Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Light of Love


by demon_kitty2008 0 reviews

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Sesshoumaru - Published: 2008-08-05 - Updated: 2008-08-05 - 750 words


Hikari found herself dreaming of her parents. She was a small child, chasing after a ball that her parents gave her as a present. She wandered farther and farther away from her home and could hear her parents cries growing more distant. She moved deeper and deeper into the fog, soon becoming frightened. She ran, hoping to find her way out of the thick mist. Suddenly she tripped over a hidden ditch. She looked up and saw an amazing white light which pierced through the fog and lit up the entire forrest. Soon the light disappeared, and Hikari found herself all alone in the darkness once again. She started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Milady! Milady! Please wake up! Its just a dream!" Hikari woke up in a cold sweat, finding herself in a spacious room. An old youkai woman sat beside her, holding her hand. "Ah, so you've finally awakened milady? Sesshomaru will be overjoyed! I must go get him!" The old woman scampered away before Hikari could even ask where she was. "Oh my stars, what have I gotten myself into this time?" She tried sitting up but was stopped by a sharp pain in her stomach. She then remembered the battle and her lying under the tree. I should have died under that tree, what happened? Why am I still alive? The old woman returned, followed by a young youkai man. He had long flowing hair and eyes the color of amber. There was a cresent moon on his forehead, and two red stripes on each cheak. The way he carried himself showed that he was a very important man. He seemed almost relieved to see her sitting up. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed an eternity, until the silence was broken by the old woman. "Sesshomaru-sama, may I make you some tea?" He simply shook his head, not taking his eyes off Hikari. "Thank you Satomi-hime, but we will be okay. You are dismissed." With that, the small woman bowed, and exited the room.

Thoughts flooded Hikari's head. They were alone together, this could be a problem. What if he simply wanted to take advantage of her. In her weakened state, there was absolutely no way she could fight him off. "How are you feeling miss?" He knelt beside her, checking the bandages. "I think I'm okay. Please tell me, where am I? How did I get here?" He looked up, their eyes meeting again. "You were badly wounded. You've been here for days. Don't you remember asking me for help?"

She tried to think back to that moment. Everything was blurry, and there was someone there. She asked them for help, but she had simply dismissed it as a hallucination from the blood loss. "I, think I remember... but everything is blurry. But I guess thanks are in order, Sesshomaru was it?" "Yes, now may I ask your name?" She thought for a moment. Would it be wise to let him know my name? What could it hurt? "My name is Hikari. I live in the forrest. Now I must be going. I've burdened you and your family too much as it is." She stood up to leave, but found that she still couldn't stand.

An image came into view at the doorway. "Nonsense! You are absolutely no burden on my household. You are welcome here for as long as you desire." Another demon who looked like an older version of Sesshomaru with a long ponytail came into the room. "My name is Inutaisho, and I am the Lord of this Castle, and the Western Lands. I'm very impressed with the fact that you took on twelve strong demons and walked away with your life." He walked over and joined his son besides Hikari. "Now, get some rest. By tommorow you should be completely healed. And then we will all sit down and get to know you." "Thank you. Your kindness is overwhelming to me. I have no idea how to repay you." "We will be going now, come Sesshomaru. Let our guest get some sleep." Hikari weakly bowed to them, and they returned it.

Sesshomaru sat in his rooms, unable to find sleep. His mind raced with thoughts of Hikari. He found her to be quite intriguing. Tommorow, if she could walk, he decided he would show her the gardens. Maybe she would feel more at peace in a tranquil place. He found himself growing excited about tommorow's events.
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