Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Can a playboy love

Break In

by sakura8 1 review

The boys put there plan into action and try and scare the girls.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Sakura,Sasuke - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-17 - Updated: 2008-07-17 - 1347 words

with sakura

"all right here I go. Hmph weres the light switch.ouch who put that chair there. said sakrua while stubleing around for the light switch

she could have sworn she heard someone snicker but it must have been her imagination.

"wathever, see I told the girls that the movers just left the windows open. I better shut it and then go find the girls." said sakura while closing the window. Before she could turn around she felt two strong arms wrap around her waiste.

"leaving all ready, sexy. said a males voice (sasukes voice)

"w-who are y-you" was all sakura could muster up.

"you'll find out soon enough." said the man in sakura's ear

"let me go, you jerk I have to help my friends." sadi sakura in a very confident tone

"your a fiesty one, jsut like I like them." said the man

"well see if you like this." said sakura while stoping her foot onto the mans foot.

"ouch" said the man while letting go of sakura giving her the chance to get out of his grasp and head to the door.

please be all right guys im coming. Though sakura

with Ino

"who a-are you and w-what do you want with me." said a scared ino

"I just want to talk." said the man (shikamaru)

I knew this plan would be troublesome why did I agree to do this.

"Please just let me go. If its money you want my wallets down stairs." said a crying ino

"I dont want your money." the man said

"Ino are you alright. Its me sakura."

"Sakura help me."

"Ino use your feet.Use your feet." said sakura

"what do you mean. said a confused and scared Ino

"your foot Ino use your foot."

then Ino understood and stomped on the mans foot causing him to realease her and back up and grab his foot.

"come on Ino we have to go help tenten and Hinata."


with tenten

"someone help me." screemed tenten

"Its alright dont be afraid I wont hurt you." said the man (neji)

"Then what do you want." said a panicked tneten realizing what he might want

"well..." was all he got out before the burst open to reveal sakura and Ino. waht were they doing here he thought what happend to sasuke and shikamaru

"come on tenten get away from him." said ino

"help me then." said tenten. after she said that sakura apared in front of the guy and punched him in the face and since the intruders were wearing mask it probaly hurt more. (the mask look like anbu masks) then the guy instantly let go of tenten and started holding his face, you could tell he was in pain.

"Damn that hurt."

"come on tenten." Ino said

as the girls started walking down the hall toward Hinata's room she was all ready coming down the hall. She must have been able to get away from her captor.

"Hinata are you alright." asked ssakura while hinata hugged her

"y-yes I t-t-thinks s-so." she said shalily

"alright guys we have to get out of here." said sakura

As they headed for the staris they stopped when they saw that one of the guys was blocking the way. So they turned around and headed for the other stair case but that one was blocked by one of the guys too.

The other two came out of the rooms. All the guys started walking toward the girls.

"whats the hurrly ladies. said the man(sasuke)

all the girls were hiding behind sakura. she had her hands protectivly in front of them which they didnt complain about.

"I see pinkey has some guts." said one of the guys. (neji)

"hmph thats couse you guys are nothing but a bunch of losers. I mean really your wimps." said sakura

"Sakura what are you doing." said Ino panicked voice

"just watch girls, theres nothing to be scareed of." said sakura

Sakura started walking toward the guys who just stood there wondering what she would do. whiich they would later regret. Sakura appared in front of them. She punched neji and sasuke in the face and kneed naruto and shikamaru in the stomache.

"wow sakura your amazing." exclaimed tenten

"not really its just they weak especally that one" said sakura while pointing her finger at sasuke. Then she remover their mask to revwal that it was the boys.

"im not weak." yelled sasuke

"w-whats g-going o-on h-h-here." said Hinata

"ya what are you guys doing here?" asked Ino

"How dare you guys do that." said tenten

"Wait how did you know it was us sakura-chan."

"well first of all, when I could totally tell that smug attitude of sasukes anywere. All of you guys were acting to much like yourseves to fool me.

"well lf you knew it was us why did you hit us." said Neji

"because you guys deserved it. You guys are just lucky I dont call the police. said sakura

"thats mean Sakura-chan."

"No its not. Now will you guys please leave." said sakura

"Sakura mabie we should let them stay since its already 11:00. said Ino

"What you guys want to let them stay after they scared you guys." said sakura

"well I mean it is late and they were just messing around." said tenten

"ya, Sakura-chan we're really sorry."

"well fine I guess you can stay, but only because its late. said sakura

"thanks sakura-chan." said naruto while hugging her

"but if you guys ever do that again ill do more then hit yous."

"wow haruno you have more guts then I thught. You didnt even look scared." said sasuke

"well how could I be when my friends needed me."

"well then its settles." All eye turned to Ino. "As everyone knows sasuke is the leader of his group, but we have always benn equals and never had a leader in out group plus there was one less of us then the boys. Now that sakuras here I thinks she should be the leader of our group.I mean shes very talented and nice. So Hinata, Tenten do you guys agree.

"Ya I think Sakura would be an awsome leader." sid tenten

"y-yes I a-agree t-too"

"well then its settled sakura you are our new leader." Ino exclaimed hapily

"wait Ino. I dont know about this I mean I dont know if I want the extra attention.

"Oh come on sakura. You alreay have everyones attention for hanging out with us and for other reasson. The girls and I agree that you should so do you except.

"Uhh fine I except."

"Great."all the girls exclaimed

"ha mabie now that you have Haruno you can actually beat us at something."

"Is that a compliment Uchiha." said sakura

"If you want it to be." said sasuke leaning closer to sakuras face.

"eww gross. like I would kiss you. sakura said while heading towards the staris.

all the girls just started giggling while the boys tried to hold in there laughter but couldnt.

"Ha ha teme just got turned down by Sakura-chan"

"shut up dobe." said sasuke cooly like nothing happend while walking down stairs with everyone fowllowing

"so what do you guys want to do?" ask sakura

"lets play a game." said naruto

"what game." asked tenten

"lets play seven minutes in heaven." shouted ino

"gosh Ino are you trying to make me deaf." said sakura

"he he sorry."

"so whos in." asked tenten

everyone was going to play except Sakura, Sasuke, and Neji.

"oh come on Sakura you have to play its your house and your our leader." tenten and ino exclaimed

"ya teme and neji you guys have to play too." yelled naruot

"please please please." Ino and naruto kept saying.

"alright if we play will you guys stop talking." yelled sakura. they both nodded

"well I guess we have no choice then unless you to want to keep hearing them." said sakura in an annoyed tone

"fine were in." said sasuke and neji

"yay lets begin then. Whos first."
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