Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

It's Not Fair

by Carebear_Assassin 3 reviews

Alana Woods was a rebel. So when her mother finally gets fed up she sends her to live with her astranged father Jacob. It doesn't take long for them to be at eachother's necks. It doesnt' help that...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2008-06-21 - Updated: 2008-06-22 - 532 words

“It’s not that far away babe.” Patrick said, as I cried on his shoulder. “Alana I will come and visit all the time.”

“But it won’t be the same. I won’t see you all the time. I won’t see any of you.” I said motioning to my other friends. There was Pete, Andy, Joe and Cleo the only other girl in our group.

“It’s only an hour away from here. We all drive so there’s really nothing stopping us from seeing you every week end.” I reached up and kissed him.

“Patrick, I really hate her for doing this. She’s always hated me.”

“Ally you and I both know your mother doesn’t hate you. She’ just worried about you.” that was her excuse she was sending me to live with my father cause she was worried about me. I wasn’t doing anything bad. I mean yes I did miss curfew a lot and yes I hung out in bars. But I didn’t drink nor do drugs I was in those places cause. Patrick is in this awesome band called “Fall Out Boy” and Cleo and me are the merch girls. It meant that I would be out late at night, and maybe I wouldn’t make the next day in school. She was the only one surprised by this and so what if some nights I snuck out to make it to those shows. Patrick was always trying to tell me not to do those things, I guess I should have listened to him.

“Alana Lynn Woods say goodnight to them and get into the car.” I didn’t even look at her. I was the youngest of my group of friends, at the age of 17. Patrick was my boyfriend he was 19, and so were the rest of them they had already graduated. I gave all of them one more hug, and kissed Patrick. I was going to miss them.

“You do know I’m doing this cause its what’s best right?” my mother said from the drivers seat.

“Dad doesn’t even like me, so how did you get him to agree to this.” I hadn’t talked to my Father in over a year, other than the occasional email. Which most times went ignored.

“He and I both agreed that there are better schools in Baltimore and that you would do better there than you were doing here, with me.”

“What ever,” I responded and turned to look out the window. I tried not the let the fact that I’ve never been able to fit in with anyone, but the people I was leaving behind take over. We would be arriving at my father’s house soon. It wasn’t in the heart of the city it was out in the county. In other words it was a lot like the suburbs. I wish I was back home, I would sneak over to Patrick’s house. We would watch Goonies or some other old movie that he loved. A tear started to fall and I quickly wiped it away. They promised to come see me over the weekend.
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