


Several hours later, a mysterious figure slinked through the dark shadows of rarely known tunnels hidden deep in Laurel's castle. Shadows blended with the person's dark suit as they slipped into Belle's room. A clawed hand covered in a protective suit carefully snatched the treaty and in the blink of an eye returned from whenst it came.


Zanthor awoke to the sound of the wind flowing through the curtains on his darkened window. In a groggy haze he rose from his bed and stepped towards the window, not remembering opening it. He peered out into the almost completely set sun and felt a slight burn but not enough to kill. He had slept well through the daylight and wondered why he was wakened so soon. Shrugging off his confusion, he stepped back from the window and closed it. Deciding to rest for at least an hour more he turned towards his bed and met the sharp end of a wooden stake. He had barely time to gasp his last breath before all he knew was darkness. A cruel chuckle echoed through the night and then all was silent once more.


Belle knew more than she felt as she awoke, the pain of losing something important. She bolted straight up in her bed and glanced around her room in utter desperation and confusion. A hole seemed to have formed in her long dead heart as she waited for a signal for why she was now awake. The sound of almost silent footsteps outside her door and the strange scent of masculinity and muskiness met her senses. Laying back in her bed, she pulled up her covers and waited for the visitor to enter her room.

The door slowly cracked open to allow her guest entrance. The footsteps were so quiet that she almost didn't hear them approach her bed. She waited patiently for the moment and right when she sensed the moment he would strike, she pulled out a silver knife from underneath her pillow and plunged it into the werewolf's heart. He stumbled backwards, clutching hopelessly at the wound in his chest as she pulled it out of his body. He toppled over and Belle climbed out of her bed to prepare herself and to warn her friends of the imminent disaster.

Thankful that she was too tired to put yesterday's clothing away before her rest, she pulled on her clothes quickly and sheathed her knife once more. Exiting her room in a hushed hurry, Belle swiftly ran to her Queen's aide. Along the way she silently killed some of the invaders who she happened to wander by. Approaching Laurel's bedroom she found the door open and blood spread across a body in the Queen's bed.

She ran to the bed and pulled back the covers in a hurry, afraid of what the outcome would be. She was shocked to find the body of a dead werewolf in the Queen's bed instead of Laurel herself. Feeling pressing danger she whipped around to find a knife swinging towards her throat. Catching the hand she whispered quickly.

"Laurel! Stop! It's Belle." The attack was suddenly quit as the cursed vampiress was embraced by her terrified friend.

"We are under attack my dear friend." Laurel whispered brushing back a lock of auburn hair from her face. Her best friend nodded in agreement before glancing down at the Queen's attire.

"Your Majesty," She began in a slightly sarcastic tone, "I do not believe your outfit is suitable for battle."

Laurel laughed softly before heading to her wardrobe to find something more appropriate than her undergarments. She pulled out a pair of loose black pants and a emerald colored shirt with slits up the sides that fell to her mid thigh. A sash of silver tied around her hips to keep the outfit in place. She dressed swiftly and grabbed her own silver blade. Now appropriately equipped, the two women went in search of Jo Lunn and Sabriel to save the castle.


Belle and Laurel rushed down the halls of the massive castle in a hurry, their need to find their two compatriots overwhelming their want for silence. Heels clicked faintly against the carpeted floors as they flew down the corridors. The women screamed in unison as a transformed werewolf appeared out of an open doorway, golden eyes glittering in a fever, fangs dripping with blood and saliva. It growled in vicious anger as it made a leap for the two vampires. A hair's length from Laurel's face, the creature was suddenly snapped backwards as two clawed hands snatched it by the throat and yanked it towards the vampire that held it. Laurel snapped back into action and stabbed the werewolf in the heart with her silver blade. The ugly creature died with a low howl before collapsing at Mikhail and Laurel's feet. Emerald met hazel from across the dead werewolf's body as the two transformed beings acknowledged each other's presence.

"As much as I'd love to sit here and have a chat, we must reach Jo Lunn and Sabriel before the werewolves kill more brethren." Belle stated in a slightly sarcastic tone. She received two baleful stares from her friends as they all continued on their journey. Mikhail started up a new conversation as they continued to run through the dark hallways.

"So why exactly must we find them?" The dark haired man asked of the females. Belle cast the long limbed man an annoyed look.

"Not only are they the leaders of the Queen's guard, but they also have some very important technology that may help us defeat these beasties even faster than usual!" Belle cried as she leapt over a staggering werewolf, leaving it to Laurel's very capable hands.

"Leave me to do all the dirty work you surf!" The Queen accused of her best friend. She received a fanged grin in response.

Words were abandoned as the trio approached the centerfold of the castle where their two friends inhabited. They all stopped in surprise as Sabriel was thrown across the room from an open doorway. The two women stood over his body as they watched in amusement. He laid on his back and stared at the three vampires above him as though he was confused.

"Need a hand there Sabriel?" Laurel asked her friend. A glower covered his face as he launched himself back towards the dark furred wolf-man who tossed him.

"Laurel!" A cry from across the room caught their attention. Rushing to Jo Lunn's side she received one of his new weapons.

"You must hurry away your Majesty," Mikhail was at her side now, his emerald eyes gleaming in worry for his royal friend, "I do not wish you to be harmed. The werewolves have already infiltrated the castle and we are overwhelmed."

"I cannot abandon my subjects and friends, if I must, I will battle to my death." She cried fervently. Her dear friend grasped her hands in his and beckoned to her with his eyes.

"Do not deny me this wish Laurel, your life is in danger." She looked as though she would protest but he interrupted her, "Take Belle and find safety, I know she will protect you with her life."

"Laurel, if we wish to leave, we must do so now!" Belle urgently whispered to her friend, helping the other vampires to protect the at risk woman.

A sudden urge to flee filled Laurel as she faced the looming danger before them. Fear caused her to grab Belle's hand and drag her towards the emergency exit that she knew was at the back of Jo Lunn's lab. The two vampires fled through the secret doorway. Their last sight of the bloody lab behind them was of Mikhail ripping a werewolf's jaws wide open in a mess of blood, a loyal warrior for his Queen.


The two vampires faced little resistance as they escaped the castle. Belle had transformed into her dragon form and Laurel was now riding astride her friend in a direction neither was sure would lead to good things. Wind whipped harshly at Laurel's hair and tickled Belle's scales as they headed towards Belle's changing cave. Sudden inspiration filled the Queen as she beheld a vision of treachery. Anger flooded her senses as she leaned down against the dragon's back.

"Belle, a side trip is in order," She snapped, emerald flashing through her normally hazel eyes. "Towards the Southern Mountains, NOW." The dragon below her hesitated for a moment, but realizing the urgency of the woman above, she obeyed without question.


Thanyel was taking his evening stroll through the Elder Woods at the base of the Southern Mountains, pondering what sort of treaty Laurel would write. But before too long, his thoughts drifted off the treaty and towards the lovely vampire who was writing it. He remembered her scent perfectly in his mind, as though he was just smelling it again. The scent of burning wood and wild flowers massaged his senses once more. He wondered exactly why it seemed so fresh in his mind until he was grasped by large talons and wisked into the air. He howled in surprise before he realized who had plucked him so perfectly off his feet and above the forest. He nearly cried in despair as he was almost plastered against a tall pine tree. When they finally approached a large cave he was placed with less care than he would have preferred by the immense dragon that held him. As he flew several long moments through the air before slamming into a side of the cave he was assaulted by a screeching vampiress.

"How DARE you!?" Laurel cried in extreme anger at the winded werewolf. "Betraying me and my brethren by storming my castle and killing many of my friends and subjects!" Her rage was palpable as Thanyel nearly cringed in fear. The wolf side of him was screaming insistantly to fight back and to assert his dominance. "Even now my most loyal companions could be battling to the death, to save me! How could you!?"

"I do not know what you speak of." He responded, his brown eyes flashing with momentary gold. His response only created more disdain from the insulted woman clutching his throat.

"You do not know what I speak of?! Do you take me for a fool?!" Thanyel was suddenly reminded of female dragons in heat. Laurel was more than prepared to rip his throat out for insulting her intelligence but a well placed growl from Idana grasped her attention.

"Laurel, maybe he is not behind the attack!" She cried out telepathically to her Queen, pleading for her patience. The auburn haired vampiress paused in her attack and stared down at the werewolf in a cautious glare.

"Please, I beg of you an explaination." The way the werewolf king humbled himself before her gave Laurel the calmness to wait. She was prepared to speak when the expression on Thanyel's face distracted her. His eyes had gone wide and his jaw dropped slightly. She glanced behind and saw Belle transforming into her vampire form. Realizing that he had not known her friend's true self, she allowed herself a luxuriant chuckle.

"You..." He paused midspeech, so lost in his confusion. Belle laughed lightly before shrugging.

"Would a loyal friend leave her Queen alone with two werewolves?" She could tell he sought an explaination but she waved a hand and turned away. "It's a story for another time. Please Laurel, enrich him to our night."

"In the middle of our sleep, werewolves broke into my castle, killed many of my brethren and some of my best soldiers. Belle and I just barely made our escape with our lives intact. I cannot say the same for some of my friends." The hurt was so visible in the Queen's eyes that Thanyel was immediately afflicted with a deep sympathy.

"The treaty was stolen as well your Majesty." Belle whispered, humbled to her Queen as she bowed. Laurel growled, fangs cutting into her bottom lip. Thanyel could not help but follow the trail of blood as it dripped down her chin until it was wiped away by the vampiress.

"I am being entirely too honest with you, but I have no idea who is behind this attack." Laurel looked prepared to strangle him as the words flew across his lips, "I swear on the honor of my pack that I had no part in this vicious slaughter."

The Queen stepped away from the werewolf, hurt written plain in her eyes. She turned away from him and stepped to the mouth of the cave where she could stare out into the night. Belle stepped forward to place her hand on her best friend's shoulder but stopped when she received a warning growl. Taking the nonverbal command to leave the Queen alone, she decided now would be a good time to fetch them some food and wood for a fire. Transforming back into her dragon form, the black scaled creature spread her giant wings and leapt off the cave mouth and soared away into the night. Silence fell between the werewolf and vampire that remained.

For long moments, neither spoke. Thanyel watched in awe at the beautiful vampiress before him and wished that circumstances were different. As he inhaled deeply of the night air, he couldn't help but smell her once more. Unknowingly enthralled by her scent, he walked in a trance towards her. Each step that brought him closer to her also brought a sort of spell over Laurel as well as she turned towards him in confusion. When she noticed the look of captivation on his face, she froze. What seemed to be hours, but were secretly seconds, they held in a pause waiting for the other to make the first move. No longer able to hold back his desire for the Queen, Thanyel grasped her face gently and lead her into a kiss.

When their lips met, Thanyel could no longer deny the feelings that were developing for the woman he held. Her sweet scent, the soft press of her lips against his, and the feel of her arms slowly wrapping around him combined captured him in the most agonizing bliss. He had to fight back every urge that commanded him to claim her as his own. He moaned into her mouth when she opened her lips just enough for her pink tongue to slip through and touch his own. Her bold move brought his wolf instincts to the forefront of his mind and he grasped her closer to him. He pressed every inch of her into his body in a desperate hold. Their tongues twirled together for precious moments until they were interrupted by the sound of wings cutting through the night air.

They broke apart in a surprised gasp. Laurel touched her lips gently with her fingertips, a pretty blush spreading across her cheeks and neck. As the blush spread further, Thanyel couldn't help but wonder just how far it went. He turned away from the woman before him to face the dragon that had landed at the cave mouth. Transforming back into a vampire, Belle stared at her best friend and the werewolf King with a raised brow.

"Should I send someone else for food next time so I may chaperone you two?" She stated sarcastically, placing the frightened man on the floor. His stature was short and his stomach was broad. He screamed his surprise when Laurel stepped towards him in a hungry daze.

"You picked a good one Belle, I'm proud." The Queen growled, her hunger overwhelming her need for normal speech.

"Hold on your Majesty, a fire is needed to keep off the chill." Belle stopped the hungry vampiress. They all secretly knew that there was no need for the fire, the hungry woman just wanted to torment the human further.

"Of course." Thanyel agreed, overcoming the urge to kiss Laurel again.

At last the fire was built and was roaring in a blaze. Logs had been laid aside to keep it burning throughout the night. Belle turned towards the silent human with a hungry look in her eyes.

"Have you a name human?" She inquired of the light haired man.

"Drugal," He whispered, his voice shakey and unsure. "Why do you wish to know?" He asked, terrfied of the answer he might receive.

"Because I always wish to know the names of the humans I devour." She growled, transforming completely into a vampire. Her soft eyes turned fierce and fangs sliced her lips as they lengthened. Laurel and Thanyel joined her in the change as they approached the horrified human. Their hunger was great and his fright was just as strong.

Screams echoed through the dark night.

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