Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Ambrosia

Don't Believe a Word You've Heard About Me.

by Kill-Your-Own-Chorus 0 reviews

Words and Worlds that were lost in our greed. The Masochists stimulate themselves by bringing down others. Weakness is their dessert, Fear is their alcohol...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2008-07-31 - Updated: 2008-07-31 - 654 words


"I don't know why you date that boy Margo, you should go out with someone like Matt"

Oh god, here it goes. Jude was going to bitch and moan about Sonny, and then put Matt up on a pedostal like he was a divine being. Margo prepared her weapons and wound up the time bombs. War was about to begin. She shot off the first bullet, rolling her eyes. Jude looked at her.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" Jude spoke with offense in her voice. Jude pulled out into the road and began down the street.

"Well then quit lecturing me about Matt the Boy Wonder and how he should be my boyfriend!" Midge complained.

"He should be! It's not lecturing, it's stating a fact. Matt Good should be your boyfriend" Jude stated.

"Just because his last name means that he's a great person, doesn't mean that he is one!" Midge retorted.

"Well my eyes percive that he's a great person, and that he lives up to his last name!" Jude spoke proudly.

"Well you're old and your eyes are shit! 'cause Matt Good is a fucking demon!" Midge exclaimed.

"Don't talk that way Margo Lynn!"

"Oh sorry Jude! I mean, my eyes percieve he's a fucking demon!" She mocked.

"Well you're young, your eyes aren't fully seeing the picture, they're shit!" Jude jeered at her. Margo really wanted to hit her right now. She wanted to punch her in the arm and smack her in the face. They bickered on like this for minutes. Margo still had some anger in her to dish out one final diss, a diss that would blow her out of the water and smash her to pieces. Jude looked up breifly and saw the red light flash as she crossed the line. Margo snapped her head to the side and saw the car coming at her. The bright lights and the shattered glass flashing in her mind. Her heart began to race and her mind began to scream. She snapped her head back at Judith, only she wasn't there. Noelani, her mom was there in her place. Her dark hair flew around and in her face, her mouth open in horror. Everything was moving extremely slow again. She could see her mom was screaming, but not a single sound was made. Margo rolled her eyes back and passed out. Her body began to shake rapidly, something wet was running down her nose.

Fear: SHIT FUCK SHIT! Stop! stop it! NOT AGAIN!! STOP!

She looked over at Judith. She was alright, she wasn't dead or anything. She guessed they made it out. Judith was speaking to her

"yenoh, yako uoy era ogram" Margo read on Jude's lips. What the hell? She didn't catch what she had just said. Margo opened her mouth, but no words came out. She couldn't speak. She didn't remember how to say a word.

"yenoh! yenoh!! yako uoy era ogram!! YENOH!!" Jude screamed. Margo shook more violently this time, she could taste the blood from her nose going into her mouth. Jude rapidly got out a pencil. What the hell was she doing. She shoved the wooden side into Margo's mouth, she bit down on it hard. She watched as Judith picked up her phone and screamed something. Margo drew a white blank. Flash. Sirens went off. She looked up, trees were flowing by. Blank. She felt something prick her arm. Blank. People in white were rushing her down a hallway. Blank. Jude was right beside her in a white room. Blank. A Man in White came in with a board. Finally, her world went dark.

Secret: Okay. If you must know what the unreadable language is stating, then just read the words, and the sentances backwards. Like this.
"lla si taht" Reverse it and you should get: "that is all". TADAAA!
Peace Beezys. =]
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