Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Two Skys Watching Them Both Dying

Chapter Two

by JesusOfSuburbia 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-06-27 - Updated: 2008-06-27 - 1619 words

Mikey's P.O.V.
When I woke up it felt like I hadn't even slept for half an hour. I was on top of the covers too, fully clothed. I guess I forgot to change into pajamas, again. This had become quite a habit actually. I don't remember not getting into pajamas, or the reason why I didn't bother to put them on, I just didn't. I also don't know why I am not under the covers. The only thing I could conclude was that I had just crashed onto the bed and stared at the ceiling thinking about her until I fell asleep. I looked over at the clock to see that it was almost 6:30 in the morning. I could tell I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I decided to get up.

After using the bathroom I went downstairs and opened the fridge. I stared at nothing in particular for a minute before closing it and going to the living room. I didn't really eat much anymore. I ate enough, however. I just really didn't have much of an appetite. I don't know how other people deal with what I've gone through with my wife being murdered and all, but I just haven't been ready to accept it and move on yet. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. The Si-Fi channel was already on so I just set the remote down on the small side table next to the couch.

I wasn't all that interested in the show flashing across the screen so I started letting my eyes drift around the room where they landed on the front door. It was unlocked. I hadn't left the house today and I was pretty sure that I had locked it before I went to bed. I got up and walked over to it and looked around, seeing that nothing else was out of order. I opened the door and looked around at my front yard without seeing a sign of anything. I closed it and locked it. Just for good measure I decided to walk around the house and make sure everything was in place and no one decided to stow away in our guest room.

I got done looking round the house, finding nothing out of order and decided I would clean up a bit.

I heard my phone ring loudly through the house and when I got to it I glanced at it and saw that "Mom" was flashing across the screen. I flipped it open and put it up to my face."Hey, mom."

"Oh hey sweety, what are you up to?" She always sounded so cheery when she called. It made me want to vomit. Plus she always bugged me about going out and yadda yadda.

"Just sitting around the house, cleaning and such." I glanced over at the clock and saw it was almost 3 in the afternoon.

"Are you planning on going out this evening? Perhaps you should spend a night out with the boys, Gerard has been saying how he misses you." I sighed while making a mental note to smack him in the head the next time I saw him. I know he just cared about me and wanted mom to know how I was, but I just needed more time.

"Not really, mom. I'm not ready to start going out again yet." I hoped with everything I had that she would drop it there but of course she didn't, she never did.

"Micheal James, it is not healthy for you to sit cooped up in that house all the time wallowing. I know what happened is horrible and believe me I am still upset about it myself. But Alicia would not want you sitting around wasting away grieving over her. You need to go and out spend some time with your friends. You need to get some happiness back in your life and I'm not going to leave you alone until you do. I love you Mikey, and I don't like seeing you like this. Please, if you won't go out for yourself, do it for me and do it because you know it's what Alicia would want."

I cringed every time she said her name. Every time it gave me flash backs of her mutilated body lying on the metal table in the morgue, making me relive the experience over and over. "Ok, ok. If it will make you happy I will go out."

"That's my boy!" She said and I knew she was smiling. "Now you go out and have some fun tonight. I'll call you later, I love you!"

"I love you too, mom. Bye." I closed the phone after she said bye and threw it on the couch. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall. Why was everyone pushing me to get out? Couldn't they just let me have time? That's all I wanted was time. I stood there for a few more minutes before I went to my room to get ready for my 'night out with the boys'.

We're hunting humans
We're hunting humans
We're hunting humans
It's killing time every day

I can't control this eerie feeling
An evil scre-

Myke Hideous' voice rang out through the room until I managed to wake up enough to flip my phone open. "Hello?" I mumbled into the phone. My eyes were still closed and I wasn't sure if I would be able to stay awake for a whole conversation.

"Mikey?" Gerard spoke in a worried tone. I rubbed at my eyes for a minute before replying.

"No, this is Madonna. I must have accidentally grabbed Mikey's cell phone after our most exciting escapade to Las Vegas." I said sarcastically. Who else does he think would be answering my cell phone?

"Ha ha, very funny." He said, obviously not amused. "I just got a call from mom asking how our 'boy's night out' was and if you had a good time or not. And she wasn't very happy to find out that not only did I have no clue what she was talking about but also that you didn't even attempt to go out even though you said you would. Where were you?" By now I was more awake and I was slowly taking in everything Gerard was saying to me. I blinked a few times before I realized what he was talking about.

"Oh." I said, just so he would know I was listening and that I hadn't fallen asleep or hung up. I looked down to see that I was in the clothes that I had changed into to go out with him and the rest of the band. What had happened? "Gerard, I did plan to go out with you and the guys but I don't know what happened...I changed and everything."

"What do you mean you don't know what happened? This is a really lame attempt at an excuse."

"I'm not making anything up, Gerard! I started getting ready and that's the last thing I remember before this phone call. I have no idea what happened." I stood up and started to make my way to the living room.

Gerard sighed and I knew he was closing his eyes. I knew him too well. "Mikey, you really need to do something. I don't know what your getting at or what your trying to accomplish by sitting around in that house all the time, but I don't know how much more of this I can allow. Think about the band, Mikey. We've already pushed the release of our new album for you to have time to recollect yourself. Please, this is not healthy for you. And now you are making up lies so you don't even have to see your own brother."

"I told you, Gerard, I'm not lying! I really don't know what happened. Maybe I passed out or something. I don't see why you can't believe me. What have I done to-" I stopped talking when something caught my attention on the floor by my front door. Is that a wrapped present? I took a few steps closer to it and saw that it was, in fact, a box neatly wrapped in red wrapping paper and a blue bow on top. There was also a small name tag that read 'To: Mikey' on it. "Uhm, Gerard, I need to let you go." I said, after I realized he was repeating my name and 'hello?' into the phone. I flipped it closed and threw it on the couch before I walked over and picked up the present.

I looked at it bewildered for a moment at how it got in my house. I looked over to see that the living room door was once again unlocked. I then looked down again at the present in my hands. Very carefully I stuck my finger under a end of the wrapping paper and began tearing it off. The small cardboard box that the paper had been disguising couldn't be any larger than six inches on all sides. I opened the box to find a piece of paper that had writing scrawled on it. I picked it up to read it.

Cause of death: Repeatedly stabbed stabbed and severe lacerations to the neck and arms.

I thought I might be sick when I realized whose death it was describing. But what came next made me completely nauseous.

I pulled away that tissue paper that people always use to stall you that much longer from seeing your new possession to reveal a closed switchblade knife nestled on top of a picture of Alicia's mutilated body.
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