Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > A Different Kind of mission

A Different Kind of mission

by thebrokenme 0 reviews

Disclaimer: Alright, so...this is, indeed, a Kaka/Iru Shoneni-ai/, I advice that if you don't like that sort of thing, you run for the hills and hide. I only say it because I care. This wi...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Kakashi,Iruka - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-06-21 - Updated: 2008-06-21 - 2109 words

A Different Kind of Mission

Chapter 1: Worst Kept Secret

Disclaimer: Alright, so...this is, indeed, a Kaka/Iru, I advice that if you don't like that sort of thing, you run for the hills and hide. I only say it because I care. This will, later on in chapters, have very mature scene's, so...if you don't like lemon, don't eat the cupcake.

On another note: As much as I've begged and pleaded with Masashi Kishimoto ≈I even bribed him with the contents of my pocket: a canadian penny, some lint, and a pre washed bus transfer≈ I still, alas, do not own Naruto or the characters I am using.

So...I suppose this means that my work is Kishimoto-senpai's work.

Also, as of...≈Checks date≈ February 3rd, 2008 I have updated this chapter and added a few more paragraphs and more detail. I've also fixed the spelling mistakes, though if you find some more I would appreciate it if you wrot me a little note in the review area, I dislike spelling mistakes. I would hate to have to go all K-san on their ass (for those who don't know WHO K-san is, all I have to stay to you is...≈grabs Gravitation Vol. 1 and slaps you around with it≈ Read it, love it, live it, be it. One of the best manga's ever). I'll probably continue to add more to my chapters as I grow as a write, but I promise that I'm not adding anything that's plot changing...and if i do, I'll tell you to go back and read a certain chapter...just so you don't come to a future chapter and go '...huh?'


Running aimlessly across the roof tops, not the slightest idea in mind where he was going. His feet, on the other hand, seemed to have other plans in mind as he pushed off from the edge of the roof and propelled himself across the gap where ninjas and civilian's alike were strolling down the busy streets of Kohana; the Jounin landing safely on the other side. Making sure his speed was continuous throughout, not wanting to slow down for a moment, Hatake Kakashi, or better known as Sharign Kakashi, the Copy-nin, found himself moving closer and closer to the academy. Coming to the edge of a building, the grey haired male slid to a stop, crouching over as he sat back on his heels; his single visible eye scanning over the grounds.

Everything was peaceful from the rooftops, complete freedom and not a care in the world roamed these higher grounds. It was a thrilling experience, one of Kakashi's favorite's in fact. To have the versatility to venture where ever the wind may take you. His attention was drawn to the hustle and bustle of the people below, watching them with little interest. How they carried out such trivial tasks was a wonder to him, and far beyond his reach in grasping the concept. The silver haired nin couldn't see himself doing anything else then his current position, though, the thought of him going to the grocery store and doing house work for a living was both frightening and hilarious. There was a soft hum filling the air as the few hundred citizen's chatted up a storm about miscellaneous topic's of the day. Finding none that interested him or effected him personally, his attention shifted back to the academy building.

The Scarecrow had found himself lurking around the area for a few weeks now, not quite sure what drew him here, though had a pretty good idea. Perhaps it had something to do with a certain golden tanned, chocolate brown eyed, scarred nose Chunin that just so happened to teach at said school for ninja. Of course, the legendary Jounin would never admit that, too proud and self aware that such an affection to the same gender would be frowned upon in a village full of ninja. Keeping in mind that it is indeed a village full of ninja, their relationship, if they were ever to engage in one, would be the worst kept secret of their time.

A faint breeze ruffled the male's fine silver locks, a single blue orb darting back and forth in reassurance that nobody was watching him. Kakashi always felt at ease, though rather excited when he was near the younger teacher, even if they were two city blocks away from each other. Tightening his grip on the edge of the building, it took the Jounin a few minutes to talk himself into moving closer for a better seat when the bell rang; signaling to the children that it was lunch. The sound took the Copy-nin off guard, his grip loosening around the building's gutter as Kakashi swung his arms madly around to stay balanced.

Failing miserably.

Falling through the trees canopies, Kakashi attempted to grasp onto a near by branch; any branch for that matter. Inches from hitting the ground, the Jounin gripped onto the last branch before hitting the hard cement surface, his arm giving a snug tug with a certain amount of strain to the muscles as he swung close to what would have been a painful landing. A moment passed, before Kakashi exhaled a heavy sigh, lowering his head in a relieved manner until the slightest sound of cracking wood touched his sensitive ears, gazing up in a panicked manner, though was too late to react as the branch gave way and Kakashi descended the rest of the way to the ground with a large thud.

Muttering a few string of curse's, the grey haired male rubbed the offended area before pushing himself up to his feet; brushing his pants off from any lingering dirt clinging to his backside.

"That must have been the worst display of skills I've ever seen..." Muttered an overly mellow toned voice. The sound drew Kakashi's attention to the ebony haired boy standing just to the left of him, a cheerful smirk touching his lips, though it was hidden behind the silk mask; the sides of his visible eye crinkling slightly.

"Well, Sasuke, I suppose you could say its a demonstration of what not to do when in a situation where stealth is most crucial on a mission." Sasuke gave the Jounin a blank stare, fighting against the annoyed twitch in his eye he had suddenly acquired.

"I don't even want to know what you were doing, Kakashi-Sensei, but that stunt was pathetic. You are not worthy of the title 'Jounin' if that is how you 'demonstrate' stealth." The young boy's tone was harsh and non-beliving of the older male's excuse. Turing away from his Sensei, he let out a faint snort to further show his disgust before continuing down the path he had been walking before his attention was drawn to the grey haired male falling with little grace or dignity; into a tree, no less.

Releasing a heavy sigh, Kakashi slipped his hands into his pant pocket before walking in a sloth like manner to the academy. He had a certain immunity to the boys words, that and he could care less what anyone thought of him. Sure, he could be a pervert extraordinaire at times. So what if he was late on the occasion. And what was wrong with being lazy a few months at a time? He believed more then anything that he deserved it. In his line of work, it was a wonder how the grey haired male could even still crack a smile, or enjoy the teasing and good fun 'torture' he put his students through everyday. His attention shifted to the doors of the academy as young child, or future shinobi rushed from the building to play and eat their lunches. Smirking under the mask, he moved past the wondering and curious eyes that watched him enter into the building, a few children shying away from the older man. Upon entering the building, a few other shinobi's smiled a waved to the Copy-nin; Kakashi returning the gesture as he moved down the hall and towards the familiar room he found him spending most of his time in. Of course, on the subject of stealth, Kakashi had always made an effort not to let Iruka figure out his true intentions' slipping almost a few times in the past. No. Kakashi would be sly and engage Iruka in conversations he knew the younger teacher would be interested in, such as a certain blonde haired boy and his progress, a recent mission they had completed and of course, the all famous mission report. Finally reaching the sliding door, he grasped the handle and pushed it to the side, his eye already arched as he beamed at the Chunin.

"Good afternoon, Iruka-Sensei." He spoke in a rather cheerful manner, shutting the door behind him before closing the distance between himself and the teacher.

Iruka's attention went to the silver haired male, blinking a few times before a tender smile touched his lips.

"Good afternoon, Kakashi-Sensei." A soothing tone coated every word, causing the special Jounin to shiver; hiding any trace of it.

"I was wondering, Sensei..." The usual bored voice trailed off, his hands remaining in his pant pockets before smiling.

"If you don't have any lunch plans...would you care to join me for some ramen?" The words were almost foreign to the younger teacher, blinking a few times in confusion as Iruka tipped his chin to the side.

" want to take me out for lunch?" He looked just as surprised as he sounded, averting his gaze down to his desk in order to hide the faint blush of crimson that spread across his face.

"I-I would like that..." Pushing himself up from his desk, turning back to Kakashi as he laughed at his own embarrassment, trying to shake the feeling.

"This is quite un-expecting..."

The Copy-nin remained quiet as the young teacher spoke, finding his stomach flopping around at the mere sight of Iruka's flustered face. The only thought to come to mind was 'beautiful.'

Stacking the piles of paper on his desk, Iruka couldn't help the shaking of his hands as he attempted to grasp the suddenly untouchable piece's of paper.

Damn it...why can't I concentrate when he's around... Chancing a quite glance at the older male, the young teacher almost jumped out of his skin as he noticed said man was mere inches from his face.

"Do you need help? Iruka-Sensei..." Eye twitching as the Chunin fought to keep his composure, he stumbled backwards, along with his words.

"Na-n-n-no...K-Kakashi-Sensei. I'm fine...A-arigatou, for your concern..." Bowing as deeply as his body would allow him to, he finished scrambling for his notes and marking keys before turning to face the special Jounin.

"Ready..." Attempting the best smile he could, trying not to blush, Iruka could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest; fearing it would burst through at any moment.

"Perfect. I hope Ichiraku is fine..."

Gasping at the older male's words, Iruka immediately bowed, clutching his books to his chest.

"Of course, Kakashi-Sensei...t-that's fine by me. Wherever you want to go, Senpai..." Choking back his words when the Chunin felt two slender fingers against his chin causing him to lift his gaze to the silver haired male; the crimson colour he so desperately tried to hide was inevitable now.

" are too...cute..." The smiling face of the copy-nin completely through Iruka off, his lips parting though no words were formed.

C-cute?!?!? Did...did Kakashi just say I was cute?!?!?! Feeling the presence of the other male's touch disappear, Iruka swallowed the hard knot lodged in his throat before following the retreating form out of the classroom.


Author's Note: Whew...that took longer then I had hoped, though I'm glad I finally finished it. This was my second attempted at writing this story, though I decided to go a different route then what I had initially thought I would do. I find this approach, however, more easier to work with and I'm able to write more. So, I hoped you enjoyed!!! I did this all for you guys, and I'll be updating as soon as I can. Seriously, writers should be given so much credit for doing this. It takes a lot of patience and effort...and this was only the first chapter!!!!! - I apologize if there are any spelling or grammer errors...I'll re-read it over and fix them as I come along them.

Please review! I would love to hear what you think and get some feed back and idea's on how to improve my writing.
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