Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions for my new story guys i need you!.

Auditions for my new story guys i need you!.

by Harrow 19 reviews

i need auditions for my brand new story will you get the role?.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2008-08-06 - Updated: 2008-08-06 - 393 words - Complete

Harrow here read below for the qualifications and the roles and if you want to be in here follow the simple instructions and read the story line:

The story line is simple there is a girl named Lacey, her friend Aubrey, and the other girl Kaitlynn. Lacey is the main character she is 17 years old and is in highschool she is trying to get extra credits to graduate on time so over the course of school she gains a babysitting job for a wealthy family of newark new jersey ( which is gerard's and mikey's family ).

Lacey falls inlove with gerard and has to keep it a secret from her friends and family because gerard is a shocking 13 years old! in this story mikey is 10.

I have the whole story planned out and it is bound to be romantic and steered to make one cry but happy at the same time but i need characters and that's where you all come in guys.

I need 3 ficwad female members to audition for lacey, aubrey, and kaitlynn and 2 more for lacey's highschool rival and her friend so in total i only need 5 girl's and i don't care who they are. The best way to audition for and get these roles are to do the following:

Tell me a little bit about yourself what you like to do for activities and stuff
Tell me the color of your hair and eyes i need a blonde headed girl with blue eyes to play lacey
a brown headed girl to play aubrey
and a black haired girl to play kaitlynn.

And finally tell me why you love gerard so much and what it is that he as a person means to you.

Whoever can be the most convincing and sounds the best will get the lead role of lacey and the rest will get aubrey and the others i only need 5 though so everyone sound as convincing as you can and one more thing if you get the role promise me that you will review this story when it is made.

So review everyone and tell me who you are and i will post who got what in the follow up to this post okay begin and enjoy the story when it comes out it is so good i can't wait to start but i need you all first.
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