Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Stuttering

"Oh, very good mother."

by Syn_INC 2 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-07-22 - Updated: 2008-07-23 - 1834 words - Complete

Stuttering 99
As I exited the house I felt a slight weight lifted. It wasn't too much to give me clarity but just enough to see where I was going at the moment. I drove to my moms and hung out there for a few hours.
"Ay, mira a mis niñitos!" My mom stated.
"Nice to see you too mom." I said softly.
"Ya se como te vez. I've been looking at you por 23 años."
I rolled my eyes and sat on the couch as mom fussed over the twins. My mom was feeding them and then I closed my eyes for what seemed 5 minutes. When I woke up it was 3½ hours later and I dropped my phone on the floor.
"I can't believe I was asleep for so long." I said through a yawn.
"Its ok. I had fun with them. We took a walk, went to Starbucks. I had a Grande skinny vanilla latte, sin foam."
"Oh, very good mother."
I picked up Sofia as she gave me this cringed face and farted.
"You're gonna poop aren't you? Too bad because if you want to get changed you're going to have to wait until we get home." I sighed.
My mom started to laugh and picked up Double S to change her.
"You always did that. Right as we were leaving somewhere you'd shit. It was funny."
"Good night mom."
"Esperate, I need to give you back your baby."
"That's right."
I sat back down and Roman started to fuss. I swear to Bob he was too much like Gin it was crazy. They didn't like to be bundled up too long, and if they were, they got annoyed. My mom quickly rushed me back Sofia and walked with me downstairs to the car.
"Don't be a stranger." My mom stated.
"I won't. I love you." I added.
"I love you too."
I grabbed my babies and put their seats into the car bases. As I pulled up to my house I wondered why there weren't any lights on. It was then that I remembered that I shut the power off because of Patrick's douchey ways.
I lugged the kids into the house, grabbed the flashlight and went to the breaker box. When I turned all the power back on I warmed the kids another bottle, gave them both baths, and put them down. All and still no husband.
Joe sat in the corner of the couch laughing. He was laughing so hard that he forgot to breathe, that's not good coming from a smoker. As Patrick paced the floor telling Joe how he's got no light Joe continued to laugh and snicker.
"You my friend are being a complete A-HOLE to yo baby mama. So I suggest you be nicer to her. Before ALL her crazy comes out and she eats you whole." Joe stated.
"Be nicer?! She kills the power as I'm mixing a track for Diddy! Fucking DIDDY Joe. i was supposed to have sent it 2 hours ago."
Patrick opened and shut his mouth for a few seconds and plopped on the couch next to his best friend.
"I'm losing her aren't I?" Patrick asked.
"More faster than not Paco. I'm surprised she hasn't left your ass already. I would have." Joe inhaled.
"Someone needs to make you a dad. Then you won't talk so much shit."
"Eh. I'm good. Really." Joe gave Patrick a smirk and Patrick rolled his eyes.
"I'm gonna go home and see if my wife has returned."
"Where'd she go?"
"To her moms."
"Hmmm, ok. Good night."
"Later bro."
Patrick went home and looked around for me in the usual places. It just turns out that he didn't check for me in THE NURSERY. He picked up his phone to call my mom. It was when I walked into our bedroom and he gave me a funny look.
"Where were you?" Patrick asked.
"With your offspring." I said softly.
"That whole killing the power thing earlier, not cool."
"NO. That whole throwing your responsibility in my arms as soon as I walk into the house thing, not cool."
"Where did you go?"
"Because its only me and them all the time. I just needed an hour and a half by myself. To think straight. To hear my thoughts without having them be disrupted by crying kids."
"Yea, well you get that when they sleep."
"What the hell did you just say to me?"
"I said you get a break when they sleep."
"Look at the hubris on you all omnipotent one. Yes sir let me take my break while they sleep, and maybe you can fucking cook and clean, take out the garbage, walk the dogs. Then I can take a shower fix my hair, MILK myself and brush my teeth all that while they sleep...yea. Sure. I'm going to bed. And you! You sleep anywhere but next to me you prick I don't want you near me." Patrick glared at me before storming off and I just sat on my bed and cried. What a fucking jerk. 'Do it while they sleep' I ought to stab him with something. At that thought I pulled out the containers from the nightstand and popped 3 pills from 3 separate jars in my mouth and laid my head down.
When I woke up the next morning the babies were screaming bloody murder. I didn't know what was going on as I laid on my back and hoped Patrick took care of them. About 3 minutes later the crying stopped and that shocked me. I scrambled out of bed to see Joe and Andy taking care of the twins.
"Really guys..." I trailed off.
"Look what we did!" Joe said excitedly.
Andy held up Roman and Joe held up Sofia and they both had little baby mohawks. I grabbed the camera from off the shelving next to the door and snapped some pictures. I then looked around the room and sighed.
"Where did Patrick go?" I asked.
"We don't know. He wasn't here when we got here." Joe stated.
"How did you get in?"
Andy gave a smile and shrugged.
"You broke into my house?" I asked.
"No silly. They had my key." Gin said as she brought food.
"IHop?" I questioned sadly, "you brought me iHop?"
"Yea, its still hot. Gentlemen bring down the babies and we'll have breakfast." Gin stated.
"Sounds like a plan."
Gin and I sat there around the kitchen table as the guys came downstairs with the twins. I looked at her and smiled.
"I give you 2 weeks before you start showing, big time." I whispered.
"You're wearing glasses."
"Yes I am."
"You haven't worn-"
The guys each sat on one side and had a kid with them. Gin and I were eating and Joe just stared at her. He looked back at me and then crept across the table as Sofia stuck her hand in random plates and put food in her mouth. she more sucked on the food in her fist but that was besides the point.
"Your eyes are brown?" Joe demanded.
"Yes." Gin said rolling her eyes,
"what color did you think they were?"
"Green." Andy and Joe said at the same time.
"Goes to show what you know." Gin and I added.
Joe looked confused and didn't understand how in almost a year he just knew Gin's eyes were brown and not green. Its pretty funny to me though, that boy only sees what's on the surface anyway.
"I feel as if I've been lied too."
"Wow Joe. Wow."
After about 20 minutes and Joe putting Roman to sleep he walked over to Gin.
"The brown is better on you. Less evil." Joe stated then walked away.
I shook my head and laughed.
"Joe you know you love me." Gin stated.
"And you know what the thing is. I do. I'm just not IN love with you." Joe concluded, "I'm leaving. My brain hurts."
"Don't smoke too much." Andy whispered.
"I can't make that promise."
Joe left and the house phone rang. I looked around for it and Gin grabbed it. When she answered it, it was Patrick. This I found odd and looked at her.
"Yes Paco what's goings on?" Gin asked.
"Can you tell Calista that my phone dropped and so that's why I didn't call her earlier."
"Dropped where?"
"In a puddle."
"Where are you?"
"So you couldn't tap your wife on the side before you left to tell her you were going to California?"
"Well I mean-"
"No Patrick! You're losing her. Just so you know. And you know what, you're going to lose your kids sooner then you think."
"Don't talk to me like that."
"I can talk to you any god damn way I want to."
"No you-"
"Yes. I. Can. So what are you doing there?"
"Some FOB stuff?"
"Whatever. Andy and Joe are here."
"So Pete's here."
"I have nothing to say to you. Its the Husband."
Gin passed me the phone and I just hung it up.
"If he couldn't tell me he was leaving this morning then I don't want to talk to him this afternoon." I said softly. Gin rubbed my shoulder and I shrunk away from her.
"I'm fine Ginny. Really." Gin didn't believe me but she walked away anyway.
Andy was lying down on the couch with Sofia on his chest. Her hand was in his hair and she pulled a fist full into her mouth and sucked on it. i don't know why she liked to do this but Andy just laughed and let her. I sat next to them pulling his hair out of her mouth and Sofia gave me the meanest look before trying again. Gin walked passed and went to her room, this was it, I just don't know anymore.
The guys flew out a few days later and Joe was back sooner then expected. I watched him walk into the house and into the nursery.
"Gin isn't here." I said peaking into the door.
"Where is she?"
"At her place."
"Can I kiss the babies before I leave?"
"I wasn't kicking you out."
I followed Joe upstairs and leaned on the wall.
"Is Patrick coming home today also?" I asked.
"I don't know." Joe stated, "I don't know what's wrong with him."
"You said it. Well you know just as long as he knows that the Christening of the twins is next week."
"Yea he's got it bookmarked or something...I'm gone."
Joe left and headed straight for Gin's. He took my keys and that was it.
Gin was on the couch when Joe pushed the door open. This other guy he had looked up to forever was sitting on the couch with her. Gin of course looked like a deer in headlights as something slammed shut.
"I'm gone now. Enjoy." He said getting up.
"Thanks Saul." Gin sighed smiling.
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