Categories > Original > Poetry

The Clown.

by Bricougalle_Bug 1 review


Category: Poetry - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Published: 2008-07-31 - Updated: 2008-08-07 - 90 words - Complete

You pretend to be so...
But you're not.
You joke and mess around.
So you can feel okay.
You put on your mask.
And you play your part well.
Only I see past your cover.
I see the anger.
The rage.
Self hatred.
Consumes you.
You opened up to me once.
But never again.
Never again.
Will I know what you really feel.
This is killing me.
Poisening you.
You will regret this.
One day.
I wish I could of helped you.
But now.
You're just...
Too far gone.
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