Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

This Is Going To Suck

by Carebear_Assassin 0 reviews

Alana gets to her new home

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-21 - Updated: 2008-06-22 - 633 words

We pulled up to the house and my father stood out side on the porch. I took a deep breath. “Alana,” he said as I got out of the car. He stood about 6’2” and had jet-black hair that was long about to his waist a lot like mine. He was Native American. You know how most black girls try to say they have Indian in their family well for me it was true. He wore a button down plaid shirt, with blue jeans. Just what you would expect a farmer to where. Only he wasn’t a farmer, at least I don’t think he was.

“Jacob,” I said in response, he gave me a look one that said I’d said something I wasn’t supposed to. I hoped he didn’t think I was going to be calling him dad, daddy or anything like that. I went to the trunk and grabbed two of my bags, making sure to leave the heavier ones in the trunk for him. I walked up the steps of the big house it was two stories. It looked a lot like a farmhouse.

“I’ll show you to your room,” he said walking past me with my other bags. My mother stood by the car waiting. They had this rule where neither of them was allowed in the other’s house. It’s been that way since they got divorced when I was eight. I followed him up the stairs then turned to the left and walked down the hall. “This is it, you can choose a color and I’ll paint it and all. That futon is just temporary we can go get you a real bed tomorrow.” He looked like he was really uncomfortable. I couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t uncomfortable around me. I don’t know what it was. I have always looked a lot like my mother. I was black-Native American with the complexion of ground cinnamon. My eyes though were gray and my hair long down to my waist. The girls in school always think its fake.

I sat my bags down. He left me there. I sat down on what was going to be my bed. “Your mother asked that you come say goodbye.” He said coming back to my door. I got up and walked down the steps. She still stood at the car.

“I know you…”

“Bye Mom,” I said cutting off her excuses. I then turned to go back into the house.

“I’ll be back to visit you in a little while.” The way she said it made me think there was something else going on that I didn’t catch before. I turned so that I was looking at her again. This felt like she was saying goodbye for good not just a couple of months. I was starting to get worried.

“Mom?” I said walking up to her. She pulled me into a hug.

“I love you Alana, I’m sorry that I couldn’t take better care of you.”

“Mom what are you talking about? I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong with me. I just missed curfew a couple of times. I didn’t do anything. Please can’t I just come home?” she kissed my forehead.

“No honey, your dad is going to take good care of you. Okay.” She got into the car and drove off. Without another word or a backward glance, something else was going on here. I had no clue what.

“Lana, come on into the house. You can tell me what you want for dinner.” My father said. I looked around there wasn’t another house for a few miles. I could just barely see it. This was going to really suck.
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