Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 8

by arquero333 3 reviews

Chapter 8

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Published: 2008-07-20 - Updated: 2008-07-20 - 1166 words

Good news. I managed to get the next chapter done! yay. Here it is. I'm not 100% happy with it, but it'll do :P Theres just one little part that it took me forever to get it right, and its still not the best. I got fed up with it though. lol

I woke up in my own bed, tucked in neatly. What? I thought I was downstairs with- I smiled. Andy was so nice. He was always making sure that I was happy and I didn't need anything. I got up and stretched before walking towards Andy's room. I listened through the door but didn't hear anything. I slowly opened it to see him still in bed. I smiled and closed the door, tip-toeing away to make sure he didn't hear me. I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast... but of course, there was nothing in there. There was some curdled milk, a box of hamburger helper and some really old tofurella. I sighed and looked around, to see if there was any chance of having something, when I saw the batch of cookies Joe and I made the other day. I smiled and put a few cookies on a plate and went upstairs with them. I stopped at Andy's door, listening again. Nothing. I pushed the door open and He was still in bed. I tip toed over to his bed and put the cookies on his bed-side table. I kneeled on the bed and looked at Andy. His glasses were off since he was sleeping, and his hair was all over the place. He looks kinda cu-

"AHHH!" I screamed as Andy reached up and grabbed me down to lay beside him. He started laughing. "I thought you were asleep."
"Mmm... I was." He pulled me into his chest, like a teddy bear. I smiled a little.
"Well, come on, they won't eat themselves."
"But I'm comfy." I heard him mumble. I smiled and relaxed, leaning into him. No! William...
"Too bad, come on. Rise and shine." I said, jumping up. He sighed and sat up, grabbing his glasses from his bedside table, followed immediately be a cookie.
"So whass up?" He asked, with his mouth full.
"Nothing, just... bored."
"Any what are we going to do about that?" He smirked.
"Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!" I started bouncing where I was standing. "Isn't the midway in town?" He just nodded.
"Well then lets go!" I screamed, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of bed, I almost had him out of his room when he said
"Um, don't you think I should get dressed first?" I stopped and turned, and thats when I noticed he wasn't wearing anything but boxers. I felt my face get really hot.
"Um, yeah. Sounds good." I smiled and ran out of the room.

Once he got dressed, we left for the midway, which was as great as it usually is. We went on all the rides together, and I made him go on the spinning strawberries five times in a row. I thought he was going to puke the third time, but he didn't... not until the fifth time anyways. At least it was after the ride stopped and he got off. We spent the whole day together and before we knew it, it was dark. I was eating cotton candy as we walked around looking at all the lights.
"You're gunna get sick, yunno." He smiled.
"Nu-uh! I can handle a few cotton candies." I argued, sticking my blue tongue out at him.
"Fine then, just don't come crying to me when your stomach hurts." He smiled. I shook my head at him and kept walking.
"Ohh! A haunted house. Lets go!" I said, running off towards the haunted house that I saw. I got in line and waited. Andy caught up after a second. We went in and is wasn't that scary until we got into a room that looked like a really creepy bedroom. I subconsciously walked closer to Andy while we passed through it. Nothing so far...
We passed the bed and a really creepy hand came out to grab us. I screamed and grabbed Andy's arm. He just laughed. We kept walking and were about to leave the room when the closet sprung open and a clown was inside, cackling. I screamed and threw myself into Andy's chest.
"Come on, it's okay." He tried to get me off of him, but I wouldn't let go. "It's not real." He tried again. He sighed and I felt him start walking. I walked with him, not wanting him to leave me there by myself. When we got out, I was still hiding in his chest.
"Wanna go home?" He asked. I nodded.
"Kay, lets go." He started pushing me towards the exit.

We got home and I calmed down a little. The walk helped. We walked in the house and Pete freaked out, like usual.
"Where the hell were you?" He screamed.
"Relax, she was with me." Andy said.
"Still, she shouldn't be out after dark!" He replied
"Yeah, and what was going to happen while she was with me? Huh?" Andy challenged. Pete opened his mouth to say something but Patrick cut him off.
"Relax. She's with Andy. She's obviously fine." He said, not even looking back at us. I just rolled my eyes and went upstairs. I opened the door to my bedroom and stopped. The light was off and it looked eerily like the bedroom in the haunted house. I stood there for a second before I heard someone come up the stairs. I turned and saw Andy.
"Whats up?" He asked. I pointed in my room. He looked in and looked confused for a second, but then nodded.
"Wanna sleep in my room tonight?" He asked. I nodded. "Lets go." He smiled, pushing me towards his room. He went in and turned on the light. "See, nothing." He lifted up his blankets so I could see under the bed. Nothing. He went over to his closet and opened it. Nothing. I smiled and went and laid down on his bed. I closed my eyes and I heard him moving around, probably getting ready for bed. I felt the bed sink in and Andy lay down. I snuggled up to his side, so that I'd know he was there in case anything did pop out. He put his arm over me.
"Goodnight." I heard him whisper as I fell asleep.

Aww. Uh-Oh! Other random thoughts that can be expressed in mostly noises.... lol I'll try to get the next one up a little faster. I've just recently been hit with another idea for a story, but I promised myself to finish this one first. I'm thinking that after this story is done, it might have a sequel, and I might write that and this one running through my mind at the same time.
The Non-Senser-Maker herself;
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