Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

Dinner At The Ieros

by Carebear_Assassin 0 reviews

Jacab and Alana go to Frank's for dinner

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-06-22 - Updated: 2008-06-22 - 975 words


I followed him into the kitchen and sat at on one of the stools at the breakfast bar. I watched as he looked through all the cabinets. They were full of everything imaginable. It was a little weird. Mom and I were take-out queens. If you delivered we had you on speed dial. “So do you have a request for dinner?” he asked. Before I could tell him to take his culinary skills and shove them. The phone rang. He looked relieved to leave the room. “Linda, yes…okay… I would love too… yeah that will be good for her… see you in a few… bye.” He came back into the kitchen. “We are invited over to the Iero’s for dinner.”

“The who’s?”

“The Iero’s she has a son around your age, and his friends are over.” I didn’t like the thought of him trying to set me up to be friends with anyone, least of all the neighbors. “Come or you don’t eat.” He said like I was in capable of finding something in the kitchen on my own. He must have caught on. “Look if we go to dinner there you won’t have to listen to the speech I wrote about the rules you are to follow so long as you are living here.” well that is kinda a good trade off. He turned as though he didn’t care what my answer was and just walked out the front door.

I got up from my seat and followed him. He opened the door to this old pick up truck. It was blue and had dust all over it. I had no clue what my dad did for a living. I didn’t know what type of music he listened to or anything. I started to whistle one of Patrick’s songs. I loved the band I would even if Patrick wasn‘t my boyfriend. I had a talent for whistling I could whistle a whole song with out any problem. I thought everyone could until Patrick pointed out that he couldn’t do it. Then I went around asking who couldn’t and almost everyone said they couldn’t, including my mother. So now I have a whole new appreciation for my talent.

The ride wasn’t a long one, and once we pulled up we both got out. Two big black dogs came running up to us. I was back in the car before they reached us. I had a fear of dogs, where I was from most of the dogs were rabies infested, and barely anyone had one as a pet. “Lana they are harmless come on.” My father said walking up the steps to the house.

“Uh uh, you tell them I’ll eat in the car. I’m not coming out to be mauled by Kojo.” The dogs were more interested in me than him so they stayed at the car door.

“Alana get out of the car.” he said

“No! Take me back to your house.” He rolled his eyes and came to my door.

“It’s our house now,” he said opening the door “and no I’m not taking you back home.” He lifted me out of my seat. This is the most physical contact I’d ever had with my father. It was weird. He held me for two seconds then dropped me onto the ground. I landed flat on my butt, and the dogs started licking me all over.

“Jacob, that is no way to treat your daughter. Bullet, Juliet go.” a lady commanded from the steps.

“Well now she knows that she doesn’t have to be afraid of the dogs.”

“I’m sorry sweetie, your father just has a little bit of learning to do when it comes to how girls work.” she said offering me her hand. I looked over my clothes. My dark wash jeans were covered in mud, and my shirt had a really bad rip on the sleeve. I gave my father an evil glance. “Come on into the house, and I’ll find you something you can change into.” I followed her into the house. It was a lot like my father’s house only it had a softer feel to it. Like a woman had a hand in the decorating. “Jacob can you go check on the food in the kitchen.” she yelled behind her as she took me up stairs.

“Wow what happened to her?” I turned to see a blond boy with blue eyes he wore skinny black jeans and a shirt that said The Misfits. I’d heard of the band just never listened to them.

“Bob don’t stare.”

“Sorry Miss. Linda.” soon there were four more boys standing behind him.

“Boy’s this is Alana, Mr. Jacob’s daughter. Alana this is, Bob, Ray, Gerard, Mikey, and my son Frank. Frank go get me a pair of your jeans for her to change into.” the one with shoulder length hair and a lot of tattoos was the one to respond. He was one of the shortest of the bunch, but I didn’t like the look in his eye, it was something I’d never seen before. A shiver went down my spine and I hoped no one had seen it. He turned and went back into the room they had all come out of. When he came back out he held a pair of jeans in his hand and a t-shirt that said Greenday in big red letters on the back it said “American Idiot” I didn’t want to say how much I loved that shirt so I just took it. Linda handed me a towel so I could clean up and pointed to a door at the end of the hall.
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