Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 1. Fire Among The Ashes

13. Fire Among The Ashes

by xoxofallenangelxoxo 0 reviews

Listening to: Vampires Will Never Hurt You - My Chemical Romance. (Almost at the scary chapter!!)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-17 - Updated: 2008-07-17 - 901 words - Complete

Me and Gee were perfectly happy. I was so happy. Everytime we kissed I had to keep pinching myself just to make sure this wasn't just some unbelieveable dream. It wasn't. My life seemed perfect...Excpet for one thing. Alcohol. Gerard had recently started drinking a lot now. I couldn't blame him. His band hadn't been doing very well. People kept rejecting them. So far Gee had been strong but the last rejection just drove him off the edge. He hasn't been sober since. Sometimes when he's drunk he's not very drunk and he's nice and loving and friendly. But when he's really pissed, He's scary. He'll shout at me, Call me names, Try to force me into doing things I don't wanna do. I know it's not fair but I've been relying on Frankie a lot. It's not that I don't trust the others, It's just that Frank and me are roughly the same age (and height) and he seems to understand me the most. I can trust Mikey but I didn't want to worry him. He freaks over everything. Plus he was busy with his new girlfriend and I'd never seen him happier. I couldn't take that away from him and upset him. Instead I'd tell him we were fighting if he heard us shouting. He nodded and always walked away but I know he didn't believe me. I tried to look happy all the time but inside I was just SO frustrated.
"Frank I can't do this anymore. I just can't. He's not stopped drinking ALL week. He either ignores me completley or calls me something. He hasn't told me he loves me in weeks. I miss him Frankie. I really do." I say tears falling down my cheeks. Frank quickly gets up and rushes to put his arms round me.
"Hey hey!! Don't cry darlin'! You don't need to get upset about it!" He said sypathetically.
"I just wish there was some way I could get the old Gerard back." I say sniffing and rubbing my eyes.
"Well we can try and help him, But this is something Gerard has to overcome by himself. We all have to show support for him, Especially you Crissi. He still loves you no matter what." He says. I nod.
"I wanna go find him. Where is he?" I ask. Frank looks sad for a moment.
"Oh. He's out getting drunk right?" I ask sighing. He nods.
"I guess it will have to wait till tomorrow then." I say.
"You going to bed?" I ask. Frank nods. He gets up and hugs me.
"Everything will be okay. We'll get signed and Gee will stop all of this right away." He says stroking my hair. I nod again and step away. We turn and go upstairs to our seperate rooms. As soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep.
I woke with a jump as there was a loud bang downstairs. It was still dark. The clock reads 02.55. Another bang comes from downstairs and I jump up and shove my slippers on. Just as I get into the hall Frank bumps into me.
"Crissi I think it's best if you go back in your room" He says gripping me by the shoulders. Theres blood coming from his nose. He's shaking and its not even cold.
"Frank your..." I start pointing to his face. He pulls my hand away.
"Its fine. Really. Please Crystal go to bed. Everything's fine." He says his eyes serious. Suddenly theres more banging and I hear Gerard's voice shouting. He sounds like he's in trouble. I push Frank out of the way and quickly rush downstairs. He grabs at me but misses. I run to the bottom of the stairs and see a load of guys. I recognise some as Mikey, Ray and Bob. They're all holding Gerard back when as he's trying to lunge at another man.
"What the..." I start when strong arms grab me. Some drunk guy shouts.
"Hey look guys! It's a chick!" He shouts. A load of guys start crowding round me and grabbing me, Touching me. I scream but one of them covers my mouth. Im pushed to the floor and they start trying to take off my shirt. Suddenly one of them goes flying and the rest drop me. Frank lifts me up bridal style.
"I told you to stay!!" He shouts at me furiously. I start to cry and I'm shaking. Suddenly Frank drops me as he falls to the ground. Its Gerard.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" He shouts standing over him.
"Gee.." Frank says but he just kicks him furiously as Frank screams in pain.
"Gerard get off of him! I shout clawing at his arms. He glares at me and pushes me away.
"Well its not my fault you're away getting pissed all the time! Do you know what you've been doing to Crissi!?" Frank shouts back. I've never seen him this mad before. Gerard snarls at him and reaches into his pocket. He brings out a gun and points it at Frank.
"GERARD NO!!!" I scream. I push him as hard as I can. He stumbles over Frank stepping on his face. He yells as Gerard falls against the kitchen counter. There is a gun shot and suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my side and everything goes black.
... Uh oh... :O
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