Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Babysitter

Chapter 2......

by dtng101 2 reviews

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-07-31 - Updated: 2008-07-31 - 793 words


Karina walked thru the lonely empty windy streets.She was surprised that The Way's household was the only one standing in a deserted street.This frighten Karina even more that she saw that,that there wasn't any neighbors around nor houses.This was the only house standing in Carson street.
"ahhhh!"she screamed as she felt something furry going around in her feet.She looked down and saw a black cat with green eyes.She was relieved it was only a cat that frighten her.
"oh.,you furry little creature scared me to death"Karina said as she petted the cat softly,letting her black nails run gently thru the cat's furr.
"well I gotta go,I hope I see you later,omfg what I'am doing talking to a cat I think I'am losing it"I said as walked thru the street.Carson street had amazigly huge trees,and had a lot of dirt,it reminded her of Sakoa.When she went camping there with her mom and a few of her cousins.
She wrapped her black coat tigthly as she walked thru the windy dark street of Carson.She saw the Way household and hesistated.
She hid behind a tree.
"now,now Karina remember that you and your mom need extra money to pay for bills,and stuff you need,so go in and make yourself the best darn babysitter you know"Karina told herself as she started to walk again towards the white two story house.She looked down to her watch and saw she had two minutes left till eight o'clock.She wrapped the coat even more tightly as she came to the door step.She was about to ring the door bell when Mr.Way beat her to it.
"I'am glad you made it in time"He said as he opened the door
"Yeah,I told you I wasn't going to dissapoint you"kaina said as she entered
He closed the door queitly,as Mrs.Way came downstairs with her long white strappless dress.
"Oh hello Mrs.Way,you look beautiful,actually both of you look queit beautiful"said Karina with a shy simile.
"Well thank you Karina,but please call us Gerard and Nacy"said Mrs.Way
"Well do miss"said Karina in a sweet tone
"Okay Bob is upstairs changing into his p-j's"said Nacy
"okay,do I need to know something else"Karina said
"Oh dear I almost forgot,may I take your coat and put it in a safe place"said Gerard
"Sure,I guess"karina said as she handed him her black coat
He took it upstairs
"sorry,about that it's just that Gerard is really nervous leaving Robert alone for the first time"said Nacy
"no,it's okay"said Karina
"So,here are the emergancy phone numbers"said Nacy handing her a huge list of phone numbers
"We berly moved here about two weeks or so,and haven't had a time to renevate"said Nacy as she saw the rundown house.That was very old in deed,and it looked like a creepy house from a horro film.
"Oh,and before I forget Bob goes to sleep at nine and he throws fits when his bedtime comes,so just ignore that and be stern with him to go to bed"said Nacy
"okay,well do Nacy"Karina said
"Yeah,last time my mom babay sat him,and he tricked her and told her,his bedtime was at eleven.So it's a fair warning"said Nacy laughing at the breif feeling.
Gerard came downstairs with is black tuex and a black tie.
"I put your coat away in our closet"said Gerard to Karina
"oh,thanks"Karina said as she noticed Gerard sweating
"Oh,sorry it's just I get really nervous when I leave bob alone with soemone,don't worry it's a habbit"said Gerard grabbing a tissue to clean up the sweat.
"don't worry Bob is in great hands with me"said Karina with a simile
"So we'll be back home around twelve-thrity am"said Nacy
"okay,sounds perfect"said Karina with a simile
"okay see you till then,and oh help yourself with any food in the kitchen,and you could take a tour of the house"said Gerard as him and Nacy walked out the door.
Karina looked walked to the dusty window and saw that Gerard and Nacy were alraedy off to where ever they were off in their small car.
"wo time to get busy"said Karina as she locked the door and secured all the house doors to see if they were locked.
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